12 Reasons You May Never Want To Eat Turkey Again

Looking at historical diets you're going to be hard pressed to convince we don't eat too much meat. Its in literally every meal.
But yeah obesity is a mufti-faceted bitch, but excess meat def plays a part. Mostly because people aren't just eatingw a lean chicken breast. That breast is deepfried, smothered in cheese, and served on a sugar laden bun.

Exactly.. so, IMO, it's not so much the meat, but rather the fat fat that its fried in, or the bun as god knows white bread is about one of the most fattening foods there is.. and cheese?? Cheese is right up there with white bread for being fattening ..
Why is.it.all the shit that tastes oh so good is the stuff that's the worst for you ? :(
I dunno besides someone upstairs liking to tempt us. Why are the funnest drugs sometimes the worst for you? Why are dirty women so much more fun than uptight ones? Mysteries of life.
Cows are classified as a ruminant and ruminants are not accustomed to eating high-starch foods like corn, which upsets their digestive system. Cattle create a lot of gas, which they usually expel, but when their diet is high in starch and low in roughage, it forms a layer of foamy slime in their stomach called the rumen.
This slime can trap the gas, causing the rumen to balloons out and press against the animal’s lungs. Unless you act quickly and relieve the pressure (usually by ramming a hose down the animal’s throat), the cattle will suffocate.
A corn diet can also generate acidosis. Unlike the highly acidic stomachs of humans, cattle’s stomachs are normally a neutral PH. Due to is acidic nature, corn turns their stomach unnaturally acidic. Acidotic animals tend to have diarrhea, ulcers, bloat, liver disease and a general weakening of the immune system.
Another terrible fact is that cattle cannot stay in a feed lot for more than six months, because a sustained maize diet will lead to fatal liver failure. As the acids corrode their stomach lining, bacteria enters the bloodstream and collects in the liver. Here is where the use of antibiotics comes into play. Antibiotics are given to reduce gas and prevent liver infection. However, the overuse of antibiotics in the feed lots means bacteria become resistant to them. This can be a real problem, leading to new, disease-resistant strains called super-bugs.
I find your facts quite suspect:confused:
Only time I like sushi is at those rotating sushi bars and that's just because it feels cool.

I've never actually been to one, but I imagine it feels cool
I dunno besides someone upstairs liking to tempt us. Why are the funnest drugs sometimes the worst for you? Why are dirty women so much more fun than uptight ones? Mysteries of life.

Something to do with that whole yin and yang thing I suppose.
but theyre the ones shoving stuffing up someones asshole and baking bread in it. ass bread.

Mmmmmmm..... Ass bread. God I can't wait until Thanksgiving.

You made some valid points until now. I raise beef cows they eat grass then finish on corn which they think is candy. I don't give them "pills" nor does any other feeder operation give pills. They don't get upset tummies. Don't think corn is natural to them, just let a few strays get into a corn field and see what happens.

exactly the way my friend raises his. Grass,hay and he has been planting beets and other things to allow them to graze on too. Corn is expensive, and people around here pay more for primarily grazed animals. It just takes a little longer to fatten them up..
Just had some breakfast for dinner... the best kind of dinner,
And yes bacon was on the menu

We call that Brinner around here. The Wife and I love having brinner, when I was a kid pancakes for dinner was usually once a week at my grams house. She warmed the plates and the syrup. The real stuff too, when I was a teenager we made our own syrup. It was so good.
Exactly.. so, IMO, it's not so much the meat, but rather the fat fat that its fried in, or the bun as god knows white bread is about one of the most fattening foods there is.. and cheese?? Cheese is right up there with white bread for being fattening ..
Why is.it.all the shit that tastes oh so good is the stuff that's the worst for you ? :(

It's both of them, but the meat itself is definitely bad for you. Don't get me wrong, does it have some nutrition plus a lot of protein? Sure, but again, the trade-off is not worth it. Also, i see a lot of people acting like because we ate meat X amount of years ago, that means we're designed to and it's good for us. Nothing could be further from the truth. Most people were just taught at a young age that they needed to drink milk for calcium (cow's milk actually causes osteoporosis due to its acidity) and meat for protein. The truth is, people eat wayyyyyy too much protein, and that's part of why people are so diseased.
i only have a bit before work so ill touch bais on some comments.

while im unbiased in the subject of what made us evolve i think these are some interesting reports
and because i know you well i think you would like to enjoy reading them

youre comparing apples to oranges to make a point
we all know lions and alligators are OBLIGATORY carnivores, it shows in their teeth, agility we are not obligatory carnivores.

while were on the subject there are many vegan athletes
like torree washington

yeah thats one malnutrition squishy body
and third i pose any the question

if youre so sure youre a true carnivore.
please do 2 things

1. go outside and find the nearest squirrel catch that squirrel WITHOUT any man made objects just your bare hands and 2 feet alone.
once you catch it. kill it and eat it like a true carnivore would YOU CANNOT cook it
you must eat the entire squirrel like a true carnivore would ass, noses, fur, brain everything

2. place a baby in a pen with an apple and a bunny rabbit if the child kills the bunny and plays with the apple

you win if you succeed in both of this i will eat a fucking steak dinner infront of you on live webcam bloody fucking rare

and i bet you . i wont have to. because we are not true obligatory carnivores

animals are actually very smart please do some research.

and as for the religious bit while i mostly follow a buddhist religion style

whats some things in bible
THOU SHALL NOT KILL im sorry i misread where it said unless your a human and you want dinner

You added malnourished to squishy to counter your point. If Mr protein drink stops the daily work out you`ll see what I meant. Man is tropical omnivore. (I could not live in Boston without fire or closes)
You also state that I claim true carnivore when I say omnivore.

Gathering in the tropics is quite difficult if you must survive that way because we certainly aren`t built for digging or climbing.

I could catch and eat the squirrel, but only shark babies are capable of killing and feeding themselves. Does the baby have it`s teeth yet ? How old is it ? Why would the parents stop caring for it so soon ?

Thou Shall not kill ??? That was COMMANDED for man not to kill man, Vegies are killed first too. Once you pull up that carrot or potato, you killed it !i Life is life and has a right to live ....Right ?
..........snip...... at my grams house. She warmed the plates and the syrup. The real stuff too, when I was a teenager we made our own syrup. It was so good.

OMG I'm so old. When I make pancakes I warm the plates and the syrup. I also don't (I'd strikethrough that and make it can't but I can't), use a microwave to cook.... Just call me gramma, Kinetic!

But to get us all in the mood, the butt bread tasting service:

Butt bread (oh yeah and that is MY stuffing recipe from scratch) seriously stuffing is what you are throwing OUT of the fridge folks.... not what you buy in a bag/box, lord have mercy. Back when I was stuffing rolls of TVP (that you had to make your fucking self because we did not have ToFurkey), it would have been my home made bread too. But my impact mill sits mostly silent these days..... sigh....

Also don't like or use a microwave. Instead.....I welcomed my son & daughter to the amazing & alternative world of fire & convection waves. I also warm the syrup & melt the butter in a sauce pan. I assured them & I like that they realize they aren't going to die of starvation in the duration of a few more seconds that it takes. Now if I could only manage a more healthy syrup & butter.......butt it's so fricken goooooood! It's flowing through my veins as I text. At least I hope!
Is there any hard science to back up the claim that even a small amount of meat is bad for you? I eat meat frequently, I'm in perfect health, great cholesterol, low body fat %, active, energetic, etc. It just seems so extreme to say eating meat in moderation is terrible for your health.