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  1. patbenson58


    Moving how??? I have a fan on it directly so i wouldent notice if i moved
  2. patbenson58


    White spots on my stem and underneath my leaves..Any suggestion as what it could be?? I just added 4 100W cfls so maybe heat blisters???
  3. patbenson58

    IS this normal

    My plant is 4 wks old and i have noticed white dots on the stem... is this norm or something i need to fix...Also i uploaded a few pics and wanted feedback as to weather or not my plants look healthy..?? Thx
  4. patbenson58

    problem with leafes

    My jack herer plant is 25 days from seed and my leaves are curling... had this problem before and she always bounced back..also why are my stems using MG soil no nutes and water once a week..running 2 75w equivalent CFL bulbs with fan..temp steady at 80F humidity plants...
  5. patbenson58

    when to flower

    how many 75 watt equivalent CFL bulbs would you recommend
  6. patbenson58

    when to flower

    not true 75 watt CFLs 75 watt equivalence
  7. patbenson58

    when to flower

    Yeah man i dont know what the problem is.. i got her under 2 75w cfl bulbs no nuts cause im growing in MG. I only water her once every 8 days but i think i have a drainage problem. Even after a week w no water my meter readings are saying the soil is still wet. Any suggestions will help.
  8. patbenson58

    when to flower

    My plant is 24 days from seed. I was wondering if i can start to flower now or if i should wait a couple more weeks.i only have 6 ft of height to grow in.. pic included
  9. patbenson58


    Can anyone please tell me why my leaves are twisting up.. i havent watered in 4 days. Waiting for soil to dry. All new growth is looking good. Last week i sprayed nuts on my leaves maybe thats the problem..
  10. patbenson58

    leaves curling

    My 1 week old jack herer plant leaves are curling up.pic included i last watered monday but was watering every 3 days before that Pleaes help. Im a first time grower so will take any advice given. Thx
  11. patbenson58

    Please help

    Thx bro. My temp is steady at 85F. Night time temp is about 70F. I just transplanted today and my plant cant stand up straight. It falls right over. Is that normal??
  12. patbenson58

    Please help

    My jack herer plant is 8 days from seed and the edges of my leaves are looking almost black. I have added two pics. Do they look healthy?! Im using 2 cfl lights 75 watt equivalent, miracle grow gardening soil watering every 3 days. Using power pak 20-20-20 once a weekend