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  1. G

    best medium to use for the Al b. fuct technique?

    Just use grorox. Cleaning them isn't bad in SOG. They don't get that tall (no veg) therefore not nearly as much roots to clean out. You'll lose some of them every harvest because they'll be attached in the rootball so bad that you won't want to take the time to cut them out. Your only...
  2. G

    Daily acceptable PPM rise in DWC Buckets???

    That's what I'm trying to figure out. Was at 820, it rose to 920, poured RO into a bucket until PPM was in the low 700 range. Same thing happened, went up 50-70 ppm in the next 24 hours. Took it to low 600's, same thing. Each time ph rises but not by heaps. If I set ph at 5.8, it's maybe 6...
  3. G

    Daily acceptable PPM rise in DWC Buckets???

    Unfortunately I really want an answer as I see my PPM's jump in veg (dwc buckets) about 50-70ppm per day and I'd like to see it stay steady. I couldn't find any answers online so I'm hoping someone here can lend some knowledge.
  4. G

    RO system necessary for hydroponics?

    As a recent RO convert, get a Hydrologic 100 or 200. It makes a world of difference. With tap water you are going to have your PH rising constantly and you'll have to use more ph down to keep it at 5.8, and using more ph down will lock out nutrients. With RO you'll use drops of ph down...
  5. G

    Daily acceptable PPM rise in DWC Buckets???

    What is an acceptable ppm increase per day with DWC Buckets using GH nutes? I'm on the .5 conversion factor and let's say I start with a PPM of 850. The next day that goes up to 920. At that point I'll add back pure RO (Ph'd) and bring it back down, the next day it climbs again and so on...
  6. G

    how to tell if rockwool has enough water ..

    bump. I'd like to see this question answered by the experts.
  7. G

    Yellowing leaves early in flower, lots of pics

    Your advice isn't the advice I'm looking for. Flushing? Flushing is great but it's a stop gap to the root of the problem. Maybe flushing it's neat in soil but in hydro it's not going to accomplish much. My leaves are yellow so that indcates a N or Magnesium problem and/or a under/over...
  8. G

    Yellowing leaves early in flower, lots of pics

    No replies? Bump for some help.
  9. G

    Yellowing leaves early in flower, lots of pics

    Tray 1 shots, last pics. I hope someone can help me properly diagnose whatever is going on. I don't want to fubar my harvest :(
  10. G

    Yellowing leaves early in flower, lots of pics

    Same plant off tray 2. In these pics you can see the veins are green while the leaf is yellow, and some discoloration on a few of the leaves.
  11. G

    Yellowing leaves early in flower, lots of pics

    These pics are of tray 2 and a sample plant. Notice the fan kind of curling up into itself. It isn't hooking down or up, but curling towards itself.
  12. G

    Yellowing leaves early in flower, lots of pics

    More pics from the same plant in tray 1.
  13. G

    Yellowing leaves early in flower, lots of pics

    Individual pics of each pheno of this strain. All 4 of these are from a sample plant from tray 1.
  14. G

    Yellowing leaves early in flower, lots of pics

    More pics, and there will be more.....
  15. G

    Yellowing leaves early in flower, lots of pics

    I am experiencing a problem on both of my trays. Tray 1, I'm getting yellow leaves starting on the bottom and working its way up to the cola. The leaves at the very bottom have pretty much died. One node up, they are yellow and the ends are curling up. The next node up they are just yellow...
  16. G

    Al B. FAQt A proxy hides your IP information. So, let's take me for example. I have a job, where and what isn't important.....while at work, if I want to read this forum, I use one of the free proxies in the link I listed above. That way my employer, if they were to...
  17. G

    Al B. FAQt

    Al, hope you are doing well. Will 5.5" pots be big enough for SOG? American Hydroponics makes some 3' X 3' trays with these lids. 24 spaces for 5.5" pots, which goes along with your setup. This lid would keep the roots from being exposed to...
  18. G

    Al B. FAQt

    Yeah NLXSK1 is dead on about our homes in the US. I have 2 return vents that are very large. One of them is located just outside the door to my grow op. Ok Al B, almost got this sorted. I'll be running 2 tents, one for moms, and one for flowering. Should I: A. Run ducting from both...
  19. G

    Al B. FAQt

    The return air vent is located just outside the room and it's quite large. There are 2 big return vents in the dwelling around the centers. For stealth, cracking the window open isn't a good idea. So I need intake and exhaust fans for the tents *veg and flower*?? With central air/heat, do...