1000 watts Rdwc 4x4


Well-Known Member
Well I have never grown the SFV in the heat you do, so maybe it is still possibly related. Sometimes the SFV clones can just be stragglers, sometimes they are champs. You can keep it at 750 as long as the plants are happy, but at around weeks 3-5 of flower they need more food than they have in their whole lives, but after that their dietary needs plummets again. You could probably get away without ever going over 1000-1200 if they are this happy with 750.
I fucking love plants like that. Easy as can be, and even easier on the wallet. Thank god for well breed strains. So far I have to admit I am loving these clones I got from SASC. Totally bug and disease free, very easy to grow, very happy plants. I'm definitely keeping these clones as moms and will make clones of them to flower out. Or if my mom gets big enough in time I will retire her outside for the outdoor season, and start up a new mom.

I need a mom/clone box like a mother fucker.

Blue dream is getting more and more awesome by the day. I think you are actually going to be mad-jealous of the final product. lol.


Active Member
let me just take THIS opportunity to say:

how you girls gonna go and lose that? i mean .. come on.
bitch piss grumble moan

and how come there's no latinas on the usa team? think the team is good now, just you wait.

back to bidness ..

i think i'm seeing some recovery after the flush. the problem is roots aren't getting down into the drink, and i'll be damned if i can figure out why. it would have to be adding the drippers, but removing them for a couple days didn't make fuck all of a difference whatsoever. the two plants that are worst off in there still don't have roots showing outside of the netpot. wtf? never had any problem like this before. got to be those drippers somehow. drippers on combo with something wrong with the sauce? i just don't know yet.

the HS seems to show about the same slow rise in ppm anywhere from 700-850 or so. i'm going to start taking it up a bit every few days. just kinda stabbing randomly, but i'll target around 1000 for short term, no more than 1200 if they like the harder sauce. they are in week 3 now.

i love the mom and clone portion of the cabinet system. little hot like everything else out here in summertime but no problems at all. still really need a better watering system. hand watering daily is getting old fast. thinking about a simple drain to waste system if i can find a place for the waste to run.

nah no jealousy involved. i'll be delighted to know the genetics are good and it was just me that fucked up that last cycle.
be delighted to puff some of it too!
been really surprised that this HS stretches and grows taller than the blue dream does. Much more so. Makes for a better, more even scrog, but also a much taller one. Glad to know that, so far, this strain has no problem being up close to the light. Hopefully the flowers will feel the same as the leaves about it.


Well-Known Member
I fucking love Latina's, did I ever tell you that? Dear god I do.

I guess we will have to ride this out and see what happens though, it is either temps, lock up, or drippers. You can always remove the dripper from one unit, and throw ice in another, and see which one responds best. I am talking to some guy right now who is having success cooling off his res with frozen golf balls, if you believe that shit. His res is like 1/15 the size of your res though.

I think I might like some of this HS to scrog. Scrogging the blue dream was pretty fun, and it really did not stretch as much as I thought it would. Pictures later today of the BD scrog, I promise, for reals this time. Also, chopping down my Strawberry Cough/C99 hybrids today. They turned purple during the flush, so I'm pretty happy about that. I also discovered to clones I labeled as SFV were this SC99, even though I threw away all the SC99 clones because of a mold issue. Which means, I threw away some SFV clones instead of SC99 cones, FUCK! But at least I get to enjoy this smoke for one more crop. The SC99 is a fucking awful plant to grow, very unpleasant, attracts bugs, attracts mold, stresses easily, but god fucking dammit it makes some of the best smoke I have ever had. I might spend the money on getting the buds tested for potency in a lab, just for my own knowledge. I doubt I will get more than 2 ounces of each plant, probably less, the early N deficiency really killed my yields on this plant.

SFV of course, didn't give a shit, and just 2 plants gave me a HUGE FUCKING YIELD, I expect at least 5 oz off the 2 plants. I grew them in 3 gal buckets too, just to see if I could pull the same yield as I could in 5. And I absolutely can, if you consider that I kept all the plants the same size in 5 gal pots as I did in 3 gal pots. But near the end I was watering the 3 gal pots a lot more, so going out of town was a little stressful if I wasn't constantly calling my grow partners and making sure they are doing things right.

Man.... do I ever wish I had a clone/mom cab. That would be fucking sweet.