Michael Phelps Bong Pics

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I am gonna lie on my front lawn and smoke a doobie under the stars in the summer time.
This fucker ends prohibition and I'm like a kid in a candy store. lol But could someone give me more of a visual? Will more shops open to the public and the use of the card will be useless? My states supports med but we have no card. I'm still a little confused about that shit.


Well-Known Member
I wish he'd have had the balls to have said something, guess everyone has their price.. If he was really toking it..


Well-Known Member
wow that sucks, if i was him i would be like fuck you, im a monster! do you have a record amound of olymic gold?
That was the awesome!

The caption should read "Bongies, Breakfast of Champions!"

Michael Phelps for Captain of the U.S. Olympic Bong Hitting Team! U S A...U S A...U S A


Active Member
Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott says he will charge Michael Phelps with a crime if he determines the Olympics hero smoked marijuana in Richland County...
...Possession of marijuana is a misdemeanor, punishable by up to 30 days in jail or a $570 fine, plus court costs.
But Lott seems to be the only person talking about making a case against Phelps. Both the USC and Columbia Police Departments said they would not pursue charges.

Ah jeez, the poor guy.. He was just hittin a bong for god's sake. :finger:


New Member
good grief, stupid freaking cop, just trying to grab a headline.

So Phelps smoked a bong, is anyone dead? NO

Is anyone injured? NO

Is anyone just a fat assed lazy cop trying to get his 15 minutes of fame? YES


New Member
When Daryle Gates was Chief of Police in Los Angeles, he actually said on TV that pot smokers "should be taken out and shot!" Nothing like fitting the punishment to the crime. :lol:



Well-Known Member
When Daryle Gates was Chief of Police in Los Angeles, he actually said on TV that pot smokers "should be taken out and shot!" Nothing like fitting the punishment to the crime. :lol:

i know of a few BART cops who could help with that. :bigjoint:


New Member
So then what is the penalty for white collar crime? Smoking pot is a victimless "crime" , I dare say Madoff had a victim or 2.

Crooked cops should be drawn and quartered (now there's an old timey punishment)

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Run out of town on a rail, tarred and feathered...good old fashioned fun!!:bigjoint:
So then what is the penalty for white collar crime? Smoking pot is a victimless "crime" , I dare say Madoff had a victim or 2.

Crooked cops should be drawn and quartered (now there's an old timey punishment)

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Phelps could face criminal charges: report

RALEIGH, North Carolina (Reuters) – Record-breaking Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps could face criminal charges following the publication of a photograph purportedly showing him smoking marijuana, The State newspaper of Columbia, South Carolina reported Tuesday.
A South Carolina law enforcement official said he would charge Phelps if he could prove the U.S. Olympian smoked marijuana in his county.
"This case is no different than any other case," Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott told The State.
Lott's comments come after a British newspaper published a photograph purportedly showing Phelps smoking marijuana at a party being held by students at the University of South Carolina in Columbia in November.
Columbia, the South Carolina state capital, is located in Richland County.
"This one might be a lot easier since we have photographs of someone using drugs and a partial confession. It's a relatively easy case once we can determine where the crime occurred."
Phelps apologized Sunday after publication of the photograph by the News of the World, calling his behavior "inappropriate."
Both the University of South Carolina and Columbia police departments have said they would not pursue charges against Phelps, The State said.
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) said it accepted his apology and U.S. officials said the news was disappointing but stressed that smoking marijuana out of competition was not an anti-doping matter.
Possession of marijuana is a misdemeanor in South Carolina, punishable by up to 30 days in jail or a $570 fine, plus court costs, The State reported.

Fucking sheriff.:cuss:


Well-Known Member
I emailed him-told him to join LEAP-and that we are going to overgrow the government starting in Richland County. I went on operation overgrow thread and asked for help in sc due to this red-neck sherif-barney fife-mf'er.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Is pot like a performance enhancing drug? hahaha
please don't say this... Dick Pound from the WADA (World Anti-Doping Association) will more than likely bring this point up, because he pounds dicks... in his ass.