i only have a bit before work so ill touch bais on some comments.
I do. I think we are evolved to eat meat.
A thing I noticed about the OP was that not one of the points impugned the nutrition or wholesomeness of turkey.
while im unbiased in the subject of what made us evolve i think these are some interesting reports
and because i know you well i think you would like to enjoy reading them
Most animals start to eat their food while it is still alive and suffering. The world is 90% water and that aint gonna change anytime soon. The human body is designed to eat both vegetation and organic life. Mother Nature knows that if you don`t thin the herds, they will all die. God knows that if people overpopulate the world, they will all die. Nature has always made a comeback from total annihilation, people will never comeback from it.
Next time you see an alligator grazing in the fields, or a mountain lion eating a cantaloupe instead of an antelope, or a shark eating a head of lettuce .....get back to me about food consumption.
You will never get a hard body off vegetation alone. You might look good, but you`ll be squishy !i
youre comparing apples to oranges to make a point
we all know lions and alligators are OBLIGATORY carnivores, it shows in their teeth, agility we are not obligatory carnivores.
while were on the subject there are many vegan athletes
like torree washington
yeah thats one malnutrition squishy body
and third i pose any the question
if youre so sure youre a true carnivore.
please do 2 things
1. go outside and find the nearest squirrel catch that squirrel WITHOUT any man made objects just your bare hands and 2 feet alone.
once you catch it. kill it and eat it like a true carnivore would YOU CANNOT cook it
you must eat the entire squirrel like a true carnivore would ass, noses, fur, brain everything
2. place a baby in a pen with an apple and a bunny rabbit if the child kills the bunny and plays with the apple
you win if you succeed in both of this i will eat a fucking steak dinner infront of you on live webcam bloody fucking rare
and i bet you . i wont have to. because we are not true obligatory carnivores
I can add 8 and 7 then subtract 3 and divide that by 2, an animal cannot.
Factory farming is an indication of over population. On our way out.
Ever notice that most, not all, most vegans don`t have faith ?
animals are actually very smart please do some research.
and as for the religious bit while i mostly follow a buddhist religion style
whats some things in bible
THOU SHALL NOT KILL im sorry i misread where it said unless your a human and you want dinner