1000w Coco Multi-strain Medicinal Grow

Got it as a clone from a dispensary. I believe the closest thing you can find in seed for is called Cush (without the 'k').

I'm sure what I got was some clone only Green Crack.
Hey, was looking through your thread, take a look at this video, Warlock looks great~ def a keeper.

He pans in at the Warlock at like 45 sec.


Ironically, right now the Warlock is struggling a little bit compared to some of the other plants.

Right now the plant I think that will have the most donkiest of dongs is the Wappa. At just 4 days into solid 12/12 (some problems with my timer at the switch a 9 days ago) it has already shifted gears and I can see the tops producing flowers. The pre-flowers just look large and healthy and the hairs are thicker and longer than I'm used to. Huh, huh, that's what she said.

Honestly though, of all my seed genetics acquired through Attitude are kinda funky. The Nirvana Ice is all jacked. The Chronic needs more K+ than I'm going to give it. The coco will break down and hit that potassium buffer, it should remedy the problem naturally soon enough. The Sensi Star is a mutant, the Sour Kush and Sour Cream have very little horizontal branch development, while the Warlock and Motavation haven't responded as well to their new homes. (keeping an eye out for over feeding there). The Wappa is the one with the best side branching, strong vigor, and despite a slight under feeding early on a great deal of potential now.

Then there's the "bag seed" (Snow Crash made seeds) which all look fresh and good. Every one of them is super healthy. I'm wondering if that can be attributed to the freshness of the seeds or the genetics, I'm sure it's probably a combo of both. Perhaps it is because all the pro seed bank genetics were fem'd... I dunno. But my stuff is noticeably stronger than the Fem'd stuff.

In Oregon the access to clones and cuts is REALLY limited. I'm working on networking with good people on the other side of the border so I can have some genetics that can compare to yours. Seriously, I'm in awe of some of the cuts you've managed to track down. It's awesome you're working hard to preserve those genetics too. Be careful sourcing too many new cuts though, don't want to bring in some spider mites on something you don't really need, and I've heard some horror stories. Personally, I think you've got all you need for now.

Well... Except maybe some Durban ;) I had the fortunate pleasure of growing Durban Poison in my first official grow. I did it in a shed in my back yard. It was at least 100 degrees for 45 days that summer. I had no ventilation in the room. I used 40w bulbs in t12 fixtures from home depot, total of 400w for 8 plants. Acquired spider mites. Grew in Miracle grow. etc, etc, etc. If it is wrong, I fucking did it to them.

Sure, flowering took 5 months... Sure, my total yield was like 3 ounces... Sure, I had some seeds in there... But fuck me sideways that shit was FIRE! I don't know how I managed to pull it off but there's just something so special about that strain. It has no ceiling, and it is about as noob friendly as I can imagine anything being.

The sativa aspect of it is the only draw back. Not the hugest nugs, not the most compact plant, definitely a longer flowering period, but absolutely worth it for the connoisseur.

My indica strain is going to be my backbone for future breeding projects. I've had it finish as early as 50 days from 12/12, so it's a matter of crossing the early EZ with that Durban and working out from there. Probably do the same thing with some Chinese Yunan indica once I track down that Sativa leaning purple I know is somewhere in my genetic stock (from the Mr. Nice).

I don't mean to hijack your thread. Just very few cool people to talk with around here and we're doing a lot of the same shit. Happy New Year!
Then there's the "bag seed" (Snow Crash made seeds) which all look fresh and good. Every one of them is super healthy. I'm wondering if that can be attributed to the freshness of the seeds or the genetics, I'm sure it's probably a combo of both. Perhaps it is because all the pro seed bank genetics were fem'd... I dunno. But my stuff is noticeably stronger than the Fem'd stuff.

I'm definitely noticing this with my seed (Panchota), it was popped after I had a few clones and is now taller and girthier than the rest of the 5. I hear f1s are supposed to be very vigorous. The seeds are pretty fresh when you're getting them in a bag of weed. It wouldn't be old enough for the weed to turn bad so the seed should still be nice and viable. I did top all of them and FIMed the Poison, but let the seed grow natural, that could be why it's taller but the growth has always seemed more vigorous on the seed.
This server must be mountain time. About to spark my doob, watch Idiocracy <--- high-ly recommended (torrent that shit) and ring in the new year.
Be careful sourcing too many new cuts though, don't want to bring in some spider mites on something you don't really need, and I've heard some horror stories. Personally, I think you've got all you need for now.

