10 Fem auto ak, 1 reg blueryder, 1 reg dieselryder and 3 freebies fem

yup i got the CF ready for action wen needed. now the temps are under control but wen i start my perpetual the fans an filter will be on all the time cuz a batch of something will always be flowerin. fuck how is that v ush, wudda loed to put my lips on dat pm me
The violator is great and yields well too. Not something you try to toke all day on cause it does have a tendency to relax ya too much and put you to sleep. We harvested that plants one week early to avoid the trichomes degrading too far and give the couch lock effect. Didnt matter, genetics are what they are so plan on chillin out if you want to smoke it. Great for night time smoke to get good sleep... especially after fuckin!
Oh ya, + rep right back ya. It's easy to see you put alot of hard work and thinking into this. The hard work will pay off my friend.
yeah kushy we got all these auto groupies showin us love. since i have more females than i was expecting out of my ak47 autos im going to make seeds with one plant and then try to make feminized seeds with the offspring of those seeds. but dont get any ideas from slov on topping your autos. thats a terrible idea everywhere it tells u not to stress autos too much and cutting the main stem will probably lose about a weeks worth of growth for an autop which is a weeks worth of bu production. :( anyway, did u get a root stimulator, i really do believe it helps make the plants grow faster before flowering and the bigger the root system the more nutrients the plant will take in and the bigger the buds. i got the bcuzz root stimulator from htgsupply in pittsburgh and it seems to be working real good. its real concentrated though so your supposed to only put 1 drop of the root shit to 1000 drops of water idk what the measurement is i just eye that shit out but its been working and for only like 18 bucks a bottle i think it would be worth it especially since ur tryin to hustle ur bud more yield, bigger bucks. did u have those blue streaks growing/ how are they
The Root Stimulator is the BEST thing I have done to my autos yet! They get it every watering from seed up...sxf, I am using the B'CUZZ Roots as well and will be sticking to it. use roughly a lil under a teaspoon a gallon,or 1ml per liter no worries. My 8 in plants have better,stronger, and longer roots than my 5 foot tall plants had with no root stimulator. I highly recommend it....
just picked some up an hour ago. same one u guys have. i also bought some gravity for my plants slater. hopefully its as good as its raved about!! yeah the bluestreaks are in the ground with the aks and diesel. the bluestreak and diesel are unsexed so i dont know how many fems i will get jus yet, thats y i been stockin up on fem seeds for my sog. i have 9 aks that are fem so im only countin on those to produce bud. if i can get some of the joint docs to produce flowers it will be a plus. i do have 30 fem auto kushes and diesel ryders ready to start wen these show sex or in 4 weeks regardless for my perpetual so i will have a lovely second harvest in january an so on......! so seven unsexed jointdocs and i have 10 more jointdoc seeds unsexed that i will probably save for a day wen i want to start makin seeds. since im commercial i dont mind buyin the fem seeds over and over again because one oz can pay for a shit load of fem seeds for me. an oz of kush, extotics goes for 500 whole. .05 for 20 so its like u make 1120 bucks baged up. i can buy a shitload of seeds an thats wut i been doin cuz man my next grow shud be the shit but i am anxious to see wut i have in my grow room in another week seeming that i know 9 are confirmed fems. jus gave um a light mist for the day too


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I thought u weren't going to mist them daily anymore..LOL...I think its been a few days tho huh? I put mine on every 3.5 days and they seem to love it. I wish I had a good camera for you guys. I could post some camera phone pics today if you guys would like?
:joint:smokin on sum blue cheese from china town. i got a china man who hooks it up for 1600 a qp


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enjoy that! I wish I could find it in weight for a decent price around here. I cant anymore. Boy I miss the days of driving to ATL for 3200 elbows of Beasties and 4500 for exotics. Man IF i could get that now, I would drive all the way to Chicago.
hell yeah. 400 a zip not bad. gonna dump it all like .08 for 20. if i got it for 1200 a qp i cudda did grams for 20 but prices are high. shit bro if u lived here the best thing to do would be grow cuz u can make a million bucks easy. exotics ie:kush, sour diesel, purps, haze are goin for 550 to 600 an oz. bro i sold a quarter( yup 7 grams) for 250 yester day. since i pay so much for it, i have to make a double see, and if u want to buy it like that then fine. so when im done with my grows i still have hella clientel and i can sell it for cheaper and faster cuz im the grower and middle man
Holy shit! 250 for a Q? Damn, most I ever paid was 120 for a Q and I thought that was bullshit. Is your clientel more upscale or have people really gotten to be that stupid?

Good for you that you have the people lined up to line your pockets. In this economy you have to pay the bills somehow.
hell yea an i would like to make money without hurtin people ya know. not really i have all type of clientel. being from the inner city i have alot of 20 dollar and 50 dollar clients.. like i sell 3 .05( half grams for 50). thats the best deal u can get right now on the exotics. regular shit like bubblegum and blueberry, ak47 goes for 20 a gram. the exotics is wuts costin. now alot of the older clientel like um i would jus say people who have more money than the average person dont mind payin the prices cause they dont have the time searchin for it. so if i have to sell a 7 grammer out of my shit that i paid 550 an oz for, u have to pay me my profit as well cuz i aint sellin this shit for free. so the standard bag of smoke is 20 bucks for a half gram of exotics. 20 dollars a gram for dro/reg strains. so being a grower here, if u can produce kush, kush, kush, u are the man! u set the tone cuz if u can perpetually grow a pound a month of kush or diesel, thats like 9600 max u can make without sellin one bag. jus sellin ur oz's for 550 0r 600 and ull make about 100 grand a year extra untaxed
its not that the people are stupid, its just that we are by no major line of water and im sure its hard to transport pounds of smelly ass fresh kush cross country so its exotic, hence the name,lol. u can get some regular middies for 125 an oz. who wants that tho? cant get no pussy smokin that shit with a new fine lady. lol i know u married slate so much respect to ur marriage but im sayin this. i work too but a job aint cuttin it. if i can make an extra 10 grand a month producin somethin i love to indulge in, hell yea im takin this risk. shit i spend like 300 a week on smokin exotics wit my lady. 300 bones, so i needed this site to learn an put my shit together. exotics makin more money then coffee, cotton, milk, all the commodities weed is number 1. look it up. i bet an 8th
shit, im workin to try an franchise a dispensary wen ill stops playin an makes it legal. i got the store front picked out an all. im thinkin of takin a few classes at oaksterdamn university
hells yeah bro! I plan on doing the same with the dispensary. I already have my degree in marketing management, and so does my girl, so we all set! :) till then, gonna garden and learn, then garden some more..lol