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  1. Jrgrowin

    Any idea how far from harvest?

    That's about what I thought to and what I've read.
  2. Jrgrowin

    Now its looking like White Widow!

    They literally just started. I got the seeds from ilovemarijuana
  3. Jrgrowin

    Any idea how far from harvest?

    From what I've read, going by the trichomes is the best way to go I don't know if they hairs are super reliable. For me I am looking for more of a THC concentration so I will be harvesting mine as soon as I see a couple trichomes turn amberish. But again I stress the fact that I am just as new...
  4. Jrgrowin

    Any idea how far from harvest?

    I'm new as well so take this with a grain of salt but it looks like its maybe 6 weeks into flower so depending on your strain you may have another couple weeks. Hopefully someone with more experience can chime in.
  5. Jrgrowin

    Introduction from Canada

    Hi thanks for the postive comments and advice! Southern ontario is the place to be! I used to live in etobicoke. Still work there. Here's a pic of one of mine it's the only pic I have on my phone. I'll upload some more when I get home!
  6. Jrgrowin

    Now its looking like White Widow!

    Showing a dramatic change in only a few days! starting to get that awesome white dusting I think of when I think "White Widow"
  7. Jrgrowin

    How does she look? first time growing outside

    Looks good from here brother!
  8. Jrgrowin

    who is growing some trees????

    Hell Yah bro!
  9. Jrgrowin

    What is Causing this?

    Oh that makes sense haha
  10. Jrgrowin

    What is Causing this?

    Pardon my ignorance but what is NL? And you're absolutely right about the misinformation, it's almost like trying to navigate and pick out what seems legit.
  11. Jrgrowin

    What is Causing this?

    How did they turn out?
  12. Jrgrowin

    What is Causing this?

    Thanks for the post! I'm glad there's cases that either aren't related to TMV or at the very least the plant turned out fine!
  13. Jrgrowin

    What is Causing this?

    Oh yah I've heard Cree lights are the way to go! Low quality leds are everywhere... I was hoping to harvest earlier but honestly, first grow I'm letting the plants decide lol.
  14. Jrgrowin

    What is Causing this?

    Yours are looking great! I'm glad mine are atleast on the right track. Gunna be awesome to reap the rewards :)
  15. Jrgrowin

    What is Causing this?

    Thank you for the positive comments! I appreciate the input and yes I like big pictures LOL! I am not purposely supplying c02 that's from the gas fireplace and it's not on in the summer. I feed them a combination of fox farm tiger bloom and muskees organic fish feed (8-1-1) I'll definitely be...
  16. Jrgrowin

    What is Causing this?

    it seems to be effecting the lower leaves, another this to point out is it was literally in contact with the other two plants long after i first noticed the change in leaves. I only separated them because the smell was strong only later to find out that needed to be done anyway assuming it is in...
  17. Jrgrowin

    What is Causing this?

    Thanks for the advice, good to know it might not be TMV, the plant overall seems very healthy to me. its actually the biggest one of the 3 and has the biggest buds so far. heres a picture of the whole plant, i actually had to dig a 1 ft hole for the pot to sit in because it fell over once. I am...
  18. Jrgrowin

    First Grow, hows it looking so far

    Thanks! Yah I thibk I've heard that to just not to stress out the plant. Probably should have been more diligent earlier. Kinda just wanted it to let it do it's thing the first go
  19. Jrgrowin

    First Grow, hows it looking so far

    Thanks! It's a 5 gallon planter I think. It might be bigger it doesn't say but it's atleast that.
  20. Jrgrowin

    First Grow, hows it looking so far

    Awesome thanks for the advice I'll trim it up for sure.