1000w 2 plants SCRog, -PITBULL- 1st timer^^

OK i found a leaf that looked TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im sure it nute burn from last week, i just gave then half gallon of R/o clean water......will that help them out or should i flush with 5 galloms each or something???

About to flower and dont want to hit flowering with them looking all yellowy....i want that nice green look ><


I have looked at alot of pics and plant problem guides, and im pretty sure it snutes and or Cal.mag def.... what you think?
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ITS ONLY GETTING WORSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PLease guys let me know what you think i should do...they are getting worse eacg day, and adding R/o water only seemd to make it worse......
Is it cal/mag? Ph to high?

im tapped, and frustrated that i cant fix it lolz
temps are 86 average. its sits at 90 or so in the morning before teh central Ac kick in, ill be getting a window ac asap to keep it at a nice 78 for my next grow for sure tho.
im coming in at the deep end cause i aint read your thread, not sure what you are growing in but id watch the ph, how about adding some magnesium............
I'm with Kev on this. That really looks like N def. to me. I've had a couple of encounters with it in my current grow. If I understand, you've been flushing them so it's unlikely to be nute lockout from ph problems. I would guess it's just plain N def and the flushing has exacerbated it. Generally it's much better to be at this end of the problem than to have nute burn.

Nute burn starts at the tip with the leaves turning brown and crispy and works it's way back up the leaf. There is often a margin of yellow between the dead area and the healthy leaf tissue but this is a distress zone that is in the process of turning brown. N def does start at the end of the leaf but it's much less concentrated and it's a yellowing with little or no immediate necrosis that spreads quite rapidly. Eventually, the leaf tissue will start dying and turn crispy brown but it's not the leading symptom.

If you are nervous about adding N to their feed, why not try a foliar spray with veg nutes in it? If you are really cautious, you might do just one part of the plant. If that helps or just slows things down, you might feel confident enought to start adding the nutes.

In my experience, leaves that are severely yellowed won't turn green again, but the deterioration will stop or slow and the new growth should be fine.
I went ahead and gave them a Half gallon(6:1) of Grow Big until my Blood meal tea is done in two days.
they only drank a dixie cup full two days ago, so i hope they dont go pissy and get over watered.

seeing yellow dying leaves is scary..im scard.

I hope they get beter>,<
When using r/o water you need to supplement cal/mag bro. In normal tap water there is usually a sustainable amount of cal/mag for your plants. In r/o water there is none, so you're basically making 'fake tap water' when adding cal/mag to r/o water.

Another thing I've learned from my plants is this and just something to keep in mind... when the leaves start to curl upwards, that means their being fed too much (this happens along side of just the leaf tips turning brown/burnt). When the leaves bowed downward they weren't getting enough nutes.

Also, you're in soil so you should keep hearing that it's 'more forgiving' than hydro. That means you have a little more time to 'fix' things before they do major damage to your plants. It's tough not to freak out when you see something that doesn't look right lol just read my entire journal and you'll learn that much haha I freaked out every other day from the littlest of things... you're doing great bro and so are your plants.
If you don't have cal/mag and you're using R/O go get it, that is your problem.
My shit would look so much greener if I had cal/mag to add to my R/O water, your leaves don't even look bad man.
If you don't have cal/mag and you're using R/O go get it, that is your problem.
My shit would look so much greener if I had cal/mag to add to my R/O water, your leaves don't even look bad man.

Check out HB SeaCal & SeaMag. They're supposed to be really good. Currently I'm using the HB Equilibrium which is cal/mag. It's okay but I want to control the dosage of cal and mag separately.
@ Steezzzzzzzzzzzzz Man i went to the Ace hardware and local Albersons Supermarket and bought a 7 dollar bottle of Blood meal for Nit issues and a bottle of Molassass for Cal/Mag issues. Cost me 11 buxxors total. Try that out. Apparently they work just as good as the expensive ferts that do that same thing.
Early on in my grow I encountered a coloring issue on my plants. Someone from here told me to throw in a tbs of epsom salt to my regular watering, so I did. My plants loved it. Their color changed overnight.
Nice, ill be trying that out for sure than. The tea i made should be done tomorrow, but i put a bit of just the Nitrogen rich grow big half strength and they at least dont look worse.. so when i feed them in a few days this blood meal tea at 1/8 strength if they dont look a-ok by then. Ill be foliar feeding them because i read its easier to correct specific nute def's by directly adding it to the leaves rather then sending it through the roots and up.

I going to make Blood tea(N) and epsoms solution and foliar spray them tomorrow night after the light go out. That should make them siiiingP
I'm pretty sure you can use 1 tsp per gallon but look it up to be sure. I'm baked right now so my info could be off lol
im searching to see if there is anything wrong with just adding the espoms to my Blood tea. So in a day or so, they will get a big drink of some of that.

Im just pissed that my second set of clones seems to be dying :( im terrible at cloning it seems....a total failshow:( gonna take pics in a sec, maybe. like you in pretty high lol.

here are the pics of them..they just look sad as shit.... thinking about making a 4 plant aero cloner. that seems to be a far better way to go...cuz this way ist working for ole philo
table spoon or tea spoon
Early on in my grow I encountered a coloring issue on my plants. Someone from here told me to throw in a tbs of epsom salt to my regular watering, so I did. My plants loved it. Their color changed overnight.