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  1. Packlives69

    Bubblers... Love em or Hate em?

    I personally love bubblers and bongs better than dry pipes or papers. What About you?
  2. Packlives69

    water bongs is harmless or not?

    This is my favourite bubbler Isabella
  3. Packlives69

    KB Strain

    This is my strain of KB. It has a very slow growth rate (5 weeks and only 5 inches tall with 1 inch leaves) Its gonna be some good bud though:weed:
  4. Packlives69

    water bongs is harmless or not?

    Personally bubblers are my favourite. I like bongs as well. But I cant do dry pipes, the hurt my throat too much. Ice catchers are nice too:weed:
  5. Packlives69

    Do you REALLY want Marijuana legalized?!

    Who doesnt want it legalized? Its practically less harmless than beer. come on people
  6. Packlives69

    This is my plant at 5 weeks

    It has 3 fluorescent lights. Miracle grow 3 month formula soil (I know that youre not supposed to use it but its what i had to work with) its watered every other day with 3/4 cup. Its a KB strain. look at my other post for more details...
  7. Packlives69

    This is my plant at 5 weeks

    This really doesnt seem right. As many pictures as i've seen of other peoples plants, mine is just inferior. Its 5 weeks old and only 5 inches tall with 1 inch leaves. Something is wrong here.
  8. Packlives69

    What is my Plant supposed to look like after 5 weeks?

    Ok. The plant is 5 inches tall and the leaves are about 1 inch long. Take note this plant is 5 weeks old.
  9. Packlives69

    What is my Plant supposed to look like after 5 weeks?

    i'm about to put the pics of it up
  10. Packlives69

    G'day to you mate. Whats going on with you?

    G'day to you mate. Whats going on with you?
  11. Packlives69

    What is my Plant supposed to look like after 5 weeks?

    correction: the plant is 5 inches tall and the leaves are barely an inch
  12. Packlives69

    What is my Plant supposed to look like after 5 weeks?

    I actually used miracle grow. i've heard not to, but in my case its all i had. it was the 3 month feeding kind. I'm currently changing the pot thatit was in because the other one did not have drainage, would this perhaps solve the problem? as for the bulbs, i posted a picture of the exact kind i...
  13. Packlives69

    What is my Plant supposed to look like after 5 weeks?

    correction: the plant is 5 inches tall and the leaves are barely an inch
  14. Packlives69

    What is my Plant supposed to look like after 5 weeks?

    Also. The type of seed i planted was a KB strain. Would that have anything to do with the slow growth rate? From looking at your pics my plant seems very very small. As if were still a seedling. The leaves arent even but 4-5cm long. My plant is inferior compared to yours. I really dont...
  15. Packlives69

    What is my Plant supposed to look like after 5 weeks?

    this is the type of bulb i use
  16. Packlives69

    What is my Plant supposed to look like after 5 weeks?

    these are the bulbs i use <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
  17. Packlives69

    What is my Plant supposed to look like after 5 weeks?

    The pot is about a foot and a half in diameter and one foot deep. I mist it with a water bottle once a day and every other day it recieves about 3/4 a cup of water.
  18. Packlives69

    What is my Plant supposed to look like after 5 weeks?

    Hi Everybody. I'm new to this site so please excuse my novice-ness. My plant is 5 weeks and 2 days old. It is lit by 2 fluorescent bulbs for 12 hours a day and recieves regular watering every other day. It stands only about 2-3 inches tall and has a very slow growth rate it seems. I may be wrong...