Home Self-Defense


Well-Known Member
Main qusetion is...are you growing legally or illegally. Cus if your doin it legally...put a fat perimeter around the plant with barb wire and all kinds of crazy shit to make it look like ur not fuckin around
Hahaha. This made me crack up, that would be funny.


Well-Known Member
Big talk of killing someone. Over a plant. Get your grow camouflaged and don't talk about it and you won't have to kill anyone.

yo yo oreo

Well-Known Member
In my home area if someone is trespassing on your property and you have a "trespassers will be shot" sign posted you have every right to shoot. I do also live in a small rural town though lol. Granted, I'm all about the dogs. I would love to get a dog once I get my own home. Once I do that I'll start growing there.
My current is outside in a forest, I got a non lethal trap set up in a few places, its just a tripwire that when pulled several medium sized sticks (about 2' long sticks) fall about 5 feet away. It's just to make a little noise to scare animals or people away. We have lots of mountain lions, wolves and badgers up here. So when I hear sticks moving in the middle of the woods it sure scares me haha.


Well-Known Member
nothing is worth killing over. Shooting people is wrong no matter how you look at it. I hate gun packing pussies anyhow.
All these ignorant mother fuckers in here goin shoot to kill are worthless piece's of shit in my mind. I repeat nothing is worth taking a man's life, who is someone's son, someones father, someone's brother.
Thinking your all big and bad talking that shit.Fucking inner city pussies.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
In the guns vs dogs argument it seems like with dogs you get a good way to scare off potential thieves and with guns you get potential legal issues.

Personally, I don't really want to shoot anyone. I'll reserve shooting people for "them or me" situations. If you shoot someone for jacking plants, they will lock your ass up and throw away the key. I'd rather lose plants than freedom.

If you want to get a gun to protect your safety fine, if you want to use a gun to protect plants when a dog does the same thing way better, you're not thinking things threw very well.


Active Member
Get an "akbash"

The Akbash personality tends to be calm and aware. As a breed, it is not shy, nor is it aggressive. When used as a protection dog, it is suspicious of strangers in its territory, and unusual sounds and changes in its environment. The breed is not naturally hostile, and is, instead, naturally discerning, bred to think independently. The Akbash can be powerful against predators, yet, when properly exposed, be gentle with newborn lambs and goat kids. The usual first means of protection by an Akbash is prudently warning potential threats by barking or growling. The Akbash will chase away a predator, or physically protect against it, only if it deems that wise and necessary.
The Akbash is frequently mistakenly referred to as a herding dog, but are actually working dogs bred to live with and protect livestock, usually goats and/or sheep, and should not chase their charges, (although in some rare cases they may move their charges away from danger). Akbash is one of the more popular of about 30 breeds worldwide under the heading of Flock Guardians, Livestock Protection Dogs, or Livestock Guardian Dogs (more commonly: LGDs).
As with livestock protection dogs, in general, the Akbash tends to be territorial and regularly barks to ward off perceived threats. At night when vision is hampered, the barking may increase. The Akbash will bark at certain sounds and smells as well as suspicious, threatening or disturbing sights.
In their roles as livestock guardian dogs, Akbash dogs frequently spend long hours lying with flocks or herds. The Akbash is a relatively low energy breed, although they are said to always be thinking and taking in what is happening around them (and that they "sleep with one eye open"). They regularly patrol the perimeters of their territories, and listen and smell beyond any fence lines. They reserve much of their physical energy for emergencies when they may encounter a predator.
When protecting their charges, they appear to have tremendous power, focus, endurance and perseverance. Their great speed, loose neck skin, flexible bodies and bounding athleticism give them the physical edge they need to continue surviving as livestock protection dogs. Most predators will not openly confront a working Akbash, but a few may try it. To avoid having an injured livestock protection dog, and to better protect flocks and herds, it is common to use more than one dog in working situations. Predators are less likely to take on more than one livestock protection dog so neither working dog is likely to get injured.
The Akbash Dog is a primitive guard dog breed, requiring owners who understand canine behavior. The dogs are a combination of: submissive posturing to livestock, and dominance aggression - to stand up against bears and wolves. They require owners dedicated to constant socialization if it is kept as a companion. They are naturally dog aggressive. In town with sights and sounds everywhere, barrier frustration-aggression is common. This is a serious working breed and is best placed where it can have a job to do. They are opportunists for taking over control so they are best placed with children over eight years of age, when the child can participate in submission exercises, with an adult, on the dog. Barking and patrolling is their primary means of defense and so they will bark if out at night. Trouble usually occurs when friends come over and aren't supervised by someone the dog knows. As a guardian/guard dog breed, the trained and socialized dog will defer to the owner when the owner is present and will be friendly and happy to visit visitors, however they consider unsupervised people as suspicious. This is an intelligent, courageous, and loyal dog. Completely dedicated and devoted to their owner and any livestock in its charge. Independent with strong protective instincts. The Akbash is a natural guardian that even at a very young age will bond strongly with the livestock it is protecting. It has such strong maternal instincts, that sheep will often allow this dog to sniff and clean their newborn lambs and will flock behind their guardian when threatened. Because of their strong maternal instincts, they are usually good with infants. The dog's independent nature allows it to respond swiftly and without guidance in an emergency. There is no difference in guarding ability between the male and female. Some of the animals the Akbash Dog has guarded include sheep, goats, cattle, horses, poultry and exotic birds, deer, alpacas and llamas. Once bonded, these dogs will not hesitate to risk their own lives to protect their charges. The Akbash Dog has even been used by American ranchers to ward off bears and coyotes. Because of its strong independent nature, it thinks twice upon receiving commands. Not recommended for first time dog owners, or people who do not wish to have a serious guard dog. Companion dog owners should be prepared to spend a fair amount of money on good fencing and a lot of time on socialization and maintaining the humans pack leader status over the dog. The Akbash dog needs a firm, but calm, confident, consistent owner.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
thisis my thing with shooting someone inside or around your house...most people own 9mm's and those rounds travel fast and penetrate shit and people/family members have been killed by stray shots. I would also feel like a POS if i shot one of my niegbors or thier kids. i love guns but im also responsible about them. if you wanna shoot people in yur house then get a shotgun or a .45..and they sell rounds that break up on impact on drywall and stuff, so they dont kill yur wife and kids

