1000w 2 plants SCRog, -PITBULL- 1st timer^^

@ Steezzzzzzzzzzzzz Man i went to the Ace hardware and local Albersons Supermarket and bought a 7 dollar bottle of Blood meal for Nit issues and a bottle of Molassass for Cal/Mag issues. Cost me 11 buxxors total. Try that out. Apparently they work just as good as the expensive ferts that do that same thing.

I'm going to have to look into this, see I'm kind-of an orange county twat when it comes to buying things though.
I like to buy the best, most expensive versions of things... It makes me sleep better at night knowing I didnt save three dollars you know? lol.

And i'll try that salt thing out with my baby girls, just not gonna fuck with my flowering plants anymore lol.
your clones don't look bad man, i mean you cut them off of a plant and are rooting them into a foreign place with weird chemicals.
If someone cut my arm off at a 45 degree angle, threw some slits for rootage, some cloning gel, and put me in a starter plug... i would probably look worse.
I'm going to have to look into this, see I'm kind-of an orange county twat when it comes to buying things though.
I like to buy the best, most expensive versions of things... It makes me sleep better at night knowing I didnt save three dollars you know? lol.

Witness the glory of Irish Ghetto ingenuity ......lol. Im person that has ALWAYS thought that the big companies selling "the best" are just rip offs trying to get my money. Even if a certain company IS good im still skeptical.

I cant quite afford another full on 400w veg light set up. so for now i am going with 6x 27w (=100w) daylight CFls, and 2 soft light 27w cfls. I am hoping this will be enough to veg my master kush plants, pray to what ever God you pray to that ole Philo does good^^

pics to follow.

Here we go...the product of my Irish Ghetto ingenuity. Approx 500w or so, and as long as a LST them they should stay nice and low enough to fill out nicely:P

What you guys think? I know its not pretty, i know its lol-able but its what ive got to work with until i get this harvest in and can get a little cash.

Howdy Philosophist;

How bout a few update images. Show us where you are pal, maybe I can pop in a few pointers after a bit.

Here you go....pics of the scrog as of 30 sec ago^^ The blood meal tea has done wonders, they yellow is going away and teh green is looking mean. Ill flower in a few days when i get my veg area better prepared. Tho i am considering taking advantage of this az sun and vegging outside.....

Looking sweet as fuck bro. I'm digging the whole scrog method...

Did you end up using the epsom salt?
I made a brew of it and foliar sprayed it on there last night or night before... worked like a charm, i think ill for sure be keeping a box of that on hand from now on.

i have it all added to the drink they will be getting tomorrow...its been outside brewing in teh AZ sun. 1/3 dose of FF Grow big, a Tble of Epsoms, and 1/4 solution of the blood tea. that should make them nice and pretty.

I am reading up on how smart it would be to start adding a small amount to every feeding for one of the plants and seeing the difference. But ill be adding molasses FOR SURE, 20% bigger buds is something Philo is ALL about.
Awesome man. Just be careful not to over do it with too much cal/mag. I'm about 98% positive that was the cause of my kush girls turning red. I was feeding them cal/mag with every feed and every other water resulting in a toxic level of those elements, not to mention that was locking out other nutrients.

Remember, less is more!
Ok i have spent the day putting together some sort of passable veg room. And some sort of descent place to do clones. I think i did a descent job, considering i had all this stuff on hand.
Here are the pics")

i just cleaned out my closet really good.


clones are in an aquarium under a 17W t5

and the Master kush are under 6 100w cfl and 2 soft lights for extra sexy. i hope it will be enough......
so what do you nerds think????? i had to move the fan off the wall on the floor...it was vibrating my whole house lol.... i didnt even notice it. ... my wifey came home adn was like "WTF IS THE NOISE"???? i didnt even notice...lol....
Looks like shit.

Ahahahaha just playin man. It!! Looks good. Looks don't mean shit anyway, as long as it does the job!