Palin crying over election


New Member
"I can see Russia from my house"
Wasilla, Alaska, is 1130 km from Russia.
How high above the Earth’s surface do you have to be to see a point 1130 km away along the Earth’s surface? If we start plugging numbers into my Distance To Horizon Calculator, we see that the answer is 101425.88 meters. You have to go 101 km (63 miles!) above Wasilla before you can see Russia. You can knock 104 meters off of that if you like to account for Wasilla’s elevation above sea level.
way to smear that dumb bitch man. pot math!!!


Well-Known Member

Yeah, I missed something there. Were you trying to disprove my statement? Cause that failed.

"A Google search, for instance, turns up plenty of blog references to Palin's claim that she could see Russia "from [her] house" as her way of saying that being governor of Alaska is a foreign policy credential. The only problem: Real Sarah Palin never said it. Fey did, spoofing Palin's argument that one can see Russia from Alaskan territory. But who can remember those details? If Real You gets in an argument with Public You, Public You wins every time.",9171,1848735,00.html


New Member
Yeah, I missed something there. Were you trying to disprove my statement? Cause that failed.

"A Google search, for instance, turns up plenty of blog references to Palin's claim that she could see Russia "from [her] house" as her way of saying that being governor of Alaska is a foreign policy credential. The only problem: Real Sarah Palin never said it. Fey did, spoofing Palin's argument that one can see Russia from Alaskan territory. But who can remember those details? If Real You gets in an argument with Public You, Public You wins every time.",9171,1848735,00.html
I was not trying to disprove anything. I find amusement in her ignorance.:joint:


Well-Known Member
I was not trying to disprove anything. I find amusement in her ignorance.:joint:
Whose? Palin's or Couric's?

Generally, when I quote someone, I try to keep it relatively limited to what the poster said. I guess that's why the quote function exists, but if there are others, I'd like to know.


New Member
Whose? Palin's or Couric's?

Generally, when I quote someone, I try to keep it relatively limited to what the poster said. I guess that's why the quote function exists, but if there are others, I'd like to know.
I will post anything, any time I want, without worrying what you think about it. You need to post what ever makes you happy and I promise you, it will not bother me.:hump:


Well-Known Member
And again ... why is Sarah Palin such an all-out threat to you lefties?

Look at the way she's foaming at the mouth now about the media, bloggers, comedians..and everything that moves...
She's blamed everyone for her demise except for the real culprits.. the republican campaign advisers and her own vanity......
Do you want her in control of the nuclear football....??? Hell I'd vote Bush again to stop that...


Well-Known Member
Look at the way she's foaming at the mouth now about the media, bloggers, comedians..and everything that moves...
She's blamed everyone for her demise except for the real culprits.. the republican campaign advisers and her own vanity......
Do you want her in control of the nuclear football....??? Hell I'd vote Bush again to stop that...
1 measly appearance, months after the election is "foaming at the mouth"

An arsonist targeted her church, and you didn't hear a damn peep out of her, or anyone else. But whenever she tries to defend herself, or speak out against some of the coverage she got, she's a raving loon!


Well-Known Member
1 measly appearance, months after the election is "foaming at the mouth"

An arsonist targeted her church, and you didn't hear a damn peep out of her, or anyone else. But whenever she tries to defend herself, or speak out against some of the coverage she got, she's a raving loon!
Are you listening what her own repub. party friends are saying on CNN.. that she should stop crying about the past and lay low.. its like that Frost movie and Nixon.. he puts his foot in his mouth then complains that to others he didn't want that to happen... How can the moral right hold her up with the actions of her daughter (teen preg.) and soon to be inlaws(drugs)..did as I say and not as we do... typical.. all I know is if she can't handle press pressure I don't want her in control of weapons and war.. she's a hot head, that talks like a valley girl... and who said that fire wasn't just plain vandals, and coincidence ..I didn't hear that it was targeted... I may have missed
that news item... Maybe todd set it to draw attention to poor Sarah.... look what the meanies did..


Active Member
I heard somewhere that people in Alaska are allowed to grow a few plants and its okay.

That would make Sarah Palin cool in some ways.

I wish she would light up and lighten up.

Maybe she's lighting up with Levi's Mom :)


New Member
I heard somewhere that people in Alaska are allowed to grow a few plants and its okay.

That would make Sarah Palin cool in some ways.

I wish she would light up and lighten up.

Maybe she's lighting up with Levi's Mom :)
All the snow and Ice in Alaska couldn't make Palin cool. It's like her brain just gave up and died.


New Member
I don't think that is true anymore. I think it's just as illegal there as it is everywhere else. It's just safer to grow there, the DEA doesn't want to be hanging around in the cold to bust people. They like to bust people in sunshine states..........

I heard somewhere that people in Alaska are allowed to grow a few plants and its okay.

That would make Sarah Palin cool in some ways.

I wish she would light up and lighten up.

Maybe she's lighting up with Levi's Mom :)


New Member
I don't think that is true anymore. I think it's just as illegal there as it is everywhere else. It's just safer to grow there, the DEA doesn't want to be hanging around in the cold to bust people. They like to bust people in sunshine states..........
In the sunshine state of Nevada last year, they busted 4861 on Marijuana related offenses, Probably more, but that is the only figure I could find. Let's take a figure right out of our ass, say it costs 2,000 for lawyers per offense, that's 9,722,000 for legal fees or money that lawyers would not otherwise earn. Let's say that it took 10 judges to hear all those cases, @ 60,000 salary, probably more, that's 600,000 buckaroos, not counting all the police,(cops) salaries, probably in excess of a couple a million buckaroos, the jailers, the prison guards, cooks, drivers etc. One can see that busting pot smokers is a multi-million dollar enterprize. Why in the heck would they want to legalize it?


New Member
In the sunshine state of Nevada last year, they busted 4861 on Marijuana related offenses, Probably more, but that is the only figure I could find. Let's take a figure right out of our ass, say it costs 2,000 for lawyers per offense, that's 9,722,000 for legal fees or money that lawyers would not otherwise earn. Let's say that it took 10 judges to hear all those cases, @ 60,000 salary, probably more, that's 600,000 buckaroos, not counting all the police,(cops) salaries, probably in excess of a couple a million buckaroos, the jailers, the prison guards, cooks, drivers etc. One can see that busting pot smokers is a multi-million dollar enterprize. Why in the heck would they want to legalize it?
All kidding aside, Med ... your posts would be a lot easier to read if you chose a different font.

Thanks ...



Global Moderator
Staff member
Research on legal growing is easy - check out the norml site - up to 10 plants is legal, and posession of less than 4 oz.
We love it up here !!


Global Moderator
Staff member
And by the way, if you want an old school "good ol boy" politician then they can be found under any manhole or shrub in DC. Sarah is not that by a long shot. She's pretty niave when it comes to dealing with the mainstream cutthroat liberal media, and then again I bet most of us on RIU would stuff a size 13 into our own mouths with all those cameras in the face.
Yeah, I voted for her, and will again.


New Member
And by the way, if you want an old school "good ol boy" politician then they can be found under any manhole or shrub in DC. Sarah is not that by a long shot. She's pretty niave when it comes to dealing with the mainstream cutthroat liberal media, and then again I bet most of us on RIU would stuff a size 13 into our own mouths with all those cameras in the face.
Yeah, I voted for her, and will again.
^^^ Now THAT is the best post of the day! :)

Nice to see clear minds stopping by the political forum. :)
