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  1. shpongler

    Just as i wanted to flip to 12-12, need some help identifying issues.

    I'm pretty sure i'm underfeeding them, and also was overwatering at some point. I didn't know overwatering could cause these symptons after a while. So basicaly now i just give nutes with every watering and try not to overwater and hope for a good recovery? maybe wait another 1-2 weeks with...
  2. shpongler

    Just as i wanted to flip to 12-12, need some help identifying issues.

    So, i've been working my ass of lately and finaly came around to feeding the plants. I noticed one of the my two plants was in bad shape... They are both the same strain but only 1 is showing these signs (hopefully the other wont follow) Same soil and everything I kow they are kinda thirsty...
  3. shpongler

    How 2 seeds of the same breed can be so different.

    Im watering the whole pot when the weight is very light, i water untill i get some runoff. Strain is shining silver lemon haze feminized photoperiods. Its a lemon haze x skunk breed iirc. Both seeds germinated and sprouted at the same time.
  4. shpongler

    How 2 seeds of the same breed can be so different.

    Also, what could be the cause of the right plant looking kinda unhappy? Giving less water or more water didnt make the leaves perk up at all.
  5. shpongler

    airpot bed

    damn. Girls still be lookin' mighty fine!
  6. shpongler

    Controlling temperature in a cold climate.

    This is nice to hear from somebody with the actual experience. Thanks alot.
  7. shpongler

    Controlling temperature in a cold climate.

    Currently no... Next month half the place is being demolished and rebuilt. maybe in a few months after we get to move into the new part of our house i will have a room with AC to make into my growroom. untill then, the attic is the only place i have to do it.
  8. shpongler

    Controlling temperature in a cold climate.

    No AC or central heathing. I put the tent up in the attic and there's no insulation in the roof yet. Temp swings can be above 10 degrees in the coldest periods for sure. I doubt i'll even be able to get above 15degrees celsius in mid winter with the lights ON. but for now it's warm enough for a...
  9. shpongler

    airpot bed

    This girl looks mighty fine. Hopefully i'll get similar results after being out of growing for a while. Picking it up as we speak. This works great as great motivation! thanks for the effort to keep this thread updated :)
  10. shpongler

    Controlling temperature in a cold climate.

    Hello to everybody reading this, After some housing changes and getting back to growing, alot of variables changes. My question is the following What is mostly affecting stunted growth / plant shock in regards to temperature swings -high temperature swings in the air? -high temperature...
  11. shpongler

    My plants seem unhappy after i put them under the HPS?

    Thanks alot for everyone who replied! I'll give her some time to adjust to the HPS, thanks alot again!
  12. shpongler

    My plants seem unhappy after i put them under the HPS?

    3usg? overwatering is nearly impossible, i'm using canna terra mixed with about 30-40% perlite Got electronic temperature monitoring top & bottom , wich are recording the same, 26-27 celsius i've got a nice oscilating fan mixing up all the air. also got an exhaust fan that activates whenever...
  13. shpongler

    My plants seem unhappy after i put them under the HPS?

    I pregrow my plants in a small box with a couple of mixed T5's Always had super healthy, happy plants under them. as soon as they outgrow the small box i transplant them into their final size container and they go under a 250w hps (about 50cm distance from canopy) and EVERY GOD DAMN TIME they...
  14. shpongler

    Just a quick question

    When my one girl went into the stretch, i was a lousy father and i didn't feed her well... she lost quite some fan leaves in the process and now that she's packing on weight, she's losing almost all fan leaves. Will this cause my buds to not swell up ? or do i just have to be patient a lil'...
  15. shpongler

    Was this plant root bound?

    i have lots more roots at the bottom.
  16. shpongler

    Negative Pressure Causing Damage

    it's your typical bad engineering. tough you might be able to fix the problem... intake hose goes up(within the room) and exhaust goes out what the difficult thing is, is making sure you seperate your unit condenser from the rest of the unit.. What is happening is the condenser fan that is...
  17. shpongler

    When to switch to bloom nutes

    When you flip to 12/12 they will stretch alot. keep feeding veg nutes untill they stop stretching . only then you should start bloom nutes. so just keep an eye on their growth during this period and act accordingly
  18. shpongler

    A week and still not one pistil?

    Patience my friend, patience. It's all you need to know
  19. shpongler

    Watch a master in the making!

    Move this post to toke 'n talk already ... or maybe Reddit?
  20. shpongler

    Are 5 gallon pots adequate?

    i grow for self-use only. I grow under 250w hps with 4 x 23w CFL's for supplemental lighting in the corners where my hps won't reach. I grow 2-3 plants depending on sativa / indica dominance in a SCROG. my last harvest was 107grams from 2 autoflowers. (wich was an experiment) Now i'm growing...