1000 watts Rdwc 4x4


Active Member
oh and last night was 8 weeks on the dot. mine will be chopped from 56 to 59 days, bigger ones last. all of the smaller unders and sides are already gone, there was about an oz, little more, of this stuff. Nothing, and i mean nothing, in this tent came out at all like scruffy blue dream from last run. The worst of this run is up there with the best of last. is very good.

biggest buds weighing in so far at around 110g wet, about a soda can and a half in size after being broken down to avoid mold. really wanted to keep the forearm sized stuff to dry as a big thing but fuck i do not want to play with mold this time. being conservative.

it's drying in my lateral file cabinet rack. 60f aint going to happen this time, its at about 75f and 53% humidity.


Well-Known Member
Lower heat and humidity. Get it as close to 70 as possible, and in my opinion, humidity being over by even 1% is wayyyy too much, you HAVE to keep it under 50%, I would keep it at 45%-48%.

But hell yeah the nugs are fatty on the SFV. It is tough to break them down, I know, but it is for the good of the horde.

Take some nug porn pictures!


Active Member
will post pics asap, been really busy.

harvest completed last night. best plant came in around 360g wet. i am guessing we'll hit about 2oz per plant average. some very nice buds. chopped everything down to smaller than coke can size for drying. loose buds are in the tray, in the position where i found the mystical hidden blue snooze. the rest is in the cabinet at about 72f / 50% humid. no problems so far.

tray looks like it is drying much, much faster. nugs are shrinking down in there within hours, to the same amount that i usually see in the drying cab after say 3 or 4 days.

zero bugs, zero problems. dissected all the rockwool etc area, not a single little critter, no signs, nothing. absolutely pristine.

root rot - forget what i said. there is no root rot, roots are all straight up perfect. the dark brown gunk isn't root rot if, after squeezing the roots, it all washes off leaving nice white roots. no smell, no slime.

big bonus points for the biggest plant. it had twice the root mass of most of the others. It had a nice string of roots that had grown out of one of the 1" drain holes (this is why we used 2x 1" drains. engineering for teh win.) all the way down to the main res! A good 5 feet of roots, it made it all the way to the main res, where it was stopped by the debris cap on the 4" pvc.

so if good roots means good fruits, the next phase should really kick ass.

The new rack is installed, both fit perfectly side by side in the tent with no room to spare. an exact fit. need to install the new drain pipe and forgot to drill holes to feed airlines into. other than that, fittings are all installed and ready for stress testing.

and my hands permanently smell like sfv. that was some seriously sticky icky.


Well-Known Member
I scrub my hands with rubbing alcohol everytime I handle the SFV, it's like glue. Me and my grow partner are trimming up the last 2 plants as we speak actually. About 9.5 weeks was it's total time; a little too long, I think 9 on the nose would have been better, but I was a little busy.

My tea turned out to be super tea by the way. I transplanted some roses the other day and poured some on... today they have twice as much growth as they've had all year... wow! These were some sad roses that are about to turn into my new garden champs. Blue Dream got her first taste of it last night, she goes into 12/12 tonight or tomorrow. It would have been weeks ago, but sometimes the world decides to shit in my lap. The new OSK and SFV clones love the tea too. But these shitty t-5's have fucked up my clone stock, HO's aren't worth shit! I didn't buy them, I only buy Horticulture grade CFL for veg, and if I did buy T5's they would be VHO's!

I need some new reflectors for my CFL's too. They are bent to fuck! Good thing I am getting my donation from the dispensary today. I've been on consignment for 3 weeks now! Too long, but I guess it's been a hard month for them.

I placed an order with my old grow partner for 5 awesome and healthy SFV clones, and 5 awesome and healthy OSK clones. I got about a month to wait on them.

Dude I'm fucking stoked to hear about your roots! That is amazing. I took some pictures of the SFV crop as well (Forgot to take pictures while they are still in the grow room, but oh well.) I'll post them up in a minute.

Be weary of spots that dry to fast, you could get some crackling buds!

Also: that literature on flushing: Very useful.


Well-Known Member
Since your phone is dead I will go ahead and let everyone know how sexy these fucking plants are at harvest, since I harvested mine the day after you.

By the way, submerge your phone in a bowl of white rice grains, they will draw the moisture out of your phone and it'll be good as new withing 72 hours. I remember you said something about white on rice earlier and it reminded me of that trick. Very funny.

