10 weeks of flowering INDICA ???


Well-Known Member
There is absolutely no way to tell from those pictures. Put a scope on it and look at the trichomes.
You need better magnification than those pictures show.


Well-Known Member
i dont have a better scope ... those pics are taken with a 30-60x ...
I'll let her one more day...maybe 2... It looks that she can swollen up a lil more


Well-Known Member
they arent amber at all man.:confused: Thats why she got to 10 full weeks of flowering.
Not sure why an Indica to mature so late


Well-Known Member
if there mostly cloudy I would chop her down should give you a nice head high with cloudy trichs, have you flushed her out yet????


Well-Known Member
Thats the kinda high Ițm looking for anyway bongsmilie
Tomorrow morning she's coming down for sure. just left her couple more days maybe she'd swallen up a lil more

Not a believer in flushing, however, been giving her plain PHed watter for the last couple weeks . the run off is around 200 PPM.