$100 USD for an oz??

400/oz holy crap.. I live in MA and won't pay more than 300, usually get them at 270

Holy crap is right, I've gotta admit it's damn good stuff, but ridiculous, I'd never pay that but my close friend does, why I'll never know, but he's happy, to each his own I guess, I tried to get him to grow his own but he refuses....oh well.
i would tell you its gonna be some mids for 100 an O, i used to live in KS and get brick weed(came mexico if im not mistaken) there 150$ for a QP now i live in Cali and pay 250 an ounce for TOP TOP shelf! as far as "KB" and "mids" these are terms that tend to vary from hood to hood, state to state..for example in Kansas we called anything green and not in a brick "KB" then i move to cali and i never heard the term KB EVER!!! but i started hearing the word "mids" referring to some decent buds, usually outdoor with that hay smell but still got you really high!! id say buy it and if you dont like it sell it and make your money back maybe a little extra!
i would tell you its gonna be some mids for 100 an O, i used to live in KS and get brick weed(came mexico if im not mistaken) there 150$ for a QP now i live in Cali and pay 250 an ounce for TOP TOP shelf! as far as "KB" and "mids" these are terms that tend to vary from hood to hood, state to state..for example in Kansas we called anything green and not in a brick "KB" then i move to cali and i never heard the term KB EVER!!! but i started hearing the word "mids" referring to some decent buds, usually outdoor with that hay smell but still got you really high!! id say buy it and if you dont like it sell it and make your money back maybe a little extra!
excellent. thanks
Here is Southern Madagascar, Im paying like tree fiddy for an ounce of high quality marijuana medicine.
75 bucks an ounce in New York a few years back.Total mexi brick.That weed was 300/lb in Arizona.The good green fluffy commercial was 850/lb in San Diego but we called it Pretendica and sold it for more at shows
im in philly and i pay 100 an oz for outs 150 for ins but I'm incredibly lucky and get hooked up. I sincerely doubt you can find that value randomly especially at such a low quantity here. then again it could always be backyard outs
75 bucks an ounce in New York a few years back.Total mexi brick.That weed was 300/lb in Arizona.The good green fluffy commercial was 850/lb in San Diego but we called it Pretendica and sold it for more at shows

Where can you find $300/lb in AZ? Mexico border? Those prices are nuts.
In cali its shwag or bammer weed for mexico brick or stress or some really shitty outdoor. Mids stands for mid grade! Bomb is unversal for bomb outdoor bomb greenhouse or good indoor. Fire and kill and top shelf to me all means grade a indoor.in cali the terminology is simple!
I first started using mexi brick for hash, usually has premature trichs...makes great hash(with little flavor most of the time) pick up a micron syringe, they work wonders..

400 a lb here...
Thats some yummy mexi brick(hempyninja)
When I was in highschool we had a steady connect of bud that was in the same price range as OP had mentioned and looked pretty much the same as said picture. I think my buddy paid close to $1000 for a p. This was around 7 years ago so im guessing things have changed since. Soo much surplus from the medical states I havnt seen mids/regs in forever.