
Well-Known Member
No not a hydraulic line, (wish) I think the injector pump went out, tractor has been loosing power after it comes to temp, yesterday it died and wouldn't fire back up. Been using this Kubota for 8 years and have never had a problem other than normal maintnance she's great. My son and his friend got a good workout that's for sure but their young and it helps build character...lol
Checked your video's and your garden is looking great, yep! your going to need that powered trimmer..


Active Member
Thanks Hodge, I have huge and deep raised planters It must be the heat, I get 85 and 90 degree days but never hotter, nothing like what you get, thanks again for taking the time to answer my question, good luck with your grow


Well-Known Member
Not a problem Knuckles, you'll find that the majority of posters are here to share their grows and knowledge. Post some pics so we can see your grow..
Here's a couple pics of the new fence and plants, boys did a great job..:mrgreen:



Active Member
Hodge, I take a weekly video of my grow every year for my journal, but I am not computer savvy and don’t know how to post them, I can email them. It is a flip recorder it is suppose to be easy, not easy enough. I would like to show you since I read your entire 2009 monster grow attempt all 136 pages very impressive, I will talk to my little brother later this week and see if he can’t help me with posting some of these videos, he’s really computer savvy, if you want you can p.m. me and email address and I’ll send some right over.


Well-Known Member
HEY Hodge! hows it goin, long time no chat,, nice to see your at it again, :) awesome plants by the way,, i know i asked you this last year too but what do you mix in your soil?? or is it a inherited secret? im using the subcool super soil recipe, but everytime i see your pics im like "woah , i wonder whats fueling those rockets" lol


Well-Known Member
HEY Hodge! hows it goin, long time no chat,, nice to see your at it again, :) awesome plants by the way,, i know i asked you this last year too but what do you mix in your soil?? or is it a inherited secret? im using the subcool super soil recipe, but everytime i see your pics im like "woah , i wonder whats fueling those rockets" lol
is your avatar from attitude seedbank's photo contest? I was just going through those pics and saw that one like right before opening this thread. weird.


Well-Known Member
Hodge, I take a weekly video of my grow every year for my journal, but I am not computer savvy and don’t know how to post them, I can email them. It is a flip recorder it is suppose to be easy, not easy enough. I would like to show you since I read your entire 2009 monster grow attempt all 136 pages very impressive, I will talk to my little brother later this week and see if he can’t help me with posting some of these videos, he’s really computer savvy, if you want you can p.m. me and email address and I’ll send some right over.
Check your PM..

HEY Hodge! hows it goin, long time no chat,, nice to see your at it again, :) awesome plants by the way,, i know i asked you this last year too but what do you mix in your soil?? or is it a inherited secret? im using the subcool super soil recipe, but everytime i see your pics im like "woah , i wonder whats fueling those rockets" lol
Thanks for stopping by, I use a home made blend of super soil potting mix, compost from my local dump, chicken manure, blood meal, perlite and vermiculite, you can read where I posted amounts. Hopes this helps ya, been using this mix for about 8 years and it seems to work..

Does that green mesh allow a lot of light through?
Yes it does but I use it to block the view from a nearby road..

is your avatar from attitude seedbank's photo contest? I was just going through those pics and saw that one like right before opening this thread. weird.
Hey odbsmydog, that's a pic I took of my greenhouse last year.


Well-Known Member
Check your PM..

Thanks for stopping by, I use a home made blend of super soil potting mix, compost from my local dump, chicken manure, blood meal, perlite and vermiculite, you can read where I posted amounts. Hopes this helps ya, been using this mix for about 8 years and it seems to work..

Thanks alot hodge ,, appreciate the leadership, peace,:peace:


Well-Known Member
Those girls look mighty good!

I've always been conservative with my nutes, preferring to grow a lot of smaller plants rather than try for all monsters. My space is somewhat limited, and I like to grow as many strains as possible.

Now I want to buy some acreage...


The weather seems to be perfect. All my girls are exploding with new growth.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Guys, Yeah it's nice having a little room to spread your wings so to say. Even if I didn't have the room, I would find a way to grow, it's just in my blood.
Weather has been 100 plus for 2 days and today was 98, plants are sucking up the water and it sure shows. Have to take some pic tomorrow so I'll try to post another update.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the thread name brotha. just pullin up a chair and scribed for another enormous outdoor grow this year. ill catch up later and be lurking. 8)


Well-Known Member
Not since the 80s, tried for 3 years then decided I liked my vacations during the winters. Ran 10 of the 1,000 watt metal halide behind a 20k diesel generator. This was so I could do one crop indoor,(soil medium) have starts for a light deprovation grow(clones) and have my girls ready to go in April (from seeds).
Never really got it down but did try. Check out the Medijuana strain from Amsterdam seed, have one growing now that believe would be good for indoor grows? Will get seeds from her this season and if your interested?


Well-Known Member
Hi there Hodge, You got some nice plants there. Real bushy.
This year I went outdoors for the first time. I built a green house in my yard, used smart pots with eight different strains and automated the watering/feeding.

Since Im not an outdoors guy I would like your opinion as to pruning. I figure I got about 6 weeks more of veg as we just went through our summer solstice and I am running out of height. The plant I am concerned with is the Blue Cheese in the back corner. She is about 6 foot tall now and my max is eight feet. The plant in front of her was topped when it was small thats blue berry. I figure since it indica I will just bend her. and I think I will be ok with the rest of them.

If I top or maybe super crop her, Do I have enough time for her to recover?

Heres a vid from a few days ago:​

