101 Already Asked Questions

I really like this post Widow. You have helped me a lot, since this is my first grow on my own!!

P.S. Wish me luck!!
23) Is your bud ready to harvest?

This link has PICTURES!
Grow Marijuana FAQ, Cannabis cultivation - marijuana growing tips & photos
These don't but they're still useful
Curing Marijuana Plants, How to Harvest and Cure a Cannabis Plant and Marijuana harvesting
Harvesting Marijuana! When To Harvest Marijuana
Hip Forums - Marijuana Growing Forum - harvest
"Grow with Wisdom #4" by Soma
Lycaeum > Leda > When to Harvest Marijuana

Widow Maker I hope I'm not pissing you off/hijacking the thread. It's just I keep coming back to it looking for some of thist stuff, then I find it elsewhere, but don't want to have to search for it the next time I want to look for it.
24) Someone really answered my question well, how do I show them recognition?

Well you can post and say thanks. You can also give them "reputation". Reputation moves people up on the website as far as titles go. I don't know the details but here's how you do it. Look at their reply to your comment. In the green border on the upper right hand side of their post you will see an icon with a small set of scales. It's to the right of a number(the reply number) and just above their Join Date(which is in the white section in the upper right hand side of the post).

Then you will get a pop up. In that window, select "I Approve" and then enter some text in the field to explain what you thought was so great about their post. If you want, you can also sign the credit within that field. Then the person will know who gave them the credit.
25) How early can I tell the sex of my plants?

Before you can sex your plant you will need to place it in a 12/12 dark/light schedule. This makes the plant think that your plants are now in the fall(shortened life cycle). Sex of the plants is determinable between 1 days and 2 weeks and the time is usually due to the strain.
one quick question that nbdy seems to ansrew which way do u plant the germinated seed sprout down or up? thanks im gonna start this wknd
the white thing that slithers out of the seed pod is the root. Put that part down and be really delicate about it. The seed pod will shed by itself and shouldn't be removed as the plant uses it for energy during early growth.
Hi all, can anyone tell me if there is any truth that you can make the co2 with a bottle and alcaselser ( sorry about spelling) and water
i got a question, i herd of being able to make plants bud with useing jello to change the collor of the light i herd it had to do with red and a blue batch one collor makes it bud and the other recover or so i herd can i get this answered
i guess the question im asking is what collor of jello gelitin can you shine light through and make your plant bud .... i know you can i just need to get help in remembering the collor its eather red or blue
You Would Think It Would Have To Be The Same Color As The Light Spectrum Needed For Flowering!!!

But Never Heard Of This So Just Kinda Throwing Random Guess Out There