Just Scared The Ever loving Shit Out Of My Girlfriend.


Well-Known Member
Me and my girl are always pranking each other, so today I decided to scared the shit out of her. She was in the shower, so I waited in the bedroom, with all the lights out.
She came in, soaking wet, wrapped in a towel, and started bitching to herself that the lights were out. She walked to the center of the room, to pull the light switch, with me sitting inches from where she was standing, as she reached up to pull the cord, I aid really loud 'Hellooooooo!!" and she screamed in terror.
I thought this was HILARIOUS. I fell to the floor, laughing and crying.

Anyone else have any hilarious stories like this?


Well-Known Member
Me and my girl are always pranking each other, so today I decided to scared the shit out of her. She was in the shower, so I waited in the bedroom, with all the lights out.
She came in, soaking wet, wrapped in a towel, and started bitching to herself that the lights were out. She walked to the center of the room, to pull the light switch, with me sitting inches from where she was standing, as she reached up to pull the cord, I aid really loud 'Hellooooooo!!" and she screamed in terror.
I thought this was HILARIOUS. I fell to the floor, laughing and crying.

Anyone else have any hilarious stories like this?
Hahah Good one! Ive always loved scaring the shit out of people, even when i was little. Theres something hillarious about seeing someone scream in terror for those few seconds.

This guy does this to his mom on her birthday at like 4 in the morning.

We recently tried to prank the mother by filling her car in the middle of the night with pages torn from phone books. Tons of planning and about three hours of filling ended with one of the brothers spilling the beans. We got the idea from a similar prank we saw online.


Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Me and my girl are always pranking each other, so today I decided to scared the shit out of her. She was in the shower, so I waited in the bedroom, with all the lights out.
She came in, soaking wet, wrapped in a towel, and started bitching to herself that the lights were out. She walked to the center of the room, to pull the light switch, with me sitting inches from where she was standing, as she reached up to pull the cord, I aid really loud 'Hellooooooo!!" and she screamed in terror.
I thought this was HILARIOUS. I fell to the floor, laughing and crying.

Anyone else have any hilarious stories like this?
I guess that explains why your facebook status is back to single. :p

I have three older mean-as-a-rattlesnake brothers that love to torture me. They know about my Bigfoot phobia (shut up) and have come up with some heart stoppers. The best one was three o'clock in the morning and the wind was blowing through the curtains by my bed. There is a sliding glass door that leads out to a private patio. It's a straight path from my sliding door to the river.

Anyway, I looked up when I heard scratching at the screen door I had closed to keep out the mosquitoes and saw a huge shadow blocking the light and the eyes were glowing red.

I ended up breaking my nightstand, the doorknob on the bedroom door, the bathroom door and the shower stall trying to get away from the scary monster. It was a little over 850.00 to get everything fixed. That was ten years ago. They still give me shit about it.

Phobias are expensive.


Well-Known Member
Me and my girl are always pranking each other, so today I decided to scared the shit out of her. She was in the shower, so I waited in the bedroom, with all the lights out.
She came in, soaking wet, wrapped in a towel, and started bitching to herself that the lights were out. She walked to the center of the room, to pull the light switch, with me sitting inches from where she was standing, as she reached up to pull the cord, I aid really loud 'Hellooooooo!!" and she screamed in terror.
I thought this was HILARIOUS. I fell to the floor, laughing and crying.

Anyone else have any hilarious stories like this?
My wife and i have been married for 17 yrs. I used to hide next to a doorway and Yell OOGA BOOGA BOOGA as she was steping through, she dropped everything she was carrying, including her coke. After she got over being mad she punched me right in the kisser. We both looked at each other for a min. and then both of us busted out laughing. PRICELESS............Needless to say i dont do that anymore. lol

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
My wife and i have been married for 17 yrs. I used to hide next to a doorway and Yell OOGA BOOGA BOOGA as she was steping through, she dropped everything she was carrying, including her coke. After she got over being mad she punched me right in the kisser. We both looked at each other for a min. and then both of us busted out laughing. PRICELESS............Needless to say i dont do that anymore. lol
she droped her coke... if u snort it before 10 seconds on the floor its still safe.and clean