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  1. keyplayer28

    pollinating a feminized plant???

    Thanks... It's probably just as well to get rid of the male. Its some kind of mexican I think and the females all come from fem'd seeds from Nirvana. Maybe not a good idea.
  2. keyplayer28

    pollinating a feminized plant???

    Is it worth the effort to pollinate a feminized cannabis plant? Are feminized plants hermaphorodites?
  3. keyplayer28

    Obama Response to Online Forum

    Obama does care what we think. But we gotta let him know. Its a politically sensitive issue but I think and I think he knows that pot should be legalized or at least regulated and stop making every american a felon. Its crazy. Grow pot this year! Just grow it anywhere. AMericans are sick...
  4. keyplayer28

    Buy Regionally grown Pot or grow your own

    I think with the mexican drug cartels, now is the best time to really loudly bellyache about why Americans are being treated like crooks for growing pot. Growing pot is a good thing. Where I live, pot grows soooo good!!! Its really good around here. I wish I could just go out and buy pot...
  5. keyplayer28

    Buy Regionally grown Pot or grow your own

    The worst crap from a nearby cornfield is better than that crud that comes from mexico. Growing pot is like growing tomatos. Once you eat tomatos off the vine, the stuff you get at WalMart sucks. the worst stuff I ever grew was better than any bag stuff I got that came up here sanwiched...
  6. keyplayer28

    Buy Regionally grown Pot or grow your own

    I would never have thought that :-P Judging by your avatar I would consider you somewhat of a guru on pot growing and general info about the stuff. the thought of a pablo Escavar sitting at a computer telling people how to identify female and male plants is somehow kind of funny though. :leaf:
  7. keyplayer28

    Buy Regionally grown Pot or grow your own

    I grow my own when I can. I have not bought any pot in years but my niece tells me that in her high school, you can buy pot easily. Most of this pot is brought in from the drug cartels. My feeling is that we in America should grow our own pot and stop buying from ruthless gangs and drug...
  8. keyplayer28

    Coffee Grounds?

    I got a plastic cottage cheese bucket from Sams which I throw my daily coffee grounds into. About every few days, I walk up to the garden and just throw the bucket into the soil..(not where the plants are growing). I just figure it will help aerorate the soil. I use tea leaves too. My...
  9. keyplayer28

    Michael Phelps Bong Pics

    Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott says he will charge Michael Phelps with a crime if he determines the Olympics hero smoked marijuana in Richland County... ...Possession of marijuana is a misdemeanor, punishable by up to 30 days in jail or a $570 fine, plus court costs. But Lott seems to be...
  10. keyplayer28

    Michael Phelps Bong Pics

    Poor Michael is having to apologize for hitting a bong. A feel sorry for him. I'm sure after years of living clean and working out all the time and training training training, he can't go out for a little while and just party and have a good time and get some great bong hits.
  11. keyplayer28

    Lowryder Reviews???

    I'll try some out and post the results. I'll also order some and post on the results from that too.
  12. keyplayer28

    East Coast USA Outdoor, when to start?

    Up in NY state some of the big commerical growers start tomatoes using a wall of water technique. The plastic wraps really do help to give the plants a head start...
  13. keyplayer28

    Lowryder Reviews???

    Anybody have any experience in planting the new strain "Lowryder" or "Lowryder#2"? I've been growing a few plants every year and its a nervous summer season always when you got ganga growing anywhere. I noticed I can't reproduce Lowryder either. You have to keep buying new seed each time...
  14. keyplayer28

    Palin crying over election

    I heard somewhere that people in Alaska are allowed to grow a few plants and its okay. That would make Sarah Palin cool in some ways. I wish she would light up and lighten up. Maybe she's lighting up with Levi's Mom :)
  15. keyplayer28

    What do you get out of growing?

    I support regional herb. Keep it local and support your local herb farmers. No more industrialized herb production and distribution. Oh yea.... and decriminalize herb.
  16. keyplayer28

    Fav. Movie to Watch While Stoned

    I like the wizard of oz
  17. keyplayer28


    I am hoping that next Spring I can try a small crop of girls by tieing down the lateral branches and pulling the plant down towards the ground. Not sure how this will work but I think it would be enough to make me a little more at ease when the choppers fly overhead. We had a chopper fly all...
  18. keyplayer28

    guerilla grow tips...

    Great links. I am thinking next season to try planting a few whereby you tie down the laterals to keep the plant low to the ground. I'll miss the beauty of seeing them as they grown big and tall but it'll keep me a little less nervous.
  19. keyplayer28


    Happiness is commenting on Huffpo while being mildly baked. You feel very politically empowered. I say all kinds of shit on that forum.
  20. keyplayer28

    Winter reading for Stoners?

    I would love to read some books on the cannabis culture in the world. One of the topics I've always been interested in is the old hippy days in Afghanistan in the early 70's. It was alluded to in the popular book "The Kite Runner" and I've read some stories on it in past issues of High Times...