SFVporn1.jpgSFVporn2.jpgPulled them out from the middle of their sleep and butchered them. SFVporn3.jpgFat wet juicy handful's of nugs off the first few branches.

And I popped it into the jars today. About to check on them now and see if they are too soggy. This stuff dries a lot faster the way my grow partners do it. Can't really complain about it because it still smells great, and it's a lot less stress than watching them for 2 weeks making sure they are perfect. But we'll see when the product is all cured up and ready. I smoked a joint of the shake I got when pulled them out of the paper bags. Jebus it was potent. Best batch I've had in a while.

I hope your bounty is as plentiful and sticky, my friend.


Active Member
looks great man. definitely a few days older than mine but looks about the same. i just put stuff into jars today, all done. they dried for between 5 to 7 days.
final score is just under 9oz. 1.5oz per plant so we've got plenty of room for improvement. again, pics as soon as i can get a !%!()@ing phone.

i tried the rice thing but i used fried rice.


Well-Known Member
Dude, I'm distraught. I fucking leave for 1 day to go to work, my grow partners take that opportunity to pull everything out of the jars and put it back on the drying rack because they insist it is too wet for jars (it was perfect, I don't understand why they saw a problem). They don't think about how the grow tent I put in there the other day and how it heats up the drying room to 80 during mid day. By the time I come back all beautiful dank nugs are bone fucking dry to the very center, completely unrecoverable, it has to be reconstituted using something else other than the nugs in there. I am so pissed. All my terpenoids are fucking gone, all the natural water the nugs were holding onto is gone, and I'm sure I lost a LOT of weight. I wasn't going to weigh them until 2 weeks of curing had past, but they shrunk so much we are now down to 4 jars of SFV instead of 5! A whole jar was evaporated into the air!

I am so pissed. I put in so much fucking work and money into this while they watched me, then they go and fuck it all up the second my back is turned.

Moving the fuck out. I can't handle this shit.

How the fuck do you put near-dry buds on a drying rack and then not check on it once in 18 hours? They were home all day and didn't check on it once in 18 hours!! Why god??


Active Member
you poor bastard, your drying set turned into MY drying set. well done roommates. i'm sure everything you're talking about has happened on my end, but the buds are still fantastic. definitely drier than id like at this point, and certainly lost weight, but still a great start.

the cabinet's first run came out just a bit heavier than this harvest. goes to show what a good (or even bad!) scrog will do for you.

terps are bad for you anyway. if you want, you can have all my post-vaporizer weed.

explain your reconstitution please.

plants dropped roots into the main res faster than any of my other grows. drippers rule. i've lowered the light to somewhere around 28" above the tops. going to let them go for a bit then give a top or fim or something or another. planning on vegging for a month so i can get a little creative.

noticed a bit of tip burn at 750ppm / 6.1ph. odd especially with roots well into the drink. so far so good though. they are blowing up with growth, and the node spacing is crazy tight. will start raising ppm a bit in the next few days. it's just sensi grow and liquid karma in there, + tea every few days.


Well-Known Member
Well my room mates came up with the reconstitution method, and it is brilliant.

The most important part of reconstitution is to have some fresh or frozen plant matter that has already been well flushed and cropped as normal. I take a fresh wet bud, or some fresh wet trim (or if I have to I'll re-wet some trim with r/o like I did this time!) and we wrap it in some cheese cloth, and we throw a wad of that into each jar, and a few times a day we check on them, and once a day we flip the jar upside down so water is distributed evenly through out the jar. I do this until I am happy with my results and all the nugs are reconstituted to where I am comfortable leaving them in the jars. Drying them is easy if you get them to wet, but it happens faster now that we have so many of our precious oils gone.

It took 2-3 days of the wet trim wads to get the SFV back to where I wanted it. My room mates actually took care of it all, made me feel a lot better, but I'm still missing a jar of weed due to evaporation. I guess I can let it go. Your BD is taking off in the SCROG, it wanted to flower soooo badly it has barely stretched at all. lol. Hopefully more branches make it up through the grid before the stretch is over. I'm going to have to stop training it early so the nugs get tall enough. I trimmed a bunch of new undergrowth today. I had my old grow partner and his new grow partner come over to take a look; he was laughing his ass off at the size of the plant under the screen. He said it looked like the stems are dangling from the screen rather than growing out of the pot. It totally does too.

I think I am going to pull a shit load of weight on the BD, but I don't think it'll be able to justify the 3 month veg time they got. 2 of which were under the 600w.

