Little confused..... I think your talking about "watering in"...... media stabilization?
I am always referring to it when I say I fed, and then watered in.
Say I feed 3 gallons of nutrient solution (1 tblspn per gallon Fox Farms Tiger Bloom) into a 15 gallon pot, the nutrient solution will be pretty low in ph, and high in TDS. To stabilize media conditions in the pot for optimum availability (even distribution) and uptake (media conditions), I add plain water as the last of the nutrient solution is soaking into the soil (no runoff as of this point). Since I gave 3 gallons of the nutrient solution, I give 1.5-2 gallons of plain water. I would record the feeding at the amount of "1/2 tblspn/gal FFTB per gallon watered in" and record the nutrient solution, plain water, and runoff ph. The runoff is usually a bit lower than the plain water, as my plain water is 6.7, and the runoff is generally 6.2-6.4 ..... and the nutrient feedings are between 5.4 and 5.8. Its the runoff that tells me a lot about how its mixing in the media, as I can test at the holes in the bottoms of the pots to see if the ph is consistent all around

(using a soil ph meter and testing the runoff water at those points). There are ph stabalizers in my soils that assist with this process as well. And when they are in the ground I cannot test the runoff, but I can test the soil ph, and I feel comfortable with the fairly consistent results I have measured over the years in pots.