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  1. nj10ii

    Cops illegally entered my home

    I also smile inside on the same reports, but planning on killing someone over this is a diff matter. plus the legal bullshit one would have to endure far outweighs the value of the crop. This is/was a peaceful forum for discussing growing not killing intentions.
  2. nj10ii

    Cops illegally entered my home

    Killing cops over weed? A plant remember? Is this what the forum has degraded to?
  3. nj10ii

    After harvest raid ( get it away from grow spot immediately after harv)

    I agree not all r dicks. Some r cunts! Ever deal with a cunt cop? Its worse having a cunt being all indignant and high and mighty on you they really give off the righteousness stink while selectively enforcing which rules they agree with
  4. nj10ii

    my super stealthy underground grow room

    So you got busted for growing how with that sweet setup?
  5. nj10ii

    Home Self-Defense

    Big talk of killing someone. Over a plant. Get your grow camouflaged and don't talk about it and you won't have to kill anyone.
  6. nj10ii

    What Would Happen If Aliens Were Proven To Exist?

    What would constitute proof? I'd say any proof would be attacked and not believed no matter how well it presented facts. I'd say such proof would be enough for some cultures to attack other cultures on the mere fact of belief of such proof. I'd also postulate that some cultures would use such...
  7. nj10ii

    For America

    How is that American pride? Why do u cover ur faces? Are u ashamed of what u have done there?
  8. nj10ii

    Depression Thread

    This is me, did I write this? No, but I could have Cause this is exactly me to a t
  9. nj10ii

    The Ex-Girlfriend.

    You should fuck her in the butt one last time. Then tell her your only interested in being fuck buddies Or gtfo. It's worth a try I'd think.
  10. nj10ii

    Just Scared The Ever loving Shit Out Of My Girlfriend.

    How about a pic of her in the towel that u scared her in?
  11. nj10ii

    In Search Of The World’s Strongest Weed

    Was it wrong of me to fap to that?
  12. nj10ii

    Can't believe I didnt get busted tonight- A friendly reminder for all pot smokers...

    I'm gonna start hiding my stash in my dogs butt. That is one hella of a idea. Think bout it, k9 sniffing my dogs butt Wuldnt b suspicious at all, dogs b sniffing Each others butts all the time. Genius. Now just gotta sell the idea to my dog...
  13. nj10ii

    best stoner t.v. show?

    My name is Earl Always Sunny in Philadelphia Simpsons Ancient Aliens Any thing on Discovery Channel
  14. nj10ii

    Just eaten my first omlette!

    I do not have a vagina, thank you.
  15. nj10ii

    Best way to store buds....

    You could store them at my house
  16. nj10ii

    Fuck conservatives

    I already said it once, I agree. Now go fuck yourself.
  17. nj10ii

    Anyone know where to get good black hash?

    I too had connection to a black hash source way back in college, and I did flunk out second semester because of it. Lucky I stuck around and finished though.. But as many happy memories of that time, I think I now prefer a nice blonde hash over the black hash. From what I understand is the...
  18. nj10ii

    My girlfriend just took my WEBCAM away from me a stoners moment to RIU

    Dude, that is the shit!! Funniest thing I'll see all day I'm sure. Thanks man. Nice tats, and Texas rules! No doubt.
  19. nj10ii

    Fuck conservatives

    I agree, I think you should go fuck yourself.
  20. nj10ii

    How much shit do you have to put up with?

    Or u could wish them a nice day and move on with yours. In your heart wish them better circumstances and pray for a better world.