I could have used 400w, I was just too lazy to switch out the bulb. The expensive kind of lazy.

If you plants look like they are slightly burned, just go ahead and leave the PPM's where they are at until they look like they are about to get hungry.

I know vaporizers claim that they save you from a lot, but Terpenoids burn off at around 180-200. So if your vaporizer is going at 350 and is air tight, that means you are smoking all the terpenoids. I learned that tidbit from decarboxylation, a tip for cooking with your buds, it's important to decarb them first for maximum potency. In speaking of which, have I showed you BadKittySmile's cooking thread? Fucking incredibly amazing! She shows you how to make these chocolate covered peanut butter "cannabombs" and they are sooooooooooo fucking bomb, and dear sweet jesus they get me so high I need to go sit alone for a while so I don't make a fool of myself.


Active Member
it would be interesting to try reconstitution like that with my batch but either way, its still gonna be 80+ in there most of the time so probably little point. cool info though, thanks.

will have to look in to decarboxylation. never ever heard anything like that before. i just boil it up in some butter then strain it through a metal coffee filter. don't try a paper one, kids.

add what .. a month or two at least of micro-veg time to your BDs lifespan, as that's how long it sat in my little veg bin.
lets see a pic of the monster.

found a HUGE hole in the venting for the lights yesterday. dont know how long it had been like that, more of a missing half of the duct rather than a hole. for as long as that hole has been there, we've been moving 30% of the air that we are now. lets see if any difference.


Active Member
OH and i think mystery bug was actually ..


There are a ton of them around now. Nothing to worry about so far but i'm going to go through and make sure the cabinet is nice and dry. really need a better way to veg in the nursery cabinet. considering some sort of dwc in pvc where plants' roots can be kept separated. idea churning, will see what comes out.


Well-Known Member
Mini recirculating DWC plastic Foldger's Coffee cans. I see a lot of people use those things as mini DWC units. And you could use the smallest baby pump imaginable on them.


Active Member

Finally got the phone replaced. Word to the wise, if you fuck up your phone with water, just tell Verizon it "went dead". They will replace it under extended warranty rather than having to pay the insurance deductible on damage. Yeah, fuck them. Should have done this weeks ago.

Bunch of random harvest pics.


Well-Known Member
Nice dude. I'm glad to see you got that fatty fucking harvest you were looking for. That was indeed a fatty harvest. My SFV has to be going on 6 weeks of cure right now and it is starting to smell fucking amazing. Today the flavor was remarkably better than it was just yesterday. It's starting to bring on a really heavy sour diesel smell, and I like it.

Dude, you should go to that dispensary for clones, they have a master kush that takes 47-55 days to harvest. The 47 days is for CO2 users, like yourself, and myself once I get this fucking ventilation system rigged up to the point that it isn't sucking all my CO2 out.

Too stoned/tired to remember if you ever told me your dry weight on that SFV, you should pop me a message with that. Also, I discovered a horrific aphid infestation today, so I just shut off all the lights and set off a doctor doom bomb, and let them marinate in it for a double dose 4 hour period. Just popped the vent fan on 20 minutes ago, 10 more minutes and I pop on the lights and see the gore fest.

Also: bout time you got a new phone!


Active Member
i'd like to say we'll do better next time but i'm killing these sfv clones in there now. no idea wtf they are upset about. i've now tried everything but daily foliar feeding. growth bigtime stunted, roots hardly dipping into the drink at all, yellow from the outside of leaf in, going bottom up. Classic N deficiency.

They've been in there going on 2 or 3 weeks without really growing much at all. Totally unheard of around here. I can't imagine increasing the res size beneatht the plant is causing this. How would the plant even know? Tried boosting with tea overload, with cal/mag, even took the ppm up over 1k for about a week. Zero difference every time. Temps even down the last few days with nicer weather, still no change. Nothing. Flushed last night and reformulated with just sensi grow and cal/mag. Nothing else in there. Still nada difference.

Same sauce has been used to water the moms and they've shown some burnt tips, again unheard of around here. Never has this happened before, especially considering we're usually vegging at over 1k ppm.