a dog is is the way to go , they intimidae and cause people to have to re-evaluate thier plan lol....plus its a good show to watch yur dog chew on the moron that broke into yur hizzy :)
an americna bulldog or a bullmastiff dont miss when their adrenaline is pumping iether :) lol


Active Member
That is the stupidest mother fucking thing I've ever heard. There are people in this world that should not be living. If a muther fucker comes in your house with a mask...puts gun to let say your head and pistol whips your girl. would you think to yourself ... hmm I shouldn't kill him because he is man .. a living organism. fuck that. You come to my house...try to take my shit and threaten my life or people that I love. I will take your ass out and you will never walk the steets again. When you rob someones house...you know the consequence...don't act like you have right unless you get caught.

You obviously live in a very small box. I guess we had caught hitler before he killed himself .. we should of just thrown him in jail because killing him would be immoral. not the fact that he committed mass genocide.


Active Member
Thats why you tell the cops they were trying to kill you and take your property. so you defended yourself.

stupid...god damn

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
That is the stupidest mother fucking thing I've ever heard. There are people in this world that should not be living. If a muther fucker comes in your house with a mask...puts gun to let say your head and pistol whips your girl. would you think to yourself ... hmm I shouldn't kill him because he is man .. a living organism. fuck that. You come to my house...try to take my shit and threaten my life or people that I love. I will take your ass out and you will never walk the steets again. When you rob someones house...you know the consequence...don't act like you have right unless you get caught.

You obviously live in a very small box. I guess we had caught hitler before he killed himself .. we should of just thrown him in jail because killing him would be immoral. not the fact that he committed mass genocide.
huge difference between shooting someone who's threatening the life of your girl and shooting someone trying to jack your plants.


Active Member
To kill over 1 mj plant and let companies destroy entire forest is because u can't claim the forest as ur own something wrong here. Not directed at anybody just an eyeopener possibly. Killing is wrong and chance are the dumbshit take ur plant is not getting it at.the right time.


