12 Reasons You May Never Want To Eat Turkey Again

There's insects that raise other insects. I'll have to look for an article because I can't really remember any other details. Fortunately that's enough to look it up.

The truly impressive ag collectives are by leafcutter ants. They harvest leaves but don't eat'em. hey raise a specialist fungus on'em that grows nowhere else (young queens take some starter with them) and that fungus serves most (could be all but now I'm not sure) of the ant colony's nutritional needs. Leafcutter superorganisms have millions of members; they're simply huge.

Many other ants do the ranching thing with aphids - they protecte them, milk them for honeydew and, when they find greener pastures they round'em up aand moooove'm out.

The truly impressive ag collectives are by leafcutter ants. They harvest leaves but don't eat'em. hey raise a specialist fungus on'em that grows nowhere else (young queens take some starter with them) and that fungus serves most (could be all but now I'm not sure) of the ant colony's nutritional needs. Leafcutter superorganisms have millions of members; they're simply huge.

Many other ants do the ranching thing with aphids - they protecte them, milk them for honeydew and, when they find greener pastures they round'em up aand moooove'm out.

Ahh, that's what I was thinking of. Said mushrooms for some reason. I bet they get high from it.

There's a cool documentary from earlier this year called "planet ant"
i only have a bit before work so ill touch bais on some comments.

I do. I think we are evolved to eat meat.

A thing I noticed about the OP was that not one of the points impugned the nutrition or wholesomeness of turkey.

while im unbiased in the subject of what made us evolve i think these are some interesting reports
and because i know you well i think you would like to enjoy reading them

Most animals start to eat their food while it is still alive and suffering. The world is 90% water and that aint gonna change anytime soon. The human body is designed to eat both vegetation and organic life. Mother Nature knows that if you don`t thin the herds, they will all die. God knows that if people overpopulate the world, they will all die. Nature has always made a comeback from total annihilation, people will never comeback from it.

Next time you see an alligator grazing in the fields, or a mountain lion eating a cantaloupe instead of an antelope, or a shark eating a head of lettuce .....get back to me about food consumption.

You will never get a hard body off vegetation alone. You might look good, but you`ll be squishy !i

youre comparing apples to oranges to make a point
we all know lions and alligators are OBLIGATORY carnivores, it shows in their teeth, agility we are not obligatory carnivores.

while were on the subject there are many vegan athletes
like torree washington

yeah thats one malnutrition squishy body
and third i pose any the question

if youre so sure youre a true carnivore.
please do 2 things

1. go outside and find the nearest squirrel catch that squirrel WITHOUT any man made objects just your bare hands and 2 feet alone.
once you catch it. kill it and eat it like a true carnivore would YOU CANNOT cook it
you must eat the entire squirrel like a true carnivore would ass, noses, fur, brain everything

2. place a baby in a pen with an apple and a bunny rabbit if the child kills the bunny and plays with the apple

you win if you succeed in both of this i will eat a fucking steak dinner infront of you on live webcam bloody fucking rare

and i bet you . i wont have to. because we are not true obligatory carnivores

I can add 8 and 7 then subtract 3 and divide that by 2, an animal cannot.

Factory farming is an indication of over population. On our way out.

Ever notice that most, not all, most vegans don`t have faith ?

animals are actually very smart please do some research.

and as for the religious bit while i mostly follow a buddhist religion style

whats some things in bible
THOU SHALL NOT KILL im sorry i misread where it said unless your a human and you want dinner
nothing is effectiant about factory farming, most of our methane gas comes from out factory farmed animals, our water supply and the food they eat , is not completely inedibly . also the food they eat isnt even something theyre supposed to be eating, cows and corn? no cows and grass? yes. but they dont eat grass,

so what they do since corn and wheat effect their stomachs is give them pills to stay alive enough to get fat enough,
and than you ingest that in your body.

not very healthy
You made some valid points until now. I raise beef cows they eat grass then finish on corn which they think is candy. I don't give them "pills" nor does any other feeder operation give pills. They don't get upset tummies. Don't think corn is natural to them, just let a few strays get into a corn field and see what happens.
4. Turkeys are Sexually Molested And Abused

"To collect the semen, workers known as “milkers” restrain male turkeys and forcibly masturbate them until they ejaculate."
You made some valid points until now. I raise beef cows they eat grass then finish on corn which they think is candy. I don't give them "pills" nor does any other feeder operation give pills. They don't get upset tummies. Don't think corn is natural to them, just let a few strays get into a corn field and see what happens.

