$10 Cheeseburger


Well-Known Member
you can get 10 chesse burgers from mcdonalds/burger king/wendy's and alot more places for $10.30 wooooooooooooo!


Well-Known Member
You can make a way better one at home.

Go to the store and get a half pound of chuck steak and a half pound of sirloin steak (if you have a food processor get the whole steaks and grind the meat in that, otherwise get ground chuck and sirloin).

If you have a food processor put the chuck in it and pulse it ten times for about 1/2 second each, then remove and do the same with the sirloin, mix them together in a bowl (gently, don't mash up the meat it won't taste as good), add a good bit of kosher salt to taste (about 1 tsp for a pound of meat).

Now form them into 5-6oz even patties (if you put a dimple in the top center it will cook more evenly), let a cast iron pan heat for 2-3 minutes on medium high heat, then put the patties in. For medium-rare burgers cook for about 4 minutes on each side, for medium burgers cook for 5 minutes on each side (instant read thermometer is always good if you're unsure).

Ground beef has to be cooked to 155F and held there for at least 15 seconds to conform to food safety guidelines in the US, which is why hamburgers at Wendy's or McDonalds or any other fast food place are a uniform gray usually).

For comparison, a rare steak is at 125F and people eat these all the time without ill effects, I'd cook my burger to about 135F while in the pan, and it will go up about 5F after taking it out of the pan.

Let the burgers rest (covered loosely with foil) for about 5 minutes before eating, it allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat and avoids that nasty pooling of juices you get at most "good" restaurants.

If you want to make it a cheeseburger set it on the burger about 1 min before you take it out of the pan.

Put it on any (toasted?) bun with any toppings and it'll be way better than those restaurant burgers.

I like mayo and fresh ground pepper (mayo forms a barrier from all those juices that make the buns soggy, so put it on the bottom bun if you like it.


Well-Known Member
agree with fdd2blk that fucking cheese burger is so amazing every time i go to apple bees i always order that. wich i go to apple bees atleast 2 or 3 times a weak.


Well-Known Member
lunch at work, 4 times a week. had a basket of riblettes and some crispy bread pudding today.


Active Member
Man that looks good. :(
Heres my thing I like McDonalds cause its good and cheap, but I also know places that are more spendy $6-10 burgers are fucking bomb ass good. But I can eat more for cheaper at McDonalds but thats if I wanna feel sick, its been everytime ive ate there past like 3 years I feel sick after. So iono hard decision. :)


Well-Known Member
omg the ribs are so fucking good!! there frys are unbelievible to!!!!! but when i got the super fucking munchies ill order like that SAMPLER appetiser. and a main dish..........yes i can eat alot of fucking food!!


Well-Known Member
just ordered a $4 double bacon double cheese burger from our local bbq restaurant. I've yet to find a burger anywhere with the artery clogging potential of these monsters. Plus, anytime you can use meat as a condiment on a burger, you've found a winner. :)


Well-Known Member
10$ chesseburger..or 10 1$ cheeseburgers hmmmm i doubt i could eat 10 but that sounds like a hell of a better deal


Well-Known Member
yeah i like the ribs but im a person who works out so i dont eat out to often.

im a stoner/workout person



Well-Known Member
I've never had restaraunt ribs as good as southern home cooked ribs. Ever. not even close, really. My friends dad straight up makes the best I've had.
I love ribs.


Well-Known Member
today i had the aloha burger. won't do that one again. pineapple on a cheeseburger sounds good but doesn't taste as well.

you go fast food eaters. $1 burgers go thru me like fat thru a goose. there is a reason you get sick when you eat mickey D's. that shit is NASTY!!!!!!!

find me a $20 cheeseburger and i'll get a $100 sack and order 2.

fruits and vegetables? i'm not an iguana. lol