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  1. 2leftshoes

    I just overdosed on a brownie (effects)

    my boy got a bunch of brownies fronted to him once and he ate one to try it and was faded all day feeling great... when he sold them to people going to prom a lot of people started puking about a hour later and a bitch got a drug text and apparently it had e in it hhaha
  2. 2leftshoes

    Alright this is very controversial i cant believe i spelked that right...

    The universe is ever expanding according to scientists so what are black holes? they take in matter and take in galaxies so its not ever expanding because it contradicts itsself we will start on that please comment
  3. 2leftshoes

    Alright this is very controversial i cant believe i spelked that right...

    First off very drunk.. posting WE did not create the internet we found it. we found the internet by continental wires but now its around use wirelessly... wirelessly is not a word interestingly enough... I had more to say but the worst part of the night is when you dont have enough alcohol..
  4. 2leftshoes

    I cuddle up with my dope

    I cuddle up with my dope
  5. 2leftshoes

    The Official Rap/Hip Hop Thread

    whats with all this mainstream rap?
  6. 2leftshoes

    Whats the first thing youd do with 1 million dollars

    i decided id go buy a dub, maybe a 30
  7. 2leftshoes

    Whats the first thing youd do with 1 million dollars

    Lets say you just won the lottery and a million was sitting in your bank account. what would you do?
  8. 2leftshoes

    Outdoor growing up

    thanks for the heads up dopeydog what i think ill do is run about 5 air purifiers with a fan rigged to the back of each one to help push the air though the carbon also i am going to put ona around the house and ontop of every door frame whats the best way to seal a door duktape or with cloths...
  9. 2leftshoes

    Odor-running multiple carbon filters

    could i just rig a fan to the back of each of the purifiers to help it pull the air and can you guestamate how many air purifiers id need or if it was even possible to eliminate all odor? also i am not able to to hook a carbon filter up like this one...
  10. 2leftshoes

    Odor-running multiple carbon filters

    why not? what would happen?
  11. 2leftshoes

    Odor-running multiple carbon filters

    couldnt i just open a window with a fan blowing out of it and ona gel on the window and run a few of these?
  12. 2leftshoes

    Odor-running multiple carbon filters

    Hey all lets say im drying 3-4 pounds of dank medicine in a room and suppose i buy 5-6 carbon filters from the store put it in that room and seal it and ona pro blocks around the whole house would it still stink the room/house up?
  13. 2leftshoes

    Outdoor growing up

    Thanks for the strain info northernman i change sum of my strains that im going to grow and decided to try brains choice for the high yield and i will plan on lollypopping my plants also i have just one more question for you all haha when i am drying my final medicine and lets say i have 3-4...
  14. 2leftshoes

    Outdoor growing up

    thatnks for that but i already knew that info an i got one more question. should i lollipop or na?
  15. 2leftshoes

    Outdoor growing up

    id say we get our first frost around September 20th or a lil later
  16. 2leftshoes

    Outdoor growing up

    dopeydog, I plan on fertilizing with the ff nutes once a week adding it in the water. I plan on heavily lsting my plant to get max yield also if your telling me that the trainwreck has a long flowering im thinking of just finding a new strain that is bomb and i can pull atleast a qp off of with...
  17. 2leftshoes

    Outdoor growing up

    Hello, Im planning on growing a few gals this summer and would like sum estimates on yield. I am planning on growing 6 photoperiod fems and 6 other autos outside. I will be using foxfarm soil with fox farm nutes. for the autos im going to keep them in a 5 gallon bucket and the other 6...