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  1. JuicyCola420mon

    Uses of Hemp.

    Uses of Industrialized Hemp...1. It is the strongest natural fiber in the world and lasts longer than cotton. 2. Hemp seeds contain all essential amino acids and fatty acids. 3. Can be used as a resource to make fuel and bio diesel. 4. There are so many strains of hemp that you can grow it...
  2. JuicyCola420mon

    Questions On Soil

    Will do thanks for the info farmerjoe...
  3. JuicyCola420mon

    chopped and hanging in tent is this good conditions ?

    Alright buddy chill out, opinions come and go, and thanks to "experts" like yourself mine has been replaced...I always thought 30% Humidity was good but your probably right..
  4. JuicyCola420mon

    First Time Autoflower

    - Damn man shes lookin good...them lowryders are magnificent..keep us updated with pics whenever u can very interested to see how this grow goes!!
  5. JuicyCola420mon

    chopped and hanging in tent is this good conditions ?

    Humidity should be alot lower, temp is decent, but too late now u should be all set. about 7 days and they'll be goooood
  6. JuicyCola420mon

    I Found a Secret Room In My House!

    Awesome man....about three years ago i found a little 1.5x1.5 hole covered up behind my bed at my grandmas house. And i unscrewed it to find a little room big enough for like 5 lowryder plants lol....She neverrrrr found out and it was successful...NUTSS
  7. JuicyCola420mon

    First Time Autoflower

    - Dont no, never grew big devil, and dont live there, but ruderalis can grow almost ne where relatively warm and not too wet most of the time.
  8. JuicyCola420mon

    Questions On Soil

    - never heard of that bro. but it sounds like just the thing i need. What do u mean u need to hydrate it? Are u saying it cuts down watering by that much that u would have to remind me to water it? haha. But water source nearby comes in handy for sure. No more lugging jugs of water on foot 5...
  9. JuicyCola420mon

    List of stoner movies?

    - smartest thing ive ever heard anybody say on this forum! Wanna make a movie?? haha
  10. JuicyCola420mon

    List of stoner movies?

    -Whatttt ur kidding me, Greenisthecolor has a verry good point. And who cares if its a drama movie u israelian towel head! A stoner movie doesn't have to be stupid or funny. Smoking pot has went from being used for mind opening salvation and tranquility, to now adays in america being used for...
  11. JuicyCola420mon

    Greenhouse vs Raised Bed vs Large Hole

    -raised bed vs. large hole.........forgot to quote.
  12. JuicyCola420mon

    Grams Per Watt On Average?

    - Yeah he could of.....ppm's of what exactly? and co2 hasn't been proven to have a huge effect on a plants health. Their are more important things to worry about such as other things that PureBlood89 Wants To Know...if u didn't read the thread correctly tykey, shall i...
  13. JuicyCola420mon

    Transplanting and outdoor growing

    First off I wouldnt recommend that u transplant during flowering (12/12) because it may shock the plant and result in a weak harvest..But if u let the plants do their thing in that big pot and NOT water as frequently, only when surface is nearing bone dry. Remember it is better to not water than...
  14. JuicyCola420mon

    Any suggestions?

    whatever type of lighting has more wattage is what i would go with. 1 watt is approximately 10 grams. Idk if this coincides with vegging too though?
  15. JuicyCola420mon

    First Time Autoflower

    - damn man good choice. That was the strain i planned on trying out too...I got a question for u, If you have ever grown anything before you no with a regular plant during its seedling stage it can get alittle too tall and sometimes top heavy. Then u gotta repot it stunting its growth a little...
  16. JuicyCola420mon

    Questions On Soil

    - Wow cant believe this was two years ago!! haha crazy mann..
  17. JuicyCola420mon

    Plans for First Grow

    -Well i can't tell u that the waters alright to maintain healthy plants, but if it looks and tastes fine and has a pH of 5.5-7 (if you can test it) i wouldnt hesitate. Easier then lugging gallons upon gallons of water to ur plot. But also if your plot is near a wetland or river deposit, then in...
  18. JuicyCola420mon

    What Temp To Dry In?

    - As you probably no the drying process is the most crucial stage next to the seedling stage. If you know what ur doing up to that point it can change whether or not your pot is Top grade or Commercial. You have the right idea just keep ur budz inside, or in a very insulated shed or something if...
  19. JuicyCola420mon

    What Temp To Dry In?

    - Yes but temperature fluctuations have been proven to degrade THC so you deffinately want it at a moderately constant temperature.
  20. JuicyCola420mon

    What is this?

    Quite possibly either pistils or pollen sacks if they are in the beginning stages of flowering?