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  1. F

    Virgin grower

    will do thanks i appreciate yoru help both of u.
  2. F

    Virgin grower

    well darn man i dunno what to do now...
  3. F

    Virgin grower

    and this will insure a i grow some dank stuff?
  4. F

    Virgin grower

    what brand of soil and fert, where can i get lights? or do i have to get them off line and what pots or boxes do i need
  5. F

    Virgin grower

    all right, so im waiting for my seed to come from i ordered last night they have been shipped so im just waiting, in the mean time what materials do i need for a simple grow.
  6. F

    Virgin grower

    cant i just grow with a light and pot no hydro stuff?
  7. F

    Virgin grower

    ur plant sounds good i just want a few like u said and dont have a lot of space im doing this in the adict i think so.. are we talking about do this hydro ponic?
  8. F

    Virgin grower

    that is a great budget perfect lets go with that. think small with my space, if i dont have to get anymore stuff online that would be cool.
  9. F

    Virgin grower

    im thinking maybe up to maybe 500$? and to answer your other question no they are not.
  10. F

    Virgin grower

    i am not really sure what my budget is just not a grand or something crazy just a few plant not a farm lol, its for my father he is terminally ill.
  11. F

    Virgin grower

    So i have Skunk #1 and Mazar x Afghan seeds i want to grow indoor and this is my first time i dont really know what to do other than not use miracle grow and i need to germinate them. andy help like a supply list or something would be awesome thanks.
  12. F

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi! im freehand and im growing.