12/12 from sprout...


New Member
it is extremley common no efect on potencey and of course your yield will be smaller as the plants will be smaller, however you counteract this by having space for more plants, it is VERY common for growers to go 12/12 from seedling, and 12/12 from seed... the best way I have seen is to put small clones str8 into flower no veg time......

Do you hear yourself, the best way to do 12/12 from seed is to do 12/12 from clones??? Damn right it is, thats because the clone comes from a mature plant and keeps it mothers age. I rooted clone is far different from a seed. And i don't give a fuck what international canna anybody says a plant grown 12/12 from seed will not reach it's full potential as it is not allowed to fully mature. I'm sure you can grow great weed that way, but do you honestly think it's as good as it could have been if it was fully mature.



Well-Known Member
Strange how all the new guys have started a hydro hating club.Personally i like a plant which has vegged for 2 months and flowers for 2 months.way more yield and a better potency.If ya dont have patience youll end up wanting.Truthfully yall caught me on a drinking night and i only do that every 6 months.So if thats pissed ya off ya wont see it again for 6 more months.If ya want to keep the grudge thats cool too ill just ignore the people who made the posts!!!!PEACE
LOL, that's cool, most everyone has one of those once in a while. It seems funny as hell when you type it then when you look back at it the next day-whoa.

Not a hydro hater here, tried it with a small setup and quickly found that you really need a setup with a decent sized tank to keep PH and nutes ballanced. I had this little homemade setup with a 3-gallon tank from a rubbermaid tote and it was a daily challenge to keep the PH right so I ditched it and went to soil. If I had the space time and $$ for it I would love to try it out for real some day...


Active Member
I was trying to be sarcastic, but it doesn't come across well in the forum sometimes...

I'll bet you get some nice plants with the year-round consistent conditions near the equator:peace:

living and growing near the equator we got some of the best plants ever produced in the country, personally i favour the 12/12 cycle i have tried other cycles with growing rooms but the yield is never anywhere near as good as a yield that is grown on a 12/12 cycle outdoors, well thats what i have personally found anyway, my plants when it comes time to harvest they stand over 6 foot tall and anywhere from 3 to foot wide and can get anywhere upto 4 pound off a single plant, 6 pound if ya feed it fertilizers all the time


Active Member
So about this whole mother clone age maturity thing... So a older mother (or rather more mature) is a damn good way to go. How big should the mother be and such, and how do you for sure tell maturity in veg? Sorry if its on here, but the topic came up here and by the time i find an answer for my question i'll forget what my question was...


Well-Known Member
Im currently doing a 12/12 from srouts at 3 days. Its moving along nice- will i get the same yeild if i did a 4 week veg...no. But i'm not commercial grower- i'm a med grower, so any decient yeild is good with me. I only go throught maybe a oz a month, so as you cn see i'm not a huge smoker. As far as potency goes, from all i've read, and trust me i research everything, potency is NOT effected, only yeild. Look at my journal if ya want, i'm at week 6-7 or so, the buds look nice and i expect it to be a decient yeild when done. The plants are 2 afghan kush and 3 nevelles haze x sour NL ...we'll see, but i kinda like this style, but thats just my opinion



Well-Known Member
Do you hear yourself, the best way to do 12/12 from seed is to do 12/12 from clones??? Damn right it is, thats because the clone comes from a mature plant and keeps it mothers age. I rooted clone is far different from a seed. And i don't give a fuck what international canna anybody says a plant grown 12/12 from seed will not reach it's full potential as it is not allowed to fully mature. I'm sure you can grow great weed that way, but do you honestly think it's as good as it could have been if it was fully mature.

thats not what I said, so what is the point of your quote and message?? perhaps you should step away from the blunt for a while... or maybe my point went over your head.... the best way I have seen to implement an early 12/12 is to take a clone and put it str8 in flower with no veg time... that being said you CAN accomplish gr8 results going 12/12 from seed... i have done both so I am not speaking from something I have read but from my own experience


Well-Known Member
I've got very liimited space and nowhere to keep a clone.

So what about growing 12/12 from seed until you can sex them, remove the males and return to 24 hour cycle.

Is this possible? How long would it take to revert to vegitative stage?


Well-Known Member
I've got very liimited space and nowhere to keep a clone.

So what about growing 12/12 from seed until you can sex them, remove the males and return to 24 hour cycle.

Is this possible? How long would it take to revert to vegitative stage?
It's possible, but it causes stress. If you have a good strong strain, then it will just stop growing for a while, then take off and veg like a champ. Otherwise, it could hermaphrodite on you or just turn out stressed and weak. Genetics play a big part here...


Well-Known Member
I have grown stuff with 12/12 immediately before,its just smaller.
Theres definitely no noticable loss of potency.
I will post a pic of one of mine in a minute.
I don't do it anymore as i want better yields but if you only have very limited space it works just fine:blsmoke:


Active Member
My friend takes his clones straight from rooting (as soon as the roots break the edge of the propagation cube) and puts them right into his roto grow. They grow while they veg. No noticeable potency issues. Great way to speed along the cycle. Use more plants if you want more weight. Plenty of cloning though....


Active Member
In the omega garden or roto grow. There is no spacing between the plants as they don't grow all that tall. Under 12-18" at the tallest (with the straight from root method) Just all large thick stems and little monsters with all bud. Very nice, but pricey.


Well-Known Member
ive been growing 12/12 from seed and i love it for the small area im growing in, my buddy whos got a bigger room has done 12/12 from clone before when he was flowering... and it works so well for people

i got 2 really nice 16 inch plants that seem to be getting taller... hopefully to 2 feet

but there are SO many people out there who have no idea about it... check out the journals of people actually doing it (like mine) rather then listening to people who are talking shit


Well-Known Member
I agree with monkee- i'm also currently doing a 12/12- look at it and decide for yourself- some people just bash for the sake of bashing- do whatever suits you ...thats how i see it



Well-Known Member
The only real factor with 12/12 from seed is the smaller yield on the plant.
You also have to be aware that some strains may not respond well to it.
I haven't encountered any problem strains yet but it is possible that some strains wont like it.

I would have thought that if any strain did have a problem with it would be the pure landrace sativas and i can see that your yields from this kind of strain would be rubbish,probably.
Ive only ever done it with mainly indica hybrids so bear that in mind also.

Nice fat short indicas respond the best:blsmoke:


Active Member
So i can pack em in there tightly as i want?! Im worried about this. Im going to have a 4.5 ft by 2ft room with a 270 Son Agro on a cool tube... how many plants should i have?