1000w Multi-Strain Madness


Well-Known Member
Hey mate im seeing the same with the kerala x skunk not a whole lot of trics on sugar leaves nearest the buds but the buds them self are nice and have alot of trics. and smell kinda like pine and lemon. had a sample of the lemon kush clone lol it was nice but no where near the love potion thats one great smoke. Cant wait to get these done already. so i can dry and cure and get a weight from them. 6 new little ones have poped and on there way for next round css,bc,vk,w/rhino, pc, and 1 i forgot to lazy to look :) just chillen and watching flying dagors and puffen.Have a great weekend I check back on soon. Oh forgot day 60 on the kerala going to chop day 77 maby earlyer. Lots of red hairs now swell is over and there mostly cloudy from what i can see but the top buds have at least 2 weeks left because they were to tall in the closet. hmmmmmmm. they will be fluffy but better than nothing.


Well-Known Member
Hey mate im seeing the same with the kerala x skunk not a whole lot of trics on sugar leaves nearest the buds but the buds them self are nice and have alot of trics. and smell kinda like pine and lemon. had a sample of the lemon kush clone lol it was nice but no where near the love potion thats one great smoke. Cant wait to get these done already. so i can dry and cure and get a weight from them. 6 new little ones have poped and on there way for next round css,bc,vk,w/rhino, pc, and 1 i forgot to lazy to look :) just chillen and watching flying dagors and puffen.Have a great weekend I check back on soon. Oh forgot day 60 on the kerala going to chop day 77 maby earlyer. Lots of red hairs now swell is over and there mostly cloudy from what i can see but the top buds have at least 2 weeks left because they were to tall in the closet. hmmmmmmm. they will be fluffy but better than nothing.
Yea the GLP really does seem like its gonna be killer (if the tester bud I took is anything to go by).

Im interested to see your new ones, esp the CSS (I wanna see if you get the same pheno I did), and the Pineapple Chunk as Im considering giving that a crack next run.

Looking forward to seeing how the Kerala x Skunk smokes for ya. And don't be put off by the fluffy buds. It is a Sativa after all...they're never going to be those rock hard Indica nugs. I grew out a bagseed recently which was airy and unimpressive to look at...but my word, it was the best smoke I've had in the last year at least.

I'll keep checking your journal to stay updated.


Well-Known Member
Harvest: Green Love Potion - SamSara

So, the GLP got the chop tonight. WWxBB and The Doctor can wait until tomorrow. Just finished trimming and hanging to dry. Gotta say, wasn't the easiest plant to trim. Lots of bud leaves. But crickey does it smell. Whoah.

So the wet weight was 124.6g...let's say 125g. So should end up with about 25-30g of top quality nugs in the end.

Anyways here's a couple of pics. First one is the top of the main cola after trim. That nug came in at 38g. Middle three are post fan leaf removal but pre trim, last shot is how it looked before i started. .



Well-Known Member
Man she looks sexy. Great work, cant wait for the smoke report!

So did you take clones of any of these strains? Or whats going back into flower as your pulling these?


Well-Known Member
Man she looks sexy. Great work, cant wait for the smoke report!

So did you take clones of any of these strains? Or whats going back into flower as your pulling these?
Im pretty happy. I too can't wait for a smoke report because that'll mean they're cured and at their prime. And no, I didn't take any clones...which Im spewing about tbh as I definitely would have kept the CSS. Oh well... Gonna take clones from the current veggers this time so won't have that problem again. I've never dabbled in cloning so it should be interesting. And nothing immediately into flower after these. I'll probably veg the youngens (Haze Special, OG Grape Krypt, Bubblelicious, Spicy White Devil, Kushberry, Blue Cheese, BubbleGummer, Tutankhamon) for another week, by which time they should fill out the 1.2x1.2m footprint.


Well-Known Member
White Widow x Big Bud

Harvested at Week 9 or Day 63

Wet Weight: 119.12 grams
Estimate of dry weight: 20-24g

Comments: Could easily have gone another week on this one (but cant have a full whack budding plant in the house during an inspection). Tis very very dense. Probably the most solid buds I've harvested in recent times. I assume that'll be the Bid Bud genetics. Having trouble trying to describe the smell...but I do like it very much.

Its a tiny harvest really, but Im happy, and I think its not too bad for a plant that was barely bigger than my hand.

Stay tuned as The Doctor will be getting the chop in a matter of hours...



Well-Known Member
beautiful plants ganga down under. the buds are monsterous. were they autos?
the GLP looks like a big nug lol i have some Northern Lights x Big Bud Autos in my tent. damn
do i hope they come out like yours lol


Well-Known Member
beautiful plants ganga down under. the buds are monsterous. were they autos?
the GLP looks like a big nug lol i have some Northern Lights x Big Bud Autos in my tent. damn
do i hope they come out like yours lol
Ey mate. Cheers for that. Ans nah, they were not autos...just regular photoperiod plants. Im personally not too keen on autos. GL with your grow man.


Well-Known Member
Harvested The Doctor. Got 95g wet. No pics as I just couldnt be bothered...was fucked up on hash lol. Had a nice (if you will) smell of durian whilst trimming. Gonna be decent smoke I reckon, or at keast much better than the other Green House strain Ive recently grown (the Big Bang).

Smoke reports and dry nug pics to come for this, CSS, GLP and WWxBB... cant wait!


Well-Known Member
I cant wait! Interested to see the dry yeild on the ww x bb to. I figure yours will be a good idea of what I can expect in a sog setting :)


Well-Known Member
Mostly coming along pretty well...with a couple of exceptions. Going to pot up in a few days (14ltr), then flip to 12/12 as soon as they recover.

Little bit of deficiency here and there, and losing a couple of lower leaver here or there, but Im not too concerned. Been light on the nutes since an early burning, Will give em a decent feed next watering.



Well-Known Member
I cant wait! Interested to see the dry yeild on the ww x bb to. I figure yours will be a good idea of what I can expect in a sog setting :)
Got to say, the WWxBB is smelling like shit 3 days or so into drying. Like a fucking horse stable. Hay/horses/horse poo/rotting organic matter. Really not my cup of tea.


Well-Known Member
Yea I have had many strains do that hay smell. Usually its been from me drying to fast or not long enough.

Your kushberry looks exactly like the kushberry I grew. It made stellar buds :) have you flowered one out yet of the KB?


Well-Known Member
Yea I have had many strains do that hay smell. Usually its been from me drying to fast or not long enough.

Your kushberry looks exactly like the kushberry I grew. It made stellar buds :) have you flowered one out yet of the KB?
Yea, it had the same smell whilst growing. It was just milder...and I liked it. Now it has completely taken over. To be honest, I think i dry too fast anyways...but the GLP drying beside it is smelling amazing. So I'm putting it down to strain. Some people may like it, but it don't.

This is my first run with Kushberry, and my first run with DNA Genetics. So far so good. Both the Kushberry and the OG Grape Krypt from them are doing well. Im excited for both of these thats for sure.


Well-Known Member
Yea I would love to get kushberry again, it was an amazing strain. Little longer in flower indoor then I like, but outdoor was amazing.