Last thing I can think of is to un-change the only thing we've really changed here, at least that the plants should know about at this point. Boost the ppm back up to over 1.2k. That's where it was when this same stock was happy in this same environment. Know what you're thinking, and I agree, but other suggestions? I'm tapped.

hindu skunk continues kicking everyone's ass from here to saskatoon. only thing i dont like about it is pretty skinny stems. main stems are fine, but the stalks seem anorexic compared to what i've grown before.

also having issues in the clone chamber. wondering if my clone gel has gone bad or something. over half of the cuttings are not even trying to root after 2 weeks. Only the larger cuts are doing fine, all smaller ones are completely stalled. Never had this problem before either.

Dry weight should be posted a few back. lemme see. Aphids as in root or otherwise?

Can you believe i survived 3 weeks with no phone? especially considering i'm on call 24/7.. google voice is great.

Soon as I have some spending money let's check that place out. Gonna be awhile .. fucking $60 "right lane must exit" violation ticket just showed up in the mail. $60 penalty, **$840** in processing fees.

FUCK YOU, CHP. Hope you get fucking run over.


Active Member
final dry was a bit under 9oz.

If I had to guess, which I will, I'd say it's shrunk to around 6 - 7oz with the hot temps. Nugs are hard as stones and just a little too dry. Not bad at all but surely we've lost a bunch of weight. I've smoked all the little nubbles, odds and ends, so down to the good stuff now. Haven't gotten rid of on single bit of it.

I may be broke, but fuckin A .. I'm gonna have a great little private collection by the end of the year.


Well-Known Member
I'm starting to get concerned about the stability of the clones as well. This bitch has been clone-only for about 3 years now. I'm sure it is still fine, fucking AJ's Cut has been floating around for almost 15 years, and it still grows great.

I think the problem is the ca/mg actually. Don't give them anymore. A ca/mg overload can lead to several different toxicities that could look like a N def. If they don't perk up in 4 days try just a little bit of tea and a carbohydrate in the drink, that is it. See how they like that. Think of it like an upset stomach from the flu. Eating food will help you get better, but if you munch down on double cheeseburgers while nauseated you are going to throw up everywhere. This will be more like a gentle broth. lol. Hope that theory holds even a little bit of weight.

3 weeks without a phone is crazy. I don't even know what the fuck I would do if cell phones service nation-wide dropped indefinitely. Shit my pants, probably.

And the doctor doom bomb did a very good job of eliminating any sign of aphids. I trimmed off all infested leaves and haven't seen a single living thing in that room besides my plants ever since. Have I gotten you on the doctor doom band wagon yet? You should be.

Fuck CHP, I finished paying one of those stupid red light camera tickets a few months back. Fucking pisses me off so bad. Your CHP is the worst, I can already envision the whole situation, I even have a exit in mind where I bet it happened!. Always pulling over the wrong person at the wrong time. When do you have see them pulling over the idiot slamming on his breaks in bumper to bumper?

Now that bugs are almost under control, pictures will soon come. This BD is so fucking frosty, it's crazy.


Active Member
I doubt it has anything to do with the cut, this has to be something that I'm doing. I don't think it's the heat. SFV does that twisted leaf thing when the heat is on, and I haven't seen any of that. Of the four I have going, one looks like it will at least survive, maybe even recover and thrive. Another looks like a maybe. Two others look pretty bad.

Might be some improvement after flushing the other day but I can't be sure yet. Will know later tonight.

Ticket was for changing out of a right lane must exit after i had passed the sign, which apparently is illegal. Doesn't matter if you get out of the lane before the line turns solid, it's the sign that the cop is hawking for. Fucker.
Never had to write my state representative for anything, but damn straight someone's got to hear about this. There is NO WAY a $60 ticket should be increased by 10-15X for "fees".

HS is still kicking ass and starting to kick into real flowering. They are under HPS now with flower sauce and loving life. PPM is just 750. Never tried staying low before, I'm just watching for what the plants seem to want (watching for ppm drift) and keeping it there. 750 is what they want. Just to double check, it's good to keep it where it's stable right, i don't need to push it a little bit during prime flowering?

roots look awesome in the cabinet. water temp has been 77-79f pretty much constantly. roots are more pearly white than any grow i've done so far, although I don't see quite the mass or volume of roots that i usuall see in that res. Maybe i'm just used to having twice as many or more plants in there. Regardless, things looking great, and I've got some rooted HS clones doing really well now too.


Active Member
oh and let me take this opportunity to say .. we love you Japan. You guys can be one freaky crazy ass bunch of people sometimes, but you do your thing and we love you for it.
Really sorry about the destruction and nuclear meltdown, but we're still going to kick your ass all up and down the pitch. Better luck next time, no world cup for you this year.