1"-2" of Rain = Flush?

im jealous as hell from that photo.i have to grow tiny stuff to hide from everyone else around me.you got more on one plant than i can hide on 5 plants.great job just wish i lived where i could do that.my wife has alot of medical problems .we average 100.00 per week to keep her and myself half way happy.where i live it gets very hard to find and very expensive if cought growing it.---yea weather is crappy --i hope it dont effect production on my end!
It'll be okay, that def does not mean it will rain like a sonofabitch for 8 straight days. Some days may not rain at all, weather changes all the time.
Calling for up to 6-10" of rain in some areas over the next 2 days. That sounds like it should be a snow forecast.
Whoever is controlling the weather wants my basement to remain a swimming pool. Had to stake one of my plants as it was leaning over in the saturated ground.
My NL has so much bud on it/rain its bent over a bit. I need to stake the bitch up. Need to go find something to stake her with. She is, after all, over 4 feet. Need to go check on her anyway. So I'll need something about 4 feet to prop her.
alittle off question here.. but say your soil is saturated on a potted plant...could you take it out of the rain put it inside with a heating pad under it and a fan blowing acroos the top of the dirt and foliage? any ideas mainly for drying out the soil with the heating pad.would it work or cause some sort of root rot?
alittle off question here.. but say your soil is saturated on a potted plant...could you take it out of the rain put it inside with a heating pad under it and a fan blowing acroos the top of the dirt and foliage? any ideas mainly for drying out the soil with the heating pad.would it work or cause some sort of root rot?

Its hard saying man. Its worth a shot. IF I were you I would simply move the pot/plant into a sheltered place at night during rain storms to prevent over watering. Next year grow in the ground so you wont have over watering issues.
The next 8 days is calling for rain here! 8 DAYS! I read BAD things about Nirvana NL and mold...I hope all is well -=/ Oh PS my NL calyxs are swollen all over!

We shall see. I hope not. Damn thing has a lot of buds on it. Would be horrible if they all caught mold. Rain isn't as bad as was expected here. Today, tomorrow, and fri are supposed to be just "few showers", then its smooth sailing for a bit at least.

How about everyone else?

BTW has anyone's top buds look like they are about a week from flowering but all the other ones underneath look normal for this time? I could have sworn I've seen this on the forum before.