12/12 cfl First Grow ever!


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm starting to think the seeds too. I got 10 skunk 44's from seedsman and they all germ'd great I messed those up myself. Hey I don't mind the posts guys, but we could start new journal if you want or just keep posting here. I like hearing about your grows and please add pics.


Active Member
You've seen my current pics.. I'll have more on Sunday probably. Man I'm not used to seeing the names of some of these strains lol, I usually hang out at another forum..or 2 lol. Is that Skunk 44 a Top 44 x Skunk#1?


Well-Known Member
Warped yes it is a top44xskunk#1 suppose to be done flowering after 44 days. I think that is like tomorrow. Yeah I read about the sand paper thing I think that just might help. They will crack eventually it just takes awhile.


Well-Known Member
Well today is day 44 and I think I have at least two weeks left. It says under ideal conditions it can be ready in 44 days. Those damn disclaimers. Lol! I read someone's top 44 journal and they finished theirs in 54 days. I might push mine to 58 or 60 days. I want to give another full feed before I start flushing. What do you think. I'll post some pics later today or tomorrow.


Active Member
I think you're probably right to let them go a little longer. I think the finish times breeders give are more or less a ballpark amount of time, and like you said..under ideal conditions. How are your trichs looking? I need to peek at mine today, I might feed another week myself depending on how things look


Active Member
the lady and her many bud sites... thinkin 3 maybe 2 weeks... but i think id rather do 3 maybe 4... eh ill let her decide...



Active Member
You're ahead of me by a week I'd guess. It's going to be close, but I bet you harvest a few days before I do. Nice pics jaag


Well-Known Member
Nice buds Jaag. You are killing that Aero. Was it hard to do as a first grow? I can't believe how many people on here are first growers and are killing these grows. By killing I mean doing great. Lol.


Active Member
I too am a new grower. For the most part I'd say it was pretty easy. I've been through a bunch of problems and read forums when I had questions. Problems include, cloning(aero cloner), hermi trait with Durban poison(Quarantined them, cut off bananas when I see them, don't clone any more of them), Powder mold on my trainwreck(skim milk and water sprayed on foliage). I figured out which strain I liked best, so next is production. To see how fast I could run a plant through, I did a party cup plant. This plant was cut from mother plant to harvest in 57 days. 7 in cloner, 3 in veg., 47 flowering. The strain is Afghani Bullrider and has a 45 day flowering time. This is j+..maybe these hempy buckets Im hearing about. Good luck with your grow. Im giving rep+ for starting a great hobby. 1-2-12 AB done and TW and party cup 022.jpg


Active Member
Howdy aftershock, I'm actually thinking about doing a 12/12 from seed hempy run next time, using beer cups. I might even throw in a clear container while I'm at it. We'll see if it really hurts anything. I have a bunch of old bagseeds I want to use.


Active Member
aero was def a lot harder than i thought... biggest problem is that my res is a rubbermaid container... it has 8 holes for plants but there is now way i could grow 8 mature plants in that thing lol... plus i had some root rot issues w/ res temps... pain in my ass... so def going hempy buckets this time around... and thinking of using the aero system as a cloner/sprayer... and aftershock do you know the average yeild on the afghani bullrider strain?


Well-Known Member
I have new pics I haven't been able to get to my computer today. I finally got one of me juicy fruit seeds cracked enough to put into soil. So I will see what I get out of that in a couple of days.


Well-Known Member
Thanks after shock for the pics those are some nice plants. Thanks for the rep too bud. Drop in any time.

I too am a new grower. For the most part I'd say it was pretty easy. I've been through a bunch of problems and read forums when I had questions. Problems include, cloning(aero cloner), hermi trait with Durban poison(Quarantined them, cut off bananas when I see them, don't clone any more of them), Powder mold on my trainwreck(skim milk and water sprayed on foliage). I figured out which strain I liked best, so next is production. To see how fast I could run a plant through, I did a party cup plant. This plant was cut from mother plant to harvest in 57 days. 7 in cloner, 3 in veg., 47 flowering. The strain is Afghani Bullrider and has a 45 day flowering time. This is j+..maybe these hempy buckets Im hearing about. Good luck with your grow. Im giving rep+ for starting a great hobby. View attachment 1998602


Well-Known Member
So finally here are a few update shots of the girls. It is day 45 flowering for my big girl and day 38 for the little one. I also watered both today with full nutes and root thrive. I have a new seed started in soil today and it will be on 18/6 for a week, then 17/7 for a week, then 16/8 for a week, then 15/9 for a week etc, etc, etc. All the way down to 12/12. thats 6 weeks of veg. I hope the plant doesn't get to big for my little grow space.

100_0859.jpgTLiphoneflowerpix 009 (2).jpg


Well-Known Member
12/12 is a nice little way to grow. I bet using the hempy will really work out great. I can't wait to try it myself. Nice experiment there Warped will be looking forward to the results.

Howdy aftershock, I'm actually thinking about doing a 12/12 from seed hempy run next time, using beer cups. I might even throw in a clear container while I'm at it. We'll see if it really hurts anything. I have a bunch of old bagseeds I want to use.