I've actually been keeping this out of my journal, but the Giesel actually came with spider mites. It was a mother that my friend was keeping for his cfl box grow, but the strain is real finicky when it comes to cloning, and for whatever other reasons he didn't want to run the strain anymore so I'm flowering it out. I'm heading out today to get a Hot Shot No-Pest strip to put up in the room to see if it doesn't kill those bitches. I have the plant in the far corner segregated from the rest of the plants, although I have noticed the occasional mite on a couple other plants.

I'm still up in the air if I want to get rid of the thing, if the plant doesn't show any marked improvement in the next few days, it's gonna go. I put it in to flower with the rest of them at the same time and the plant is barely even flowering and looks at least a week behind the others.
Toss it dude! Trust me. You're going to have a hard enough time dealing with the mites that have jumped ship. They just aren't worth dealing with on a large scale and the genetics you do have compensate, I promise you!

Seriously, drop that thing in a vat of acid.

You should also consider doing all the things required to fight them. Grab some pesticides, maybe some lady bugs, neem oil, the Hot Shot for sure, sand to the top of the coco, spray the undersides of the leaves several times a day... Every plant in the garden.

I fucking HATE mites, and people that spread them around. You'd feel terrible if you managed to mother a few of your plants and passed on the infection to someone else. They're like crabs man, you GOTTA shave that shit and take care of it. Sorry to hear, but you're not the first or the last to have it happen to them. I'm very picky about starting from seed and doing my own thing for this reason.
azatrol...here it kills everything and totally organic from what I've read...you may have to go chem though and go with Dr Doom grenades
Those Dr. Doom bombs are like $100, too rich for my blood right now. I've heard some good things about this strip.. bad part is you cant hang around your room for too long. It came out to $5.67 at Lowes, if it works like other people have commented on in this forum then it's worth every penny (I'm pinching them atm).

Bad part is, you really shouldn't hang around the area you have it in for too long. Back of the label even says less than 3 hours of exposure per day, toxic shit.

I spent this morning doing a cleanup of the bottom branches and stuff so the plant can concentrate on the canopy. Got my stuff out of the way and I'm going to go hang this thing IN the Giesel plant, GL fucking mites..
Toss it dude! Trust me. You're going to have a hard enough time dealing with the mites that have jumped ship. They just aren't worth dealing with on a large scale and the genetics you do have compensate, I promise you!

Seriously, drop that thing in a vat of acid.

You should also consider doing all the things required to fight them. Grab some pesticides, maybe some lady bugs, neem oil, the Hot Shot for sure, sand to the top of the coco, spray the undersides of the leaves several times a day... Every plant in the garden.

I fucking HATE mites, and people that spread them around. You'd feel terrible if you managed to mother a few of your plants and passed on the infection to someone else. They're like crabs man, you GOTTA shave that shit and take care of it. Sorry to hear, but you're not the first or the last to have it happen to them. I'm very picky about starting from seed and doing my own thing for this reason.

I don't have the dough to wage a full out war on them. Hopefully this strip works, in a couple days if there are still moving fuckers on the plant it's getting tossed.

I also plan on having it up for about a week and a half to catch and late hatching stragglers.
Thanks for the link Kiki, I was thinking about using lady bugs, but after the chemical warfare is done in there. Have the Hot Shot No-Pest Strip up in the room right now. It's hanging IN the Giesel plant. Take that bugs~

In about 2 weeks I'll be taking it out of there and I might just add ladybugs. I'm just trying to figure out how I can keep them all in there.
Thanks for the link Kiki, I was thinking about using lady bugs, but after the chemical warfare is done in there. Have the Hot Shot No-Pest Strip up in the room right now. It's hanging IN the Giesel plant. Take that bugs~

In about 2 weeks I'll be taking it out of there and I might just add ladybugs. I'm just trying to figure out how I can keep them all in there.

if you're prone to bugs... its not a bad idea to have ladybugs even before you have a problem.... this way you ensure that you don't get a problem!! kick their asses before they get started.... that's how you really win the WAR!!!
I didn't have the problem till I got my friends Giesel mother, it came with the borg. Wasn't any bug issue before that other than the occasional gnat.

I'm thinking that in the future I'll give them some sort of inoculation of an anti-bug/mold/fungus product right before I put the in the flowering chamber. I like lady bugs, I'll probably be getting some after this current battle is over, they would die in there right now with the strip up.
Lady bugs will do the trick! hear they can consume up to 1000 mites and eggs in its lifetime. How is that HotShot No-Pest Strip working for you? any results? im going to pick up some Neem oil tomorrow at the local shop to coat my ladies up nice! ill post the results after the treatments!
It seems to be doing the trick so far. I just checked out there and most of the mites on the Giesel aren't moving anymore. I did however find 2 that were moving, maybe they just hatched? I also found 1 or 2 on all of the plants in the room now.