that shit sucks.I stay with m box perc 30's and be high all day from one.Hydrocodone,.
whatch how often you take it, prolonged use hurts like a bitch when your body comes to wanting them and you dont have any. o and it lasts 12 hours(the pain)that shit sucks.I stay with m box perc 30's and be high all day from one.
I've lost too many friends on that bullshit!man id get some heroin, heat it up in a spoon and inject it into my toes, because the veins in my arms and legs are dead... mmmm drugs...
He probably just went and got beer after all the bullshit he read through on his thread. Lol.
Nope, crack is pretty funny.Too late for a crack joke?
Ya man. I'm just broke and jealous. If I were you I'd get Netflix and use the rest on some shrooms.Jeez is it that bad to ask what to do with 100 dollars? Last year in my own apartment I was low on money... BAD. Anyways when I started getting paid better I could afford more things to buy for fun. My point is when I was low on money I would be happy to have an extra 100 dollars.
shit....i wish i had an xtra $100Sadly this just tells me you are a young kid who should not be on this site but i have no proof but what ever.
My groceries cost more than $100