1000$ Bounty Per Illegal Alien To Fix The Economy

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
As a bricklayer, I've watched more than a few companies work illegals( no ssi# etc.) for labor and pay them cash...I have to blame that on the people who hire them. But it did bring the pay scale down for non-union bricklayers in the late 90's and soon alot small companies were taken over by this and couldn't compete with the prices.

As a frequent, innercity titti bar patron and lover of prostitutes, I say non child bearing females between the ages of 17 and 19 who work these jobs should be givin legal status and encouraged to bring over female friends who also want to persue this type of work. :-)
Fixed it for you. :lol:


Well-Known Member
....no no, I like the upper 20's, lower 30's ...experience is a great gift they behold!...the 17-19's are just to throw around for fun.


Well-Known Member
....no no, I like the upper 20's, lower 30's ...experience is a great gift they behold!...the 17-19's are just to throw around for fun.
I went to mexico when I was young 15 and might have been a virgin...lol I had a very young one teach me a lot. when they found out I was a cherrie they got the youngest best looking girl to ride me like a stolen car. I had no clue at the time that I could drop one nut after another or should say she took em right out of me , took many year's before I was able to find another woman to ride me like that one did. I so wish I could have married her . I want to say she was 16.And could put 95% of the woman I have been with to shame, Only thing that was a lil better was the freak that had me choke her while she was ridding. so if anyone see's a merican kid with blue eyes around 22 year's old It might be my kid lol. I know thats dirty,but I got extra special treatment and aids was not full blown back then


Well-Known Member
lol...okay, mid-20's does sound better....but under 17 constitues jail time...lol....I'll admit, some of the over thrity's can look like a trainwreak if they've been working it for all those years...on the other hand,some Spanish, Asian and Indian ( middle eastern) women look their best at that age...and they ALL need a little loven sometimes....even the BIG ones!


Well-Known Member
some of em strat real young. and hell yeah on the good looking Asian woman. that is on my list if I can ever find a single or willing one lol. I have had a few rentals in My life and the canadian woman are just as hot


Well-Known Member
The thing is the US have enjoyed a free ride for too long for doing nothing more than printing money.
There is no mechanism or reason for this to continue to be so, you can not want equality only for people in america at the exclusion of everyone else.
On the flipside, its not realy so bad out here. even though our interest rates are in the double digits and effective taxation is way over 50% of your income. Gas is over $1.25 a litre, and thats still cheap compared to europe.