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  1. L

    Marijuana Smokers and Growers are Poor?

    I find pot smokers/people alike to sometimes be unwise with their money spending, but I think its more of a parenting flaw. Too many people are missing Herbs messages, I wish Bob Marley was still alive to help change that. I find a lot of the codes, unwritten rules/ethics, and culture is being...
  2. L

    first time grow have questions and pics

    hey hunny! I love you!
  3. L

    Do you have a nice ride?

    I dont much about cars but if your looking for a new car I would get a hybrid or electric or even hydrogen luxury car. Why not? Basically free fuel, no harmful emissions, and most are pretty sweet cars. I'm holding out for the Chevy Volt, you can go 40 miles and never use a single gallon of...
  4. L

    home made grinder?

    I havent heard of anyone making their own grinder, and personally I wouldnt try it unless you have skills in that area. I bought my grinder for 10 bucks at a smoke shop for tobacco. They dont have to be expensive. I have heard about people using coffee bean grinders for their nugget, but I've...
  5. L

    my plants got a 10 minute leak...

    I dont see it hurting the plants for only one time for ten minutes. I happen to make the mistake several times, due to poor timing on my part and it did after a couple times start harming them a little. But its fixable if you stop in time. How many hours are doing light/dark?
  6. L

    How can i check if i have root rot

    I was having a similar problem with my little ones, and I found the problem was there wasnt enough air circulation in the area I started them. I got an all natural fungi and bug soap killer, that wont harm the plants or ourself when you smoke their buds. But it got rid of the mold that was...
  7. L

    PICS...8 days old!Suggestions PLEASE

    It looks fine, just make sure you use some form of organic fertilizer. I read on this site actually that over fertilizing, especially with non-organic can cause cancer to form in the bud. I found teracyle to be the best for my little plants, they grew so fast with it on them. Maybe put the...
  8. L

    U.S. Constitution

    It is definitly time for a great political change, hopefully enough people get up the balls to say something. Until more people step up, the small majority that presently do will just keep getting pushed down by Big Brother. I personally am planning on just leaving the country or going to...
  9. L

    help! firt time... sexing.. pics!!

    I found it hard to tell, in one picture it looked like it may be male. But it also seems like (and this may be picture quality) that there not even showing sex yet. But you will know when you see it, the females have white hairs where the branches meet the stock and on the top and sub-branches...
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    my back yard grow

    You may need a little more to hide them. But I applaud you for growing outside; I find it nearly impossible to in my yard without some major altercations. Hope it turns out well for you. -LeFay
  11. L

    Just a question I'm not sure about

    Thanks for your input. I guess only time will really tell then about how much mine yeild. But I will thankful for any amount I get off them. Your plants look great, they seem a little farther along then mine right now. How much light do you use on them? Thanks again. :peace:
  12. L

    Just a question I'm not sure about

    I was just wondering about my plants. They have been flowering for a few weeks, about three, their starting to loose their leaves and some bud is forming. But does that mean I wont get a high yeild, because it is happening so early and the buds are really small? I know it may be a stupid...