Well-Known Member
nothing is worth killing over. Shooting people is wrong no matter how you look at it. I hate gun packing pussies anyhow.
All these ignorant mother fuckers in here goin shoot to kill are worthless piece's of shit in my mind. I repeat nothing is worth taking a man's life, who is someone's son, someones father, someone's brother.
Thinking your all big and bad talking that shit.Fucking inner city pussies.
Sorry to disagree with you on that. I am basically a really nice person. But if some mother fucker is gonna try and rob me (doesn't matter of what) I'm probably gonna go for his throat before I say, "hey, wait now, this might be some one's whatever." Sorry, Me and mine come first in that situation.


Well-Known Member
I believe in the power of dogs. Have you ever heard of one rape where the victim had a dog? I think my dog is my best line of defense- for my home. I'm not talking about shooting someone for trying to rob my plants. But you come in my home and you better believe you will be blasted or eaten. Would I feel bad about it? Hell no. I would have sympathy for their family, but not for the life I took. Sorry just my opinion


Well-Known Member
That is the stupidest mother fucking thing I've ever heard. There are people in this world that should not be living. If a muther fucker comes in your house with a mask...puts gun to let say your head and pistol whips your girl. would you think to yourself ... hmm I shouldn't kill him because he is man .. a living organism. fuck that. You come to my house...try to take my shit and threaten my life or people that I love. I will take your ass out and you will never walk the steets again. When you rob someones house...you know the consequence...don't act like you have right unless you get caught.

You obviously live in a very small box. I guess we had caught hitler before he killed himself .. we should of just thrown him in jail because killing him would be immoral. not the fact that he committed mass genocide.
they weren't talking hitler or a home invader, they were talking about a fence jumper if i'm correct.

And i still think think these guy's hiding and talking big behind a gun are pussy chickenshit cowards.


Well-Known Member
wow you guys are all fucked up. shoot someone and go to jail over some little back yard grow? how about make sure you find out who it is (usually a friend or a friend of a friend) and beat their ass later or burn their car. but to kill over a few oz's FUCKING RETARDED but thats the good 'ol usa for you.


Well-Known Member
If you ever do have to kill somebody sure as hell don't say shit to the cops
Lawyer up and let him do the talkin

If you come on my property in the middle of the night and I can, I will introduce you to my little friend

yo yo oreo

Well-Known Member
I'm used to everyone here having a few acres of land, not sure what I would do if I was in the city. In the city I would DEFINETLY not use guns, far to many risks there. If I was growing in the city and had a dog outside, and someone still broke into my yard and got my stuff well shit, either I need a new dog or they really deserved the stuff lol.
That being said, I understand why people would shoot on their property. If a person is going to jump a fence for any reason, even just for fun, they should know their going to someone elses property and there may be consequences. Now jumping the fence for marijuana plants they hopefully would realize there is a much higher risk. I say hopefully, even though I know better. Not everybody is that smart, it just happens.


Active Member
Hmm..if I was robbing somone. I would rob them with a gun. shit ... I don't want to die. But I'd know the risk...the person's house i'm robbing might have a gun and I might get shot/killed or go to jail. Guns arn't for pussys...your a just a girl with no common sense. Even if someone was in my backyard robbing me of my income...I would shootem. Same thing as somone comming in your house and stealing a two thousand dollars out of your wallet. ur so dum.


Active Member
not only do that take your plant/money. now your house is a target and no longer sanctuary. Now you have to worry about him telling his friends ... coming back and robbing "you" inside ur house. it's a downward spiral...so it's best to take care of that situation thoroughly the first time.


Well-Known Member
Hmm..if I was robbing somone. I would rob them with a gun. shit ... I don't want to die. But I'd know the risk...the person's house i'm robbing might have a gun and I might get shot/killed or go to jail. Guns arn't for pussys...your a just a girl with no common sense. Even if someone was in my backyard robbing me of my income...I would shootem. Same thing as somone comming in your house and stealing a two thousand dollars out of your wallet. ur so dum.
this girl served two terms in the army and will fuck your pussy world up, With my hands.Your a little boy who can't defend yourself is all you are.