1000w Multi-Strain Madness

yea i see that as more the higher yielder for friends and recreational uses. Something to get a little bit of soil money or power bill money. Not for my own stash.
Somewhat proper update time.

Has been a busy few days. Firstly, had the inspection yesterday after it was delayed. So had to take the tents down and stow the plants under the house for a couple days. That was a whole annoying thing. Got to re set up everything sometime today.

So I finally got around to potting up the plants yesterday. And crickey did it need it. I didn't get any pics of it but believe me, saying they were root bound would be putting it lightly. They've gone into 340mm pots...not exactly sure of the volume but I think its around 17-19 litres. Quite a step uo from the 3 litre pote they were in. A lil bigger than ones originally going to do (was going to finish in 14L pots) so ran out of Canna Terra Pro. Had to choose one to wait a few more days. I chose the Bubblelicious. The whole process was a bit of an ordeal lol. Bought the pots, got em home, only to discover they didn't have drainage holes. I mean, they were meant to, but they were so poorly made that they were ALL sealed over. So had to manually cut out 72 of the damn things. Then finally got to the potting up. That was a lengthy process as some plants were tied down in like 20 places. Its all good though. I do enjoy spending time with the plants after all...it just took longer than I was expecting. Anyways, so they're about to go onto 12/12. Probably should have give them a couple more days at least to recover but they should be alright.

The Bubblelicious is a confirmed female. The Haze Special hasn't shown a damn thing yet. And the OG Grape Krypt is possibly a male. Another day or two to be certain as its still hard to tell. Hopefully it is the case as that's exactly what I wanted. I want to cross the OG Grape Krypt with the Kushberry, the Tutankhamon, the Spicy White Devil and the Haze Special. I reckon I could find some nice plants from the resulting seeds.

Made my first attempt at cloning as well. Took two cuts from the Kushberry as I only had one seed, and its turning out relly well so far. Also took two cuts from the Tutankhamon. Again, only had one seed. If this turns out as potent as its potential, then I think I'll want to have saved it. Also, took one cut from the Spicy White Devil, and one from the Bubblelicious as I had one space left and there isn't anything else id think of keeping at this stage...its just a lil practice. Nothing else seemed worthy of keeping. The Blue Cheese is a weak, deformed plant. Its got the flat stem thing going on and overall is just kinda crappy. Bubblegummer is just small, not very vigourous, fussy...overall just not great. And although the Haze Special is doing well Im just happy to let this plant have its time and then be gone.

Ordered 2 litres of 100% pure Isopropyl...should be here in a few days. Gonna make me some QWISO with the small amount of trim I've got. Should be interesting as I've never done any kind of hash making.

I'll try to finally do a couple of smoke reports soon. Could do one for the Big Bang and Critical Sensi Star at least. Might give the GLP, The Doctor and the WWxBB a lil more time on the cure though before I judge them properly.

I'll try get some pics up later, but im pretty baked right now, and a lil drunk so I might need a sleep first. Just stay tuned for the pics if you're interested.

Thanks for stoppin by...
Smoke Report:
So this is my smoke report for the CSS. I have not followed any template or anything, just went with what I thought was relevant or necessar or that I could remember seeing on other reports. Any questions or comments welcome.

Strain: Critical Sensi Star
Breeder: Delicious Seeds
Seed Bank: Herbies
Grower: GangaDownUnder (me)

Appearance: 7.5/10 - Nice and frosty, not many bud laves, looks tight. Medium amount of hairs.
Smell: 7/10 - Fruit/Grapefruit, Spice/Pepper.
Potecny: 7.5/10 - Very respectable potency. Nice body buzz. Definitely couchlock stuff if you have enough. Not a fast hitter, not a creeper...tis somewhere in between.
Feel: 8/10 - Fairly dense, not a lot of give but not rock hard. Very respectable though.
Length of Buzz: 6.5/10 - Puts me in a really good place for about an hour, then tapers off for the next half before I need a top up.
Taste 8/10 (besed on personal preference) - see below.
Grindability: 8/10 - Great. Minimal small stems. Very dry but not crispy.

Overall: 52.5/70 » 75% » 7.5/10 - I would recommend this strain to those who like fruity weed otherwise it might not be your cup of tea.

Opening the jar, the smell jumps out at you. Its not necessarily strong or pungent, but it fill the air with a nice light scent.

Once you start breaking the buds apart and chopping the overall fruityness of the smell bursts forth...especially leaning towards grapefruit. Hints of spicyness/pepper are detectable but not at the forefront.

The smoke has an overall fruity tinge to it, but not everwhelming. The spiciness really becomes present immediately upon exhalation, tapering off markedly but sticking around for a spicy aftertaste.
Wow great smoke report sounds like a tasty smoke. cant wait to here the glp smoke report. Your doing a stellar job mate cant wait to see your sog start budding up. Clones are great its not to hard to get them going and make up for spare space if you have any in ur room :) and extra smoko for ya while others finish.Cant wait to see pics.
Here are the pics of the potted up plants. The bubblegums are still waiting...


