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  1. R

    fat waxy new leaves

    Thats what I thought...I like to take my cut before turning the lights, depending on the size, they will show sex even in veg. But if you have to, take the cut first and then sex the plant to avoid the lag time for a clone to revert back to veg from a flower period. Just wait for a few good...
  2. R

    fat waxy new leaves

    Interesting that you chose to do a hydro/soil combo?? I would just stick with one medium type and not complicate careful of over watering, a few times a day in pure hydro applications is usually good. Also on your old are then and when did you take the cuts? To me...
  3. R

    Plant issue - seems to be deficiency of some sort?

    Have not encountered this one before...typically I would just water with fresh R/O or a much lighter strength feeding. I was also out of town for a week and my intern was in control so there could have been some feeding issues in my absence. On a whole I do not believe that there is an...
  4. R

    Plant issue - seems to be deficiency of some sort?

    Yeah...this looks like it could be what is going on. Thanks for the link...the stange thing is that it is not affecting all plants(there are quite a bit of them) but as the article says "The Claw often seems random, affecting leaves here and there" So that is why I was somewhat dumbfounded...
  5. R

    please help. my bottom leaves are drying up and falling off. heat burn? bugs?

    Check this out...explains most common issues concerning mmj cultivation.
  6. R

    Plant issue - seems to be deficiency of some sort?

    I am currently working with coco for the first time and use R/O water. I have several different strains and am also doing a side by side test with two different nutrients. All my factors are the same except the different nutes and am adding cal mag + Recently started to notice a few distorted...
  7. R

    Recent experiences with attitude seeds ?

    Never ordered seeds before in my life...did so last month from attitude and my Critical Hog's came in just fine...I even got a free t-shirt! I suppose they forgot to bill me for it in the "stealth shipping"...I did request the tin. Three out of the five germinated...but I guess that's not the...
  8. R

    3 1/2 week old AUTO FLOWER, Might be a Hermaphrodite?? TAKE A LOOK(PICS)

    Check this out...the interweb is good for more than just bud porn.
  9. R

    Fungus gnats and hot water

    They thrive in moist naturally they will hit up a nice and cozy moist starter cube. Stay on top of your monitoring and removal or two gnats in a 5 gal pot will most likely not harm the plant, one or two in a small clone or seed cube could kill it.
  10. R

    What is wrong with my plant? (pics included)

    Correct...although I have extensive experience with general soil gardening/farming, my preferred method for cannabis has always been hydro and most recently coco. The point being was that a PH imbalance on the high or low end will block or otherwise disrupt nutrient uptake in the root zone...
  11. R

    Coco mediums and nutrient ratios.

    I am currently using coco and am also doing a side by side comparison between a one part organic product and a multi part Botanicare mix. I am following the instructions on the organic box for veg @20ml per gal (box instructions reading 10-20 ml for veg) and the Botanicare mix ratio came from...
  12. R

    Trimming during flower - face/off

    Fine line between taking out a few damaged, old or crowded fan leaves and striping a plant bare. Later into the flower process and it is less noticeable but removing leaves is removing the plants power to grow and photosynthesize, basically removing the solar panels to a off grid house. In...
  13. R

    Can you reuse cocoa?

    I generally use my Cocoa for hot chocolate...but that is another thread I I recently took over an established grow as the project manager/consultant where the Coco has been re-used quite a bit. As EviMunkee stated, just shift out the roots and dust as needed and add some new...
  14. R

    What is wrong with my plant? (pics included)

    In my experience, MJ plants prefer a PH range of 5.8-6.0/6.2 at the most...if your ph is high, it can lock out some of the available minerals and nutrients that the plants need. Getting a purer source of water would be preferred and just add in the necessary cal/mag as needed, depending on your...
  15. R

    Fungus gnats and hot water

    Go natural and go early...the key is avoiding infestations(when stressed out, smoke filled ideas ideas start popping in your head) is to be vigilant in the grow room. Always look for the details, monitor with sticky traps and as jondamon mentioned, use any reputable product with BTI along with...
  16. R

    coco coir and salt buildup

    I am using pure coco(recycled even) and am getting excellent root growth and structure. As mentioned above, coco will only absorb for so long then it just drains out as quick as you can pour it in...hard for salts to build up. I also came across a new organic one part(OMRI listed) product and...
  17. R

    question about preflowering

    The plants you have pictured are males...unless you plan on breeding to create seeds, you should pull those out. The males will mature much faster the females and will start sending pollen out quicker than you think.
  18. R

    Moisture level in coco?

    Go by the weight of the container, when it is completely watered note how it feels when you pick it up...when it is feels about about 1/2-3/4 of that, check the top inch or so and if it is completely dried out, give them some more. find the balance of what your strain likes and keep it...
  19. R

    Selecting seedlings for transplant - which do you like the look of?

    Let them get bigger than you may think, seeing roots coming out of the bottom is not a automatic sign that you need to transplant. Better to let them sit longer and develop a stronger root mass than pull them out early and risk damaging fragile roots. Go by how long in between...
  20. R

    bloody lighting

    Have you checked your PH or water? Depending on your coco source(how cleanly it was processed or washed), you may have too much salts built up, especially if you are using mineral water. Try using R/O water and gradually add in cal/mag as the plant gets older.