Need help asap


Well-Known Member
You should reason with him, find out from your power company how much per kilowatt hour your electricity costs then multiply that by the amount of hours the light is running during each bill cycle, then when you get paid give your folks the money upfront
I'm just going to delete this trashy post not because of you guys but because of what I Posted. it's taking up much needed space for important post on ths fourm, I am going to start one of the general help forum if i still need help.
You should reason with him, find out from your power company how much per kilowatt hour your electricity costs then multiply that by the amount of hours the light is running during each bill cycle, then when you get paid give your folks the money upfront
ya thank sounds like a good idea, he just said I'm taking your whole checks to pay for my power bill, I was pretty mad then because he did not want to me reasoning with him about it but I don't think I will have to pay but I'm going to because I feel bad but he said he had grown since he was 13 and there is no point in it and he found that out along time ago. more trouble then reward, but i guess I like the risk of it all and the thought of maybe growing for someone that would really need a high cbd plant or just have a patient then need my assistance with there own plants some day, ( would probably go to collage for it first if I could) if I would want to make a career out of it. "I just really love cannabis and the positivity it brings in this world the only negative things about it is the people who make bad choices. Like i did not telling my dad i was growing in my room.


Well-Known Member
ya thank sounds like a good idea, he just said I'm taking your whole checks to pay for my power bill, I was pretty mad then because he did not want to me reasoning with him about it but I don't think I will have to pay but I'm going to because I feel bad but he said he had grown since he was 13 and there is no point in it and he found that out along time ago. more trouble then reward, but i guess I like the risk of it all and the thought of maybe growing for someone that would really need a high cbd plant or just have a patient then need my assistance with there own plants some day, ( would probably go to collage for it first if I could) if I would want to make a career out of it. "I just really love cannabis and the positivity it brings in this world the only negative things about it is the people who make bad choices. Like i did not telling my dad i was growing in my room.
Nearly everyone is under pressure financially these day and I guess your dad is just worried about high energy bills.
If he had a problem with you growing he would have just said no and I sense he's trying to teach you a lesson of life and responsibility.
Pay him up front and assure him you'll cover your end of the bill over and above what you already pay for your keep.


Well-Known Member
Just sit down and resolve the issue with your dad and if nothing gets resolved then start growing outdoors even if it will flower it doesn't matter as I've seen plenty of 12/12 from seed grows.


Well-Known Member
Your dad seems kinda behind the times ? Or was a crappy grower. If you know enough people, growing can only benefit you these days. In time there will be Plenty of jobs in the industry. Are you guys outside of the US ? If your dad was smart, he would have a cushion and not worried about a 20.00 electric bill from growing. Grow 6 Monsters this summer and fan him with dollar bills He'll change his mind. Growing brought my son and I closer.
Ya My dad would have ripped the plant form the soil, if he really did not like the idea, he is Just trying to "teach me responsibility like some of you said" I wish he like my plant he said he didn't even look at it when he found out he just knew. I would love to grow with my dad we live in the u.s he just is really sketched out about the idea of like dea or some thing knocking down are door because of some plants but by next year hopfully it will legalize in my state "if not every state if possible" then maybe we could grow together :) hope this all I ask for. hah TWS


Well-Known Member
Ya My dad would have ripped the plant form the soil, if he really did not like the idea, he is Just trying to "teach me responsibility like some of you said" I wish he like my plant he said he didn't even look at it when he found out he just knew. I would love to grow with my dad we live in the u.s he just is really sketched out about the idea of like dea or some thing knocking down are door because of some plants but by next year hopfully it will legalize in my state "if not every state if possible" then maybe we could grow together :) hope this all I ask for. hah TWS
Well I hate to say it but you might start
prepping for that inevitable day that comes in every young mans life.
It may be time to have your father to sleep. He would want it that way.
Crabby old people are dead inside and
we look to the younger males to thin us
from the herd and take over light bill duties.
Oh sure he will protest but those are just nerves. Trust me he has prayed for this day.
Congratulations Sir.
You are becoming...... a man.
some picture i took last nigh, it did not get that cold but i covered it al lnight anyways just incase still got some water sprinkled on it but it was looking so fine this morning wish i would have had my camera on me then.

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ya I Just think that this probably a female but she just has not had much light because i had not the watts needed for a good and proper veg so the sun has to kick start her were I live the plants are thriving like no tomorrow it's to beautiful to see the green but the pollen is bad, not a male cannabis plant though hopefully lol. there is trichomes all over the leaves and smells really good but no other sign yet she dose have nodes though.