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  1. HighAllMighty

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Yes very alive just boosting from the nutrients and perlite i added to the soil.
  2. HighAllMighty

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

  3. HighAllMighty

    First Grow, nearly ready, getting anxious, advice on when to harvest needed

    Wow that is some Eye Candy! please wait she will be worth the time your going to have to trim and dry then cure her why cut early, haha that stuff will take time aswell. amazing first though, I wish my first plant would turn into something like that!:weed::hump:
  4. HighAllMighty

    Need help asap

    yep checked on my plant tonight after it rains almost all day with 30 minute brakes and it had fallen through the cardboard but i"m not to worried about the elements any more the last rain we should be getting for a week or at least 4-5 days and no more freezing temperatures she i just trashed...
  5. HighAllMighty

    Need help asap

    loves the cold weather i think it's doing better with it then when it's a humid oven outside it can get to 83f here in the spring, summer is like around 90f day with a humidity of like 130% Living between the gulf and some bay,,, hehe not gonna say but I think we have perfect weather for...
  6. HighAllMighty

    Need help asap

    the stem has thickened up some, it's starting to feel like a real plant not just a little seedling anymore! :)
  7. HighAllMighty

    Need help asap; target=&quot;_blank&quot;></a>"]http://[/URL]; target=&quot;_blank&quot;></a>"]http://[/URL]
  8. HighAllMighty

    Need help asap

    going to check on her again tonight maybe take one or two pics again.
  9. HighAllMighty

    Need help asap

    ya I Just think that this probably a female but she just has not had much light because i had not the watts needed for a good and proper veg so the sun has to kick start her were I live the plants are thriving like no tomorrow it's to beautiful to see the green but the pollen is bad, not a male...
  10. HighAllMighty

    Need help asap

    some picture i took last nigh, it did not get that cold but i covered it al lnight anyways just incase still got some water sprinkled on it but it was looking so fine this morning wish i would have had my camera on me then. thttp:// http://http://
  11. HighAllMighty

    Need help asap

    Ya My dad would have ripped the plant form the soil, if he really did not like the idea, he is Just trying to "teach me responsibility like some of you said" I wish he like my plant he said he didn't even look at it when he found out he just knew. I would love to grow with my dad we live in the...
  12. HighAllMighty

    Need help asap

    thanks, Good advice! :) fr3d12, ilyaas123 catofcuriosity So you think it will only be like 7-12$ per light i had up?
  13. HighAllMighty

    Need help asap

    Or would you guys like me to keep this up as an example?
  14. HighAllMighty

    Need help asap

    ya thank sounds like a good idea, he just said I'm taking your whole checks to pay for my power bill, I was pretty mad then because he did not want to me reasoning with him about it but I don't think I will have to pay but I'm going to because I feel bad but he said he had grown since he was...
  15. HighAllMighty

    Need help asap

    I'm just going to delete this trashy post not because of you guys but because of what I Posted. it's taking up much needed space for important post on ths fourm, I am going to start one of the general help forum if i still need help.
  16. HighAllMighty

    Need help asap

    But just got off so it's not past my bed time. :P
  17. HighAllMighty

    Need help asap

    Haha you guys are funny! I'm not being sarcastic sorry I've been in a bad mood, it's been really hard for me and my family the last few months, so Thanks for the comments everyone :) I can't survive a beating like this. and I'm not going to say my job but it's not a pizza boy or car porter nice...
  18. HighAllMighty

    Need help asap

    i had made a small box with a cover over the top for tonight, thanks for the insight also but bug repent powder around all the plant surrounding my cannabis plant for insect protection as well.
  19. HighAllMighty

    Need help asap

    dude look at the bottom of the post, Yes both my parents don't mind they know what i do and it's my choice they just don't want a higher power bill, and i got mad becasue I mean how I was forced to move plants from there vegging room a had going into a windy ass field and hope to god the rains...
  20. HighAllMighty

    Need help asap

    age is only a number because trolls don't count.