1000$ Bounty Per Illegal Alien To Fix The Economy

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
This is a horrible thread. talk like this is a just-slightly-better than racism. Our economy is screwed for reasons much more complex than dark skinned people. People come here looking for a chance to better their lives, much like your family at some point likely did. They are willing to die in desserts or drown in oceans for a chance to get here and are infinitely more grateful for the opportunities they have than we are likely to be. What a horrible thing to say, think, and believe. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
To bad they do not like they can get a job, why the fuck should the tax payer's keep paying for them to pop out more kids...messed up part is the more they have the more they get..How would it be any diffrent from the laws we have now. ..Beside's how many welfair freaks do you think vote ? most of them are so drunk or high they do not get off the couch
Wow...thats horribly offensive, and I'm white and self supporting. Where is your sense of empathy? You must be out of touch with the plight of the people you explain. Thats just so bad and so wrong.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
People come here looking for a chance to better their lives, much like your family at some point likely did.
I think that the prevention of illegal immigrants is a by in large hypocritical vehicle for publicly acceptable racial segregation. BUT. Do you honestly think that even the majority of illegal immigrants are here for honorable reasons? :)


Well-Known Member
This is a horrible thread. talk like this is a just-slightly-better than racism. Our economy is screwed for reasons much more complex than dark skinned people. People come here looking for a chance to better their lives, much like your family at some point likely did. They are willing to die in desserts or drown in oceans for a chance to get here and are infinitely more grateful for the opportunities they have than we are likely to be. What a horrible thing to say, think, and believe. You should be ashamed of yourself.
I never said anything about dark skin people ....And if you really want to know how I feel it's the white trash scumbag trailer park girls that have screwed our system up with there 10 kids and 5500 diffrent baby's daddy's drama. so please do not claim I am raciest. Because I would be more then glad to tie all the white trash tube's so they could not have kids and would be more then glad to go in there twat's with a 30 ton excavator to do it. I have no clue where you live or what you have seen,but if you where to come to My small as town that has more people on welfair then the people working that support em and how they get to live It would change your feeling's real fast....I tell you a lil story...This girl on welfair had 3 kids. well we paid for her to become a nurse,,, she had her tube's tied and a great job being a RN.. Found mr wonderful that is in prison for robbing people and shot at the cops.... gets married to him and has her tubes untied and stops working to have more kids because it was better money the being a RN .... fucking kidding me rite....Sad...I am not calling you out with My responce, just venting a lil and hope you can understaind my point of veiw. ....................peace

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
I never said anything about dark skin people ....And if you really want to know how I feel it's the white trash scumbag trailer park girls that have screwed our system up with there 10 kids and 5500 diffrent baby's daddy's drama. so please do not claim I am raciest. Because I would be more then glad to tie all the white trash tube's so they could not have kids and would be more then glad to go in there twat's with a 30 ton excavator to do it. I have no clue where you live or what you have seen,but if you where to come to My small as town that has more people on welfair then the people working that support em and how they get to live It would change your feeling's real fast....I tell you a lil story...This girl on welfair had 3 kids. well we paid for her to become a nurse,,, she had her tube's tied and a great job being a RN.. Found mr wonderful that is in prison for robbing people and shot at the cops.... gets married to him and has her tubes untied and stops working to have more kids because it was better money the being a RN .... fucking kidding me rite....Sad...I am not calling you out with My responce, just venting a lil and hope you can understaind my point of veiw. ....................peace
No, I wasnt speaking directly to you but more so the tone of the conversation as well as the thread title. I understand the frustration, I live in the first city in california to go bankrupt...but to ask if hunting down illegals for a thousand a head would fix the economy...well, first, no it wont. Second...thats so mean.people are people and everyone just wants a piece of the pie. Laziness is laziness, white,mexican,black,fuckin chinese. Just being illegal dont make you the problem. The real problem is laziness and greed. Put yourself in the mindframe of living in poverty and violence wanting a simple american life like in a movie with a lawn and shit to park your car in. your willing to risk your life for it and your family. For me, if you want it that fuckin bad, you deserve it more than I.


Active Member
Not saying i support the illegal immigration shit but lol all of our ancestors once did what they did. Now it is ignorance and rednecks that are making us Americans look like savages. I agree that if we were to give them all residency and make them pay into the tax system we would have a stronger economy and unemployment would go down because of all of the new businesses they would start (not being racist or semantic) like Mexican stores or food places that sell their authentic food plus i notice a lot of Hispanics are great mechanics and landscapers. Shit imagine if instead of working for us they start their own company's and put more people to work? There are many sides to this coin but only giving a chance will let us see what actually happens


Active Member
This is a horrible thread. talk like this is a just-slightly-better than racism. Our economy is screwed for reasons much more complex than dark skinned people. People come here looking for a chance to better their lives, much like your family at some point likely did. They are willing to die in desserts or drown in oceans for a chance to get here and are infinitely more grateful for the opportunities they have than we are likely to be. What a horrible thing to say, think, and believe. You should be ashamed of yourself.
thank you at least someone shares the same philosophy as I do. Liked :)

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Not saying i support the illegal immigration shit but lol all of our ancestors once did what they did. Now it is ignorance and rednecks that are making us Americans look like savages. I agree that if we were to give them all residency and make them pay into the tax system we would have a stronger economy and unemployment would go down because of all of the new businesses they would start (not being racist or semantic) like Mexican stores or food places that sell their authentic food plus i notice a lot of Hispanics are great mechanics and landscapers. Shit imagine if instead of working for us they start their own company's and put more people to work? There are many sides to this coin but only giving a chance will let us see what actually happens
Shit, you really think the Aristocracy would allow the Mexican's a chance to take hold? NAH


Well-Known Member
I have an idea.......Lets all go to mexica and demand welfair and the best jobs that they have.Any one want to bet how long it would take then to shoot us or lock us up ?


Well-Known Member
Lets no forget free medical ... and do they have a s.s system we can collect


Active Member
Lets no forget free medical ... and do they have a s.s system we can collect
Lol believe it or not but water is free. No property taxes, you only pay $60 a year for electricity. And everything is dirt cheap like $1 buys you chips and a coke. Also whey n you work for a factory they give you a nice pension to retire on. Um... they have free medical... and i think everything you buy already has taxes included so no taxes after u ring up items.


New Member
Is this thread any less offensive to many than tittie threads that have been shut down? Should be deleted.


Well-Known Member
Are you putting 'titties' in the same sentence as 'offensive'?
I love titties and illegal immigrants
Fuck the censors- Moderators deleting pictures of G.G. Allins penis because there intimidated by it's presence and you sheltered sensitive folks who can't even handle the internet and e snitch and report posts and put people on the "ignore list" toughen up-
Long live the first ammendment and down with censorship
Titties forever


Well-Known Member
As a bricklayer, I've watched more than a few companies work illegals( no ssi# etc.) for labor and pay them cash...I have to blame that on the people who hire them. But it did bring the pay scale down for non-union bricklayers in the late 90's and soon alot small companies were taken over by this and couldn't compete with the prices.

As a frequent, innercity titti bar patron and lover of prostitutes, I say non child bearing females between the ages of 17 and 35 who work these jobs should be givin legal status and encouraged to bring over female friends who also want to persue this type of work. :-)