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  1. L

    Startin to get tired of weed

    Idea.. Get back into bud by learning to cross pollinate... make your own strain that gets you like you want. Stay away from the pills man.. i know way too many Xanny heads and they are all dumb as a brick. One dude i know took 12 Xanax, 2 percs, drank a 6 pack, smoked some meth, bud and...
  2. L

    So yeah.. Uhh.. *thumbs up*

    Well.. Im pretty damn new here.. lurked around for a bit and absorbed some info on this stuff before i created an account and actually started posting. So, hello to everyone here at RIU! Great bunch of people, that are very knowledgeable and have a good sense of humor from what ive seen...
  3. L

    I'm voting for McCain....

    Fuck the military, fuck the "need" to go to war. How bout legalization and everyone sit back and smoke a fuckin bowl? Neither candidate gets my vote. And who cares if its "only 1 vote"?? its 1 vote that neither will get. IMO fuck them both. As for who will actually win? I think Obama mainly...
  4. L

    HIGHGRADE SEEDS... avoid

    I /agree this. Hotboy, its people like you that make the world the shit hole it currently is. plz die.
  5. L

    Starting First Grow Soon.

    bump. alone is too short a word to make a post.
  6. L

    Starting First Grow Soon.

    How many weeks do i veg for? and how many do i flower for? MY grow box is a relativly small one because it is after all my first grow, and i just want to get the basics.. not really looking for a huge harvest atm. I want to focus on getting the basics of growing a plant. Ive been reading about...
  7. L

    Starting First Grow Soon.

    Ok, ive been lurking around the forums absorbing info on starting a grow. I've got the growbox almost completed and i picked up the FoxFarm Big Bloom and Grow Big today, along with some Ocean Forest soil. I'm mostly concerned with how much nutes to add to a gallon of water because the bottle...