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  1. harper2002

    Ionic Nutrients.. what ones do I need?

    Thanks for the advise mate but the full thing is off now as think im splitting with fiancee so gonna need a place to crash....
  2. harper2002

    Ionic Nutrients.. what ones do I need?

    Do you think it would work in the fogger or will the nutes not turn to fog and just jam it? You think a fogger would to good anyway?
  3. harper2002

    Ionic Nutrients.. what ones do I need?

    I wasthinking of getting a small fog maker that you just put in watter.... thing is I was thinking of putting in some folar feed.... think that wuld work as extra feed even on a 15/15min timer?
  4. harper2002


    Cant wait lol do you think heat like placing on pc would help?
  5. harper2002

    Ionic Nutrients.. what ones do I need?

    Thanks vento but not in the uk unfortunatly
  6. harper2002

    Ionic Nutrients.. what ones do I need?

    Thanks for the advice. Would an EC pen be a good investment?
  7. harper2002

    Ionic Nutrients.. what ones do I need?

    I have used Ionic Nutrients before but thinking of getting a tent and upping the game a but. Do I really need the Liquid Silicon, Oxygen and all the rest? I have grow, bloom, boost, Nitrozyme (for seeds and folar) and forfulex will the other stuff make a diff? Thank for any advice :weed:
  8. harper2002


    Got some crystals in a small 5cl of whisky last night but there just siting there lol
  9. harper2002


    thanks dude
  10. harper2002


    lol yea was thinking of getting one.
  11. harper2002


    well I was just thinking of doin in whisky cause its there its 40% so should work yea? Oh what sort weight u think ill need for it to work? I got a g
  12. harper2002


    Have you got any idea if the Iolite is any good?
  13. harper2002


    anyone got any ideas?
  14. harper2002


    Hi. Does anyone know if I could add some crystals I gathered from my grinder to whisky?
  15. harper2002

    Guess the yield!!!!!

    Thanks dude, that sounds about right cause a friend had about 5 from a 400w.
  16. harper2002

    Guess the yield!!!!!

    ph checked every 2 days, never topped-up, using 600w hps grow-veg bulbs. Thinking of only veging for a couple of weeks.
  17. harper2002

    Guess the yield!!!!!

    Come on dudes help a fellow Gardner out.......
  18. harper2002

    Guess the yield!!!!!

    Right im thinking of getting a secret jarden 120 with a 600 watt ballast and 1 flo bulb n 1 gro bulb and a 424 NFT system. MIGHT grow LSD seeds (between 5 and 8) and not sure wi should but CANNA nutes or IONIC ones.... what u think? Please tell me if there is anything I missed (shit, im gonna...
  19. harper2002

    Advice needed for grow tent

    Will i see big diff with bigger nft?
  20. harper2002

    Running a set-up from 1 socket

    Not sure but have a look on here.