Well we're growing...sort of

I believe when I transplanted the stunted plant on the left, I broke its tap root off

Started with the Jack's, but after talking to my buddy who grows dwc, I ordered some H&G Aqua Flakes. He has been using it for a long time, and likes it. Recommended that I just run the multi zen with it. Also ordered a ph pen from HM, these drops aren't gonna cut it much longer.
The plant on the right has been growing, but it didn't look to happy with the Jack's. Plant on the left, has been clinging to life. It looks like it finally has a decent root into the nutrient solution.
Swapped the res out last night, cleaned it out and filled it back up with the aqua flakes. The big plant looks much happier, and seems to have better coloring today. You can see the first set of leaves on the bottom, it was a bumpy start.
Here are the differences in the roots.
So thats where I'm at. Waiting on my ph pen and multi zen. When I mixed the solution up last night, my ph was less than 6, but more than 5, according to the ph drops. This evening when I checked it, it had drifted up closer to 7. Dropped the ph back around 5/6. Ill check it again in the morning.