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  1. H

    Sweet Seeds - Black Cream - 150 HPS - soil

    THATS IT?!?!?!....DUDE YOU GOTTA FINISH....WHAT WAS IT LIKE?!...HOW DID IT TURN OUT?!?!...SERIOUSLY...this was a good grow...why didnt you finish?..
  2. H

    anyone grow out any Sweet Seeds

    Sweet seeds have the best autos out there. simple as that.
  3. H

    Sweet Seed-Sweet Skunk Auto Cfl Grow.

    Sorry havent been on in a while been pretty stoned lmao.....well i got about 3.5oz off her and made about a 1lb of some pretty potent budder from the trim.
  4. H

    Sweet Seed-Sweet Skunk Auto Cfl Grow.

    thanks man...her pre-cure smoke isnt bad at all..very smooth and tasty...i actually left some out for me to smoke while the rest is curing. maybe tomorrow night i harvest the rest not sure tho.
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    Sweet Seed-Sweet Skunk Auto Cfl Grow.

    I choped off her main cola and 2 side branches lastnight..
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    Sweet Seed-Sweet Skunk Auto Cfl Grow.

    thanks man....and the smell will comeback..your just getting used to it girl is stinking up my whole upstairs lol.
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    Auto day count?

    autos will upt to 12 weeks if you plant in a huge pot and have th right lighting...but for the most part most you can grow them to what they are advertised as if you grow them the way the breeders grew them....plant on 6-8 weeks for most autos
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    Sweet Seed-Sweet Skunk Auto Cfl Grow.

    ill post some new pics tomorrow after i water her...but shes starting to fill out say maybe another week and and she should be ready.
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    Sweet Seed-Sweet Skunk Auto Cfl Grow.

    here shes is again at day 70. (shes currently day 75 but i have no new picks but she doesn't look too different.) what do you guys think?...she pretty damn big...taller than me (im 5' 8)
  10. H

    Sweet seeds sweet skunk

    thats cool...i grow for personal use too but a smoke like a damn semi tuck....if your growing one at a time and you want your grow to be the main supply then by all means grow them as fast as you can....right now im trynna figure out how to grow short stocky bud in 60 days or less....the main...
  11. H

    Sweet seeds sweet skunk

    o ok yea you should manily run autos at 20/4 or 24/7...with autos its pretty much more light= more bud. 18/6 or 12/12 will have her flower quicker that usual and she wont yeild as mcuh
  12. H

    Sweet seeds sweet skunk

    what light schedule u got her under? wasnt flowering at 35 started around 48-50 days.
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    Sweet seeds sweet skunk

    its from the way i grew it...this is my first auto...i only grew 1 and i made a mistake and grew around sweets advertised stats....i dont have enough light around here cause i had no idea she would get this did...shes grown alot different than any other sweet skunk ive seen on the net...i hoping...
  14. H

    Sweet seeds sweet skunk

    69 days old..about 50 inches from soil to top.
  15. H

    Sweet seeds sweet skunk

    NL will be in my next order most should enjoy that strain. Ok here she is as of this morning.... i think im looking to harvest her no latter than feb hopping alot earlier!
  16. H

    Sweet seeds sweet skunk

    I need to take some pics but shes alot bigger now and has tons of buds filling in on her now.
  17. H

    Cali Boy : Herbies seeds Royal queen Northern lights

    yea yo im hopping she fills next grow im gonna do in a smaller pot with more concentrated light and see if she still gets bushy......the BIO on the other hand...i started one the same time as this sweet skunk and for some reason the bio croaked after 1 month. i dont really know why..but...
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    Sweet seeds sweet skunk

    yea that should work out. Of all the research Ive done on this plant Ive found everyone has grown in smaller buckets with this strain. Most people say they should have grow in something the same time i feel the 5gal pot might actually be too big for this plant (but thats just me...
  19. H

    Cali Boy : Herbies seeds Royal queen Northern lights

    yea man shes 52 inches right now at 63 days.