101 Already Asked Questions

its only a lil plant behind my couche so i am useing a 240 watt grow light and i am new to the plants but the jello thing makes sence
I Don't Know, Never Heard Of It But Haven't Been In The Growing Game Too Long! But It Is Certainly An Interesting Concept Im Going To Have To Search Some Shit And See What I Can Come Up With On This Topic!!!
sounds like bs to me. red bulbs maybe as support lighting to a main light, but defo not jello. its all about the PAR that the plants can absorb. not much of this gonna be coming through jello i expect. xx
I was scoping out some CFL options today, and i found <a href="http://genet.gelighting.com/LightProducts/Dispatcher?REQUEST=CONSUMERSPECPAGE&PRODUCTCODE=40184">this light</a>. It looks like it could make a good choice for flowering. It's a 55 watter, 4,000 lumens, and 3000k on the color spectrum. I'm thinking for a small 'stealth' grow (2-4 plants), put two of them into a home-made hood, and have a few 29w (2200 lumen, 2700k color) CFL's suspended among the plants for good all around lighting. My main question is about the light linked to, if that would be a good product to use. I notice that its a little higher on the spectrum than 2700k. 8000 lumens from two lights, coupled with an extra 6,000-8,000 lumens from 3-4 small CFL's seems to be a great amount of light for only 2-4 plants. Of course, this is all strictly hypothetical :cool:
Hey all,
Gotta say I got all the info I was looking for on here. Good job. Im a newbie to growing but an old head where it counts. Glad to see the traditions are carrying on :)
I am a new grower,and ive run into a couple of probs. my plants are growing in the Aerogarden. But my friend whos suppose to be watching them while im away put too much fert in the water. Im just wondering if the plants are savable or not.....the leaves were still green....which is good...but the plant was just "laying over" and the roots were brownish. So what i did was cut right above the roots as if i were making a cutting, then placed the cut side down in the medium with no root hormone...Will it still grow??? some professional help would be greatly appreciated... Thanks
I kinda doubt it will survive. You're plant wont be able to take up enough moisture to live, that's what the roots do. You should have drained all water and nutes from your aerogarden, and replaced with clean fresh water, and changed that out at least once. If your plant was gonna survive it would demonstrate it after the second rinsing. Then refill with clean fresh water plus nutes - 1/4 strength. Cutting the root off the plant sealed it's doom. Sorry