Cows are classified as a ruminant and ruminants are not accustomed to eating high-starch foods like corn, which upsets their digestive system. Cattle create a lot of gas, which they usually expel, but when their diet is high in starch and low in roughage, it forms a layer of foamy slime in their stomach called the rumen.
This slime can trap the gas, causing the rumen to balloons out and press against the animal’s lungs. Unless you act quickly and relieve the pressure (usually by ramming a hose down the animal’s throat), the cattle will suffocate.
A corn diet can also generate acidosis. Unlike the highly acidic stomachs of humans, cattle’s stomachs are normally a neutral PH. Due to is acidic nature, corn turns their stomach unnaturally acidic. Acidotic animals tend to have diarrhea, ulcers, bloat, liver disease and a general weakening of the immune system.
Another terrible fact is that cattle cannot stay in a feed lot for more than six months, because a sustained maize diet will lead to fatal liver failure. As the acids corrode their stomach lining, bacteria enters the bloodstream and collects in the liver. Here is where the use of antibiotics comes into play. Antibiotics are given to reduce gas and prevent liver infection. However, the overuse of antibiotics in the feed lots means bacteria become resistant to them. This can be a real problem, leading to new, disease-resistant strains called super-bugs.
had no idea turkeys were so friendly.

gonna have to get me a few turkeys when i've got more real estate.
4. Turkeys are Sexually Molested And Abused

"To collect the semen, workers known as “milkers” restrain male turkeys and forcibly masturbate them until they ejaculate."

So what's this job pay?...damn:

Lol jacking off a turkey, do you need any prior experience to land a job like that . Imagine the job interview" yes sir i can jack your turkys off real good ,i was involved in a gangbang prison rape once so i think im the right guy for the job".
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Cows are classified as a ruminant and ruminants are not accustomed to eating high-starch foods like corn, which upsets their digestive system. Cattle create a lot of gas, which they usually expel, but when their diet is high in starch and low in roughage, it forms a layer of foamy slime in their stomach called the rumen.
This slime can trap the gas, causing the rumen to balloons out and press against the animal’s lungs. Unless you act quickly and relieve the pressure (usually by ramming a hose down the animal’s throat), the cattle will suffocate.
A corn diet can also generate acidosis. Unlike the highly acidic stomachs of humans, cattle’s stomachs are normally a neutral PH. Due to is acidic nature, corn turns their stomach unnaturally acidic. Acidotic animals tend to have diarrhea, ulcers, bloat, liver disease and a general weakening of the immune system.
Another terrible fact is that cattle cannot stay in a feed lot for more than six months, because a sustained maize diet will lead to fatal liver failure. As the acids corrode their stomach lining, bacteria enters the bloodstream and collects in the liver. Here is where the use of antibiotics comes into play. Antibiotics are given to reduce gas and prevent liver infection. However, the overuse of antibiotics in the feed lots means bacteria become resistant to them. This can be a real problem, leading to new, disease-resistant strains called super-bugs.

So lets go back and discuss the grains they are being fed and the processes that are used to grow them.
This is what you are advocating for, people to eat grains. However the grains you are eating are also introducing poisons to your system.

I have a feeling that whether the animal was raised free range, hunted or raised in a feed lot there would be an issue because some people look at animals as pets or find it wrong to eat meat.

People who are vegans should be shouting about keeping "their" food safe to consume and seek sustainable practices to produce crops rather than
telling people who eat meat why they shouldn't.

Animals are mostly fed grains that are not of high enough quality for human consumption unless they are raised free range, in which time they may still
be eating grains that are growing and are still susceptible to common ag techniques and growing styles.
Lol jacking off a turkey, do you need any prior experience to land a job like that . Imagine the job interview" yes sir i can jack your turkys off real good ,i was involved in a gangbang prison rape once so i think im the right guy for the job".

Reminded me of this joke:

For those easily offended by southern humor, I apologize in advance:

A small zoo in Arkansas(figure I'm safe here)obtained a very rare species of gorilla. Within a few weeks the gorilla, a female, became very difficult to handle. Upon examination, the veterinarian determined the problem. The gorilla was in heat. To make matters worse, there was no male gorilla available. Thinking about their problem, the Zoo Keeper thought of Bobby Lee Walton, a part-time worker responsible for cleaning the animal cages. Bobby Lee had little sense, but possessed ample ability to satisfy a female of any species. The Zoo Keeper thought they might have a solution. Bobby Lee was approached with a proposition. Would he be willing to mate with the gorilla for $500.00? Bobby Lee showed some interest, but said he would have to think the matter over carefully. The following day, he announced that he would accept their offer, but only under four conditions

1. "First," Bobby Lee said, "I ain't gonna kiss her on the lips." The Keeper quickly agreed to this condition.

