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    MY 1st Ever Grow, Need Help, Skunk#1 btw

    a inexpensive way, im goin put pics up 2 let u decide the sex as soon as i get gud cam
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    MY 1st Ever Grow, Need Help, Skunk#1 btw

    iva got temp issues with my new 600w hps, i have a fan in there but its still 110+ at plant level, wot can i do to reduce the hEAT OR WILL I HAV TO MAKE A BIGGER ROOM
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    MY 1st Ever Grow, Need Help, Skunk#1 btw

    and if it is how do u cure
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    MY 1st Ever Grow, Need Help, Skunk#1 btw

    after i flower, how long will it be till harvest, its skunk #1 . An is cureing neccessary or not
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    MY 1st Ever Grow, Need Help, Skunk#1 btw

    if i put 2 of these energy bulbs in, will they be bad if they are the rong colour temp coz if they the flower type then can i use them for veg stage as extra light
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    MY 1st Ever Grow, Need Help, Skunk#1 btw

    wtf is that about
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    MY 1st Ever Grow, Need Help, Skunk#1 btw

    i have huked a pc fan up to charger, it runs really fast an i just hav it in there blowin on them its not exhaust or anythin, but it make my temps low (65-75) maybe. When they are to big im guna hav to move them somewhere else. im guna put a few of the energy bulbs in, then when they 2 big...
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    MY 1st Ever Grow, Need Help, Skunk#1 btw

    just soil out of the garden but cooked to kill da insects. i am not using a gud light ino, so them bulbs in the pic are cfl. gdgd i need to know where to buy bayonet Y splitters in the uk i cant them anyway. thanks
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    MY 1st Ever Grow, Need Help, Skunk#1 btw

    ryt but are them pic CFL or r they just normal energy bulbs bcoz they came in post for free lol,
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    MY 1st Ever Grow, Need Help, Skunk#1 btw

    i have a 600w hps but i dont want to flower yet, and an hps will only stretch it more so do i def need sum CFL. I dont no wer to buy CFL, r the following pics cfl or not.
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    MY 1st Ever Grow, Need Help, Skunk#1 btw

    n im not using miracle grow soil, im using soil from a garden( i cooked it) im using miracle grow all purpose plant feed. So im not guna flower until my weedy stems get fatter, n until i repot into bigger pots. I dont no how to transplant a plant, do u put the soil its alredy in, in another pot...
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    MY 1st Ever Grow, Need Help, Skunk#1 btw

    i have a pc fan sat in there just blowin in there not exhaust fan, but that ant worked lol
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    MY 1st Ever Grow, Need Help, Skunk#1 btw

    they have been growing well, pic below. i was wondering when to flower, it was like 19th december when i planted. plz comment
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    My 1st Grow, Skunk #1

    cheerz but im not using heat lamp now lol just the lil fishtank light dont no wot watter it is but its working, when sud i start flowering, i got 2 600 w at my m8s but only using 1 coz his mum will go sik bout the elecy bills lol
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    My 1st Grow, Skunk #1

    no 1 is replyin man y, n heres and update, they are growing strong n i may need help sometime soon, nyway pic below. n on 1 pic it shows a mad lil spike thing( luks like root) sticking out of stem. wot is it
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    How to build a PC Grow Box (Pics Included)

    ryt are these cfl. they dont say what colour temp they are or that they are CFL, it just say energy efficient bulb. pics below
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    Project : Unknown Strain, Grow Journal 1 ( CFL )

    i am doin a grow myself n i only have 3 plants, the others never germinated. are u in UK or US?, i need to no wer to buy cfls from. i have just been using a fish tank light, which isnt enuf but im workin with wot ive got. I had a grow-lux flurecsecent tube but i smashed it . Pics are below and...
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    How to build a PC Grow Box (Pics Included)

    this stealth grow is gudgud , can u tell me is them cfl u r using, are CFL the same a the energy bulbs in homes coz phillips sent me 4 free energy bulbs but are these cfl or just normal bulbs
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    My 1st Grow, Skunk #1

    ges what happened, my heat lamp what was hanging upside dwn, fell and smashed my tube light, so i had to take em homw, they are fyn i hope, but always bending, its hard to keep em up(ny ideas) n i duno how to power my lil pc fans.
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    My 1st Grow, Skunk #1

    I am growing skunk number 1, i have had prior bad experiences with my plants dying. I think ive got ryt stuff, a heat meat,heat bulb, flurescent bulb and fan. These are my 1st pics , tell me wot u think, n do i need c02. I no its a bodge job lol, but im on a budget, will it work...