1000w 2 plants SCRog, -PITBULL- 1st timer^^

Shit is lookin good in my opinion man, you are doing a far better job than I would of.
and you're keeping them nice and green, thats always a plus.
in my opinion man, aslong as your plants healthy you arent messing up regardless.
just remember that.
Im totally seeing why nutrients are amazing..... on there 2nd feeding and they have gone crazy. Im getting lots of new bud sites, i count 33 between the two plants, now lets just hope the all give me a little som-some.

A good buddy said he thinks ill get at least a QP out of it. Im hoping so, that would be great for my first time. but who knows, its a LOOOOOOOONG time till harvest.

Thanks again fro everyones help through out my learning, i jusmped into this WAY to fast, and you all helped me play catch up very well.

My first joint of this go round will be smoked in honor of you all^^
I get the sick feeling that im fucking this all up...... i feel like i have alot of little growth but nothing big.....
I am judging solely be pics i have seen of other scrogs... the seem to have larger longer branches, that seem to grow to a few inches before they are brought back under the screen. I have been tucking them back under when ever they are large enough to reach the next square in my screen......i fear this is wrong. I fear i will end up with tins of little nugs that wont amount to shit. Popcorn buds they seem to be called. Im trying to promote new branch growth, and i seem to be achieving that goal, but i fear i have gone over board and now have to many small one, and might need to let them grow out a bit like i see in the pics online......But 90% of the scrog pics are during flower, and its hard to judge>.<

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here are the most recent pics.

Im fucking bummed, i spent the day looking at scrog pics and comparing my plants with the others i saw, and now i feel like a dope. The girls are strong as hell, they grow despite my tinkering so i know its not them. they have had ONE nute feeding, and i only did 1/3 what it said on teh bottle to combat nute burns.

They still seem to get a few holes here and there , but i think its the pulling through the screen etc, i have checked for bugs, and water on teh leaves post watering.
<3 ya RIU

Dont be bummed man, gotta remember it takes time for root system to establish and the veg growth to really kick in, if your concerned about tinkering all the time and doing to much weaving then limit your weaving to once every 2 weeks, i encourage you to keep weaving more but in your best interest, give the plant some time between each training session to grow towards the light, as for ending up with popcorn buds from weaving to much, ppffttt, if the plants are healthy and arnt majorly stressed then they will produce.










Thanx for the encouraging words.^^ Im really hoping for teh best. I have cut down on how ofetn i train them from WAY to often to once every 3-4 days, or when they get 3+ inches above screen

They smell great, its hard not to eat them...lol
Thanx for the encouraging words.^^ Im really hoping for teh best. I have cut down on how ofetn i train them from WAY to often to once every 3-4 days, or when they get 3+ inches above screen

They smell great, its hard not to eat them...lol

Good to hear, you will see the different stages of growth your ladies go through, i found the lemon haze to have bursts, it went crazy mid veg and then slowed down before flower, then it did its stretch during flower and then on came the weight to the colas, the last 3 weeks have seen the most density, form, there frosty as hell, as at Sunday the trichomes were at 90% cloudy, 10% clear, so by this coming Sunday they should be just ready, showing some amber trichomes.
stunnin colas mate....
[420]Haze;6116688 said:
Dont be bummed man, gotta remember it takes time for root system to establish and the veg growth to really kick in, if your concerned about tinkering all the time and doing to much weaving then limit your weaving to once every 2 weeks, i encourage you to keep weaving more but in your best interest, give the plant some time between each training session to grow towards the light, as for ending up with popcorn buds from weaving to much, ppffttt, if the plants are healthy and arnt majorly stressed then they will produce.










Philo whats up man My first time in here DO NOT WORRY BRO!!!!

you are doing fine! just be patient and don't panic it just take time. I hope all is well with you. I'm keepin an eye out in here
Hello RIU... Its 5:30 am and i have realized that my new sleep schedule is EXACTLY my light schedule.... i sleep when they do. 10-4am..... good thing i am a natural insomniac, i never sleep well, and wake up at the slightest noise, a hold over form the military.

Here are some new pics i JUST took for you all.

Im semi worried, i am getting s FEW SMALL blackish spots, they might be burns, but thet are a dif color, N/P/K def? thats what seems to be teh Internets consensus....what u think RIU?

003.jpg005.jpg001.jpg002.jpg004.jpg008.jpgAlso i planted my Master Kush seeds yesterday, and so far have 4 popped. The last one was small and sad looking so im still hoping for the best from it.
Pics of seeds and my Ghetto clone box^^
Hey Philo LOOKING GOOD! very good broanthony.

It looks as if its a Calcium deficiency. Try to just use water and calmag+ for your next feeding it should solve the problem. You will see improvement in about a week.

Calcium supports the cell walls as well as making stronger plants (stalk, branches) and also supports root growth.

But beware do not overuse cal. as that can lead to other deficiencies. Lowball it.
Plants look great! Seedlings look great!

I dunno what those spots are. I don't think they are nute burn. Nute burn usually starts at the tips and the edges of the lower leaves and turns them brown not black. It follows a very symmetric pattern.

Most nute problems are systematic and they affect all the leaves in a certain region of the plant starting at the bottom (or in some cases the top) and work their way through the rest of the plant as the condition worsens.

Pest problems can start locally and from there and spread over the plant.

I'd look carefuly with a lens to see if there is anything going on. Creepy crawlies, eggs, webbing etc. If it looks clean, watch to see if it spreads. If not then it's probably just a bubu on the leaf. It happens

MJ is a fairly robust plant. It grows well under a variety of conditions and despite problems. Seedlings are delicate but it takes a lot to really fuck up a mature plant. People do manage to do it, as you see in this forum :), but it it's usually by people who have no idea what they are doing and haven't bothered to do much reading before popping their seeds. If you've done your homework and are reasonably careful and attentive, you will get dope. It's just a matter of a little more or a little less.
Ya i thin i have Nute burn....but not bad. The top looks GREAT, in fact im not sure if its ever looked better. Explosive growth, and only 3 lower fan leaves are yellowing.
Do i need to flush??? or will i be ok? Ill take pics when my wifey gets home.

I usually feed with nutes, then give them plain water, then nutes, then plain water.
A grower gave me some good advice though, he said flush your shit really good before you start flowering to get all the salts and all the shit out of your soil.
then he said to flush well every 2 weeks after that, which makes sense cause my nute schedule switches every 2 weeks...Transition, bloom, aggressive bloom, ripen.
In my opinion though, you should be fine unless it progress's. But thats only what I do.
I always see new spots, or colors, or lack of color happening but I don't really worry unless I start seeing more and more of it.
If it progresses, flush, if not... then I think you should be fine.

But like that guy above me said, check for pests.
And after you feel like you don't have any, check again.
Well they are Nute burned for sure, i have two yellow, shit looking leaves on the very bottom, but teh rest is thriving........ so im gonna buy a few gallon of Evian today and feed it in there in a day or so, that shoudl give the Mag/cal AND wash away the nutes.

On a side note,.....my clones are prolly dead. i went in this morning and they look and fucked up.:( I told them to cut the shit, so lets hope they listened lol....

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Ill also include the CUteh Kitteh pics, my cat sleeps in that spot no matter what is in her way, she wiggles her way in and posts up. im a cat nerd i know.....but they cooler than most people i know...