2. "Second," he said, "You can't never tell no one about this." The Keeper again readily agreed to this condition.

3. "Third," Bobby Lee said, "I want all the children raised Southern Baptist." Once again it was agreed.

4. And last, Bobby Lee said "I'll need another week to come up with the $500.00
I do. I think we are evolved to eat meat.

A thing I noticed about the OP was that not one of the points impugned the nutrition or wholesomeness of turkey.

Where is your evidence that backs this up? That garbage hypothesis which claims eating meat led to a bigger brain which is based purely on speculation? Why would we evolve to eat something that causes a myriad of health issues?
So lets go back and discuss the grains they are being fed and the processes that are used to grow them.
This is what you are advocating for, people to eat grains. However the grains you are eating are also introducing poisons to your system.

I have a feeling that whether the animal was raised free range, hunted or raised in a feed lot there would be an issue because some people look at animals as pets or find it wrong to eat meat.

People who are vegans should be shouting about keeping "their" food safe to consume and seek sustainable practices to produce crops rather than
telling people who eat meat why they shouldn't.

Animals are mostly fed grains that are not of high enough quality for human consumption unless they are raised free range, in which time they may still
be eating grains that are growing and are still susceptible to common ag techniques and growing styles.

Eating grains can cause autoimmune diseases, neurological diseases, and significant digestive complications. Many children with ADHD or autism see huge improvements if not completely cured when they eliminate grains from their diet.
How do people with allergies to insulin survive? I'm sure you have a solution to this one. Can you even explain to me genetically why the propensity for this is even in our epigenome? How about Diabetes Mellitus (not type II), explain it's inclusion in our genome?

I despair..... jt PLEASE leave these topics to sunni and other less zealous proponents of vegetarian/veganism. You simply hurt the case and we need reason and rationale discourse, not hysterical lies to convince people to consider other avenues.

What did I lie about? Are you saying people with insulin allergies require meat to survive? Surely you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
we are not obligatory carnivores.

No, we are not.

We are omnivores.

This is why human beings can not only live, but THRIVE, in most any environment on the planet. From the Innuit in the great white north, to the Bedouin in the deserts of Africa and Asia, we have survived as a species by consuming what is available, regardless of whether or not it had legs, eyes, flowers, gills, or leaves.

"Specialization" tends to be limiting, if not lethal, in that environmental changes can prove to be catastrophic for any species that NEEDS, or "specializes", in any given food source. This has been proven time, and time again throughout history in a wide range of species.

Omnivores, like bears, ravens, and HUMAN BEINGS, however, avoid this potentially catastrophic trap by dining on pretty much anything and everything. Plants, animals, insects, fish, hell, even dead humans. If it has protein, fats, and nutrients, the omnivore will eat it in order to survive, and so will I, and so will most of us...
Hopefully you know how to check a raccoon for worms. They are the kind that can migrate to your brain.


Thanks for looking out, this was indeed a country coon and a young one too so very tender and delicious!

Yes indeed I have found a coon or two with intestinal worms, you figure that out as soon as you pull the gut pile and you got a ton of spaghetti burrowed into the organs!

That meat gets burned in the brush piles...

Also everyone it is bigger than factory farming vs industrialized monocropping agribusiness!

Rice was only considered a staple once human civilization became too great to rely solely on hunter gathering!!!

After all do we not realize this was the downfall of the Mayan empire?? their reliance on mono cropping maze and expanding too big and unable to meet a growing civilizations hunger pains....

This has fucking nothing to do with vegainism and vegetarianism as both are merely products of a capitalist and patriarchal society.

Follow the history of industrialized agriculture and you will see the trends from the 40's on where our parents and their parents were raised on wonder bread and potatoes, empty carbs for poor people.

An fucking SOY is poison unless you ferment it first so you can actually digest it and absorb the little nutrients it contains!

Sounds an awful lot like what they do to feed lot cattle so they can actually bulk up on food not meant to be eaten by them...
There is no doubt that humans ate meat in history, however can anyone really stomach the idea of killing an animal and just eating it right there? Humans have taste buds that focus on a few things, like sweet, sour, bitter, but I don't think we can taste 'amino acids' like meat that real carnivores have, like a cat. Would anyone here eat just a raw animal? I'm sure some would as a bet but its pretty nasty.