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man that kushberry is looking exactly like my phenotype. Makes me miss it lol.

What size pots are those? Hard to get a good sense of scale.
Nice looking ladies Ganga I hope you get your male plant so you can do some cross breeding and get some free beans from them I will defintley support the cause and help you grow them out lol. sounded a little creepy!!!!! Anyways you going to have some dank soon again are you going to grow these ones bigger than the last one you had. Cant wait to see what the 1000wt can do.
The Kushberry is probably my favorite plant at this point. Its great.

The pots are 34cm or 13.4inches wide at the rim....

And not sure about the make...if I'll get it thag it. Fingers crossed.
Hey ganga, found that pic of kushberry pre stretch. It was in a 3 gallon smart pot, under 600k HPS top lighting, 400 MH side lighting and 430 HPS side lighting. This pic was after the first 12 hour darkness cycle which is what I use to mark day 1. Dont know if you can tell, but it was used to make many clones before I flowered it, ended up with 3-5 tops. I included a pic 2 weeks into flower roughly. you can check the dates to get the exact number of days, but basically after stretch.

sorry if this is to many pics cluttering up your thread, but heres a few more pics of the kushberry, thought you might like them. I certainly miss the strain. Had a very berry taste to it and was a very potent smoke. Just took forever and a day to flower her out.

Thanks mate...

Im just concerned a little with space, and the KB stretched a bit the last 5 days after not being under a proper light. Could handle it doubling, maybe a lil more...more than that and I'll have issues. I'll be ok I think...

We really do have the same pheno. Looks remarkably similar. But Im a lilnscared about the flowering time now... But if its as good as you say it is, I know I'll be happy in the end. Looking forward to the "very berry taste". Thats why I grew a few blueberry crosses this run...wanted to get one that is "very berry"...hopefully this is the one.
Yea I love blueberry strains, which is why I ran the KB to begin with. Its definitely flavorfull. All my friends loved it, but I wouldn't part with it, just would smoke them out with it. Its perfect for a personal stash of connoisseur flavors. I know the time is long, but she will reward ya :) The outdoor one I had grew quite large and yielded very well to, but it didn't have as much pop in the taste, but such is the nature of outdoor vs indoor. As far as flavorful weeds goes, shes one of the better yielders I have done. It does indeed look like we have the same phenotype as well, IDK if its the blueberry or kush leaning parent that gives this phenotype, but if given the chance I would grow it again. Will be fun watching your pics of it as it matures :)

cheers man,


EDIT. To be honest, it may have just felt like forever flowering her because it was when I was first growing, and at that time I was running superskunk and purple ak which are both only 6 week strains. Flowered it from 3/15/2012 and harvested 5/30/2012, whats that ten weeks maybe? 12? I am to fucking high to do the math lol
Thanks Papa... The KB was already one of my more anticipated strains. But now with all this info you're feeding me, I really cant wait. Sounds like exactly what Im looking for. 10 weeks flower I could handle I reckon.

And thanks for stoppin by Trippinout.
Oh, and just about to have my first go at QWISO hash. I'm not following any guide or anything as I think its pretty simple. This is what I've got and what Im going to do:

Things I have:
- Isopropyl Alcohol (100% pure) 2ltr
- Coffee Filter
- Colander/Strainer
- Jars x 2
- Plates
- Razor Blade

Step One:
Take one of the jars and fill it about 3/4 full with trim.
Step Two:
Fill the same jar with isopropyl...just enough to cover the trim.
Step Three:
Quickly put the lid on the jar and vigorously shake for 15-20 seconds.
Step Four:
Quickly take of the lid and pour trim/iso mix through colander/strainer into the coffee filter.
Step Five:
Wait patiently for it to drain through coffee filter into the second jar.
Step Six:
Take the (hopefully) golden coloured liquid from the second jar and pour out onto ceramic dinner plate or the like.
Step Seven:
Wait patently for ISO to evaporate (12-48 hours?)
Step Eight:
Use razor blade to scrape up hash deposits.
Step Nine:
Smoke the hash.

That sounds about right yeah?
Cant wait to see the smoke report on the QWISO that sounds awsum great info. If it works out i will try the same way following your recipe. Can you pm me where you got you 100% alcohol iso.:peace:
QWISO came out pretty well. Started with probably between 20-25g of trim, and will end up with about 2.5g. Did two washes, first one was quick (15 seconds) and the second wash was a lil longer at about 30-40 seconds. Then I also got all the stuff out of the filter (that's what the loose pile is in the pics) which is 95% trichs under the loupe.

The pics below are of both the first and second wash drying, the balled stuff is the second wash and the filter stuff is the loose pile. That ball from the second wash comes in at 1.06g. I haven't scraped the stuff from the first wash yet, but it'll be at least the same as the second wash.

Im pretty happy with how it went. Was easy as anything.

What do y'all think?


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