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  1. 2times

    Soil mix for flowering while using tea??

    My compost is leaf, grass clippings, vegetable scraps, hair. I use my compost for all diff vegetables and other flowers so I don't amend all different meals into it. I have a recycled soil bin from previous grows that has the meals. Which my girls this year loved. Not a single problem arose...
  2. 2times

    Soil mix for flowering while using tea??

    Thanks I just really need confirmation that I could use basic mix for my soil. I have a compost bin and a worm bin going on 2 years now. Every plant ganja and not has loved it. My method is a living soil. And I will use your advice of 1/3 compost peat and ewc. Thanks. So I'm making a fungal...
  3. 2times

    Soil mix for flowering while using tea??

    I've looked around through out the forum and other websites. And I can't seem to find my answer. I have a nice fine lady that is ready to go into flowering. The soil that she's in now is a no till mix from last year specifically for vegetation. Completely organic grow. I mainly use compost...
  4. 2times

    Spotted Dead Nettle..Tea?

    hmmm alright good to know. yea ima throw them in the attic have a fan moving some air around them
  5. 2times

    A few different things...

    im going to upgrade the pots to i believe 3 gallon pots tonight. yea i only foiler fed with the epsom salt water 2 times ive now got the last male out and have more space
  6. 2times

    Spotted Dead Nettle..Tea?

    awesome yea there fully bloomed now, but then again i notice more areas with more flowers coming in but im going to cut them tomrw morning right after dew. should i hang them up in the attic? or just somewhere in the room?
  7. 2times

    A few different things...

    yea i know, im going to figure out something. im waiting for the 2 last ones to show there sex. i sprayed them all down with epsom salt 1tsp to a gallon guna just wait and see if they start lookin better
  8. 2times

    A few different things...

    yea i most likely need to transplant into bigger containers but im limited on space :(
  9. 2times

    A few different things...

    my ladies here (finally confirmed) have been looking a little down this week. i noticed the serrated edges on the young leaves were getting a little reddish/purplish about 4 days ago,along with more yellowing of the leaves. i watered 10 days ago with alfalfa tea, they seemed to love it organic...
  10. 2times

    Spotted Dead Nettle..Tea?

    alright so when there bloomed i can just cut the stalk and tie them together and hang em upside down
  11. 2times

    Spotted Dead Nettle..Tea?

    So i got some Sotted Dead Nettle, have had it out back for some time now. i already know to trim the stalk with the flower when its full bloom. what are some drying methods that you use? could i just brew a tea up like any other fresh cutting? and ive read all over and just wanted to get some...
  12. 2times

    Can someone help me with these weeds?

    ahhhh Thank you sooo much Abiqua :)
  13. 2times

    Organic Feeding 101.

    almost have all these teas made. so far my ladies love them. I mean my soil, but ya know my ladies love the juices lol i throw in a little coconut water in with the waterings, mmmmm organics has been the best thing to enter my life and yes you can do organics indoors gotta be able to with stand...
  14. 2times

    Can someone help me with these weeds?

    iyyyy so nothing that im looking for lol. on the other note i went and found spotted dead nettle and yarrow at a nursery and am continuing to search for stinging nettle and comfry Well thanks guys for helping me on that :)
  15. 2times

    Can someone help me with these weeds?

    ive been seeing the third one every where, but no raspberries or dewberries
  16. 2times

    Can someone help me with these weeds?

    Just wondering if any of these are either stinging nettle or comfry 1. a. b. These are the same, wasnt sure with the little needles everywhere.(i believe stinging nettle has needles on its main stem) 2. a. b. c. Wonder if these are comfrey? 3. And this one too?
  17. 2times

    New to Organics, New to the site. :)

    yup i gave it 3-4 washes. about 5 pounds of seaweed i split into 5 diff sets, and washed each set the 3-4 times i actually still have a pound left to, i think i may make an aerated tea from that
  18. 2times

    Organic Cat Nip

    right on. im waiting for mine to sprout :)
  19. 2times

    New to Organics, New to the site. :)

    this tuesday is when i will start with the teas. just alfalfa i picked some seaweed from the beach,its dried out, about to grind it up i have my worm bin built bedding made, going to throw in some old veggies and fruits. and get some red wigglers on thursday. also in the process of building a a...
  20. 2times

    New to Organics, New to the site. :)

    ahh yes ive been reading about how its the soil that your feeding, im in the middle of building a compost out back, and vermicompost inside just need to go get some red wigglers and il be getting started. i plan by the end of the summer to have a nice soil mix ready for a new batch...