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  1. Phily Kelly

    leaves drooping except the top... over fert-or over water?

    It looks to me like underwatering the soil in the pictures looks V dry also could be another underlying problem
  2. Phily Kelly

    HELP! How do I turn a PC fan into a Growroom fan

    Anybody out there know an easy way to do this, the fans are from a Dell. Any help will be much appreciatedkiss-ass
  3. Phily Kelly

    Anyone ever tried regenerating harvested plants?

    I was just wondering has anyone tried this. Had three 4foot girls when I was going to harvest I noticed the bottom buds were not developed properly so I said feck this and cut it. I left about one foot.:weed: Now I'm thinking what cycle is best 12/12 or 18/6. I read on that...
  4. Phily Kelly

    Anyone grow durban poison??

    I left you tips on your thread
  5. Phily Kelly

    anyone grown durban poison indoors.Help

    Heya Sean. I bought Passion#1 from Nirvana in Dublin they're outdoor as well but I grew mine indoors. They're in the 3rd week of flowering and they're coming on great. Don't give them any nutrients for the first 2-3 weeks and then get BioGrow it's only a tenner if you put about 2mls in every...
  6. Phily Kelly

    can seeds be 2 fresh

    thanks for the help guys just wanted get a few opinions friend wanted to germinate them straight away, mixed white widow and afghan kush he is eager to see what they turn out like.
  7. Phily Kelly

    can seeds be 2 fresh

    do you all believe that seeds can be germinated as soon as they come from the plants or should they be put away for a while first. please refrain from calling me stupid etc. I'm just lookin 4 people's opinions:weed:
  8. Phily Kelly

    Whats going on with my plants (pics)

    Prob need a few more weeks flowering. if you want some people remove the larger fan leaves to let more light into the bud sights. Are the leaves curling, around the buds?
  9. Phily Kelly

    Droopy Leaves

    When you water, put enough water in so that it leaks out through the holes in the end. Don't water again until the soil is completely dry. THat happened to my plants before I found it was because mylight cycle was too long I know strange, but when I reduced hours of light it never happened again
  10. Phily Kelly

    have i topped my plant? **kind of naturally - weird happenings**

    When you move the light away the plant stretches to meet it. you are experiencing new growth because you moved the light. Some growers believe its good to stretch the plant so each bud site gets more light. Unless you have physically cut your plant with a blade you have not topped it.
  11. Phily Kelly

    White powder

    powdery mildew/ mold have you a fan on your plants whats the humidity like in your grow room
  12. Phily Kelly

    is EJ causing an N def. in flowering plants?

    maybe its a slight excess of everything at this stage have you flushed it out to see if that releases the nutes
  13. Phily Kelly

    1st grow, slight problem w/!?!

    don't look so bad your not supposed to put nutes in until about week 4-5 so that could be the problem and whatever dose is in the instructions start with half that dose and gradually bring it up.
  14. Phily Kelly

    new to site and first grow

    You need 18hours of light 6 of dark at this stage prob another 5 weeks to flower. Good going don't forget move your light closer.
  15. Phily Kelly

    First Grow: 12 ft Satvia (PICS)

    That plant should win an award the bloody size of it. You'll be:blsmoke:with that harvest. Well done you lucky fucker!!!!:D
  16. Phily Kelly

    When should i harvest??

    Well done bud!!!! Soon you'll be smoking your first:weed: in a bongsmilie or a :joint:and soon you'll be:eyesmoke:
  17. Phily Kelly

    Oh no! Hermies!, what went wrong?

    read this thread one of the posters explains this apparently not a hermie and you still get good yields.
  18. Phily Kelly

    My plant is dying! Please Help!

    I had the same problem and it was over fert, but then others would tell you it could be overwatering or the ph also could be a magnesium def you should go through the def tables again and match the symptoms