Search results

  1. BooleanCisco

    2nd Grow: 2 tents, Northern Lights, Purple Wreck, Blue Widow, Blue Hash Plant

    Hey man. Big fan of the NL, PW, BW and BHP. I hope all is well. =o
  2. BooleanCisco

    Lowrider soil grow plan.. any foxfarm users?

    hell yes use nutes. FF OF soil is good for 2-3 weeks with no nutes. Then start low ppm nutes and work your way up. I have a buddy that just jacked a 35 day old auto ak47 up with 1200 ppm FF nutes. She yellowed a little but she told me she loved it. With autos and FF I've heard "use veg (and...
  3. BooleanCisco

    Autoflower question

    They have several potent strains out now. Auto AK47 and White Moscow are pretty good. I like how most stay short and they're typically 8-10 weeks from seed to harvest. My .02
  4. BooleanCisco

    12 plants. how many watts?

    Let me say that they're are a lot of wisemen on this site that have forgotten more than I'll ever know. I;m a noob and I don't even grow. ;) Anyway, as far as mounting the light screw some circle hooks into the ceiling and let gravity straighten out the rest. With height in mind I'd def go...
  5. BooleanCisco

    12 plants. how many watts?

    In an attic I'd also suggest a 250w HID or less. Be prepared to get your ventilation/exhaust setup dialed in or expect issues. I have a friend with a 400w in a 4w x 4h x 2d (32 cu. ft.) closet grow cab and he's doing ok but he had to tweak it like a mofo to get the temps right. Also, keep in...
  6. BooleanCisco

    HTG Supply shipped me a bad bulb? [PICS]

    I promise you that HTG is a great company so don't sweat it. I know it's an annoyance but they should swap it out for you and make it right. In one of the grood experiences I've had with them a friend of mine ordered a few things but changed his mind after he placed the order. When he called...
  7. BooleanCisco

    Server case stealth grow - got a few questions

    haha dude... I'm in IT and as I read your thread title I thought "a Poweredge 2300 would kick ass for that." Props to you! Let me first say I've never done anything on the PC grow side so I am by no means an authority. One thing you could try is some simple pvc tubes for plumbing and use them...
  8. BooleanCisco

    Autoflower Germ/Seed Issues

    That makes a lot of sense. I just figured the paper towel was too moist but it makes sense that once the seed cracks it's germed and ready to plant. Thanks a lot guys. Your comments/experiences/tips/tricks are very helpful!
  9. BooleanCisco

    Autoflower Germ/Seed Issues

    When soaking we normally see white after it cracks just before paper towel. Should he skip paper towel all together? It seems to help the taproot get established in paper towel but I'm noob and don't know. =) What about letting it sit in paper towel and letting the taproot get to maybe 1/8 of...
  10. BooleanCisco

    Autoflower Germ/Seed Issues

    Hey guys, A friend of mine bought the below AF seeds from Worldwide Marijuana Seeds. As far as ordering he couldn't be happier. No issues at all. 1x White Dwarf - Feminized (dead) 1x Automatic White Moscow - Feminized (dead) 1x Lowryder #2 - Feminized (dead) 1x Easy Ryder - Feminized (dead)...
  11. BooleanCisco

    Autoflowering white dwarf at 33 days. Purples in the sky

    I hate when journals drop off like this. I always worry that the dude either died or got busted haha. Hopefully, he just harvested and moved on. Although selfish as fuck! Anyway, good looking shiz man.
  12. BooleanCisco

    White Dwarf

    Hey man, I don't grow but here's a snip from the "Lowryder Grow Guide" from Joint Doctor: "Grown under a 12 to 24 hour/daylight cycle from start to finish. I recommend 18 hours per day; this can be decreased to 16 after the first month with no loss of yield." Anyway, I think if the 16 hour...
  13. BooleanCisco

    250w or 400w??? need help please

    I'm probably off but make sure those 6" fans aren't 250cfm as booster fans (used in tandem with another inline fan) otherwise it may not vent as well. My buddy has 2 6" inline fans that are 250cfm in a booster configuration and about 150cfm (I think) by themselves. Anyway, they're about...
  14. BooleanCisco

    FoxFarm Tiger Bloom and pH HELP please +rep

    Who gives a fuck if the guy PHs before or after res. I dump mine in the toilet and PH that shit and pump it out with a kerosene pump. I say this is jest so noone freak out. ;) Anyway I hear you on availability. You've probably alreayd thought about it but don't forget about all the other ways...
  15. BooleanCisco

    How hot with 400watt hps?

    Those things are hot man. You w/o a doubt need air flow. Most people have air blowing in on one side of the hood and being pulled out thru the other side. Without airflow around that bulb you're looking at 90+ As far as calculating electricity use just Google "electricity usage calculator" or...
  16. BooleanCisco

    2nd grow - Easyryder, White widow, whiteberry

    Hey man looking good. For the growers on the site you should make it interesting by listing strain, setup, nutes, temps, all that stuff. Or maybe you did on your last grow. Either way, start another grow/journal and enjoy. There are a lot of smart mother f*ckers on here. ;)
  17. BooleanCisco

    autoflower nutes for the first time help!!!

    I'm an advocate but I don't grow. Per FF schedule use veg and bloom together with big bloom as directed. Use veg until you see flowering and switch over to bloom all the while using big bloom as directed. Keep the ppm low to start and work your way up. roll that shit light that shit smoke...
  18. BooleanCisco

    What nuts to use?

    haha, yeah annoying as shit isn't it? It's an internet thing. =) Anyway, check out either Fox Farm or Advanced Nutrients. FF is organic and AN isn't, right guys? They're easy to use and do great. I do not smoke Marijuana and I have no idea what I'm talking about. PRANK CALL PRANK CALL!!1ONE!1!!1
  19. BooleanCisco

    Grown from seed with 18/6 cycle -Swich to 24/0 to keep them small?

    I think I'm going to leave my current plants in 18/6 and then move the next round up to 24/0 next week. Thanks a lot for the help, I really appreciate it.
  20. BooleanCisco

    Grown from seed with 18/6 cycle -Swich to 24/0 to keep them small?

    Hey guys, Let me first say that this is a totally hypothetical question. ;) Background: 4w x 2d x 4h grow area T5 for seedlings. 400w MH/HPS fo veg/flower Say I've had my 2 week old seedlings under 18/6 light. I read that 18/6 will make them grow taller while 24/0 will